There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
2426. Morrison, Bruce; Don Cruikshank; David Gardner; Jeff James; Ken Keobke (Eds.). (1999). Information technology and multimedia in English language teaching: Selected papers from the ITMELT '99 Conference, 6th and 7th November, 1999. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, English Language Centre.
Keywords: technology, computer, information technology, ESL, multimedia
2427. Morrow, Lesley Mandel (Ed.). (1995). Family literacy: Connections in schools and communities. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Keywords: literacy, family, school, community
2428. Morrow, Lesley Mandel; Diane H. Tracey; Caterina Mercone Maxwell (Eds.). (1995). A survey of family literacy in the United States. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Keywords: literacy, family, history, USA, bibliography
2429. Morson, Gary Saul (Ed.). (1986). Bakhtin, essays and dialogues on his work. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Keywords: Bakhtin, language
2430. Morsy, Zaghloul (Ed.). (1983). The challenge of illiteracy: From reflection to action. New York: Garland.
Keywords: literacy, decline, change, guidelines, illiteracy
2431. Mortensen, Peter; Gesela Kirsch (Eds.). (1996). Ethics and representation in qualitative studies of literacy. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 400 543].
Keywords: ethical, representation, literacy, ethnographic, research-method, ethics, qualitative, representation
2432. Morton, Donald; Mas'ud Zavarzadeh (Eds.). (1991). Theory/pedagogy/politics: Texts for change. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Keywords: text-analysis, critique, change, pedagogy
2433. Mosenthal, Peter; Lynne Tamor; Sean A. Walmsley (Eds.). (1983). Research on writing: Principles and methods. New York: Longman [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 229 766].
Keywords: research-method, principle
2434. Moser, Susanne C.; Lisa Dilling (Eds.). (2007). Creating a climate for change: Communicating climate change and facilitating social change. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: crisis, social action, communication, public, environmental, climate change, persuasive, social
2435. Moss, Beverly J. (Ed.). (1994). Literacy across communities. Cresskill NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: literacy, community, contextual
2436. Moss, Beverly J.; Nels Pearson Highberg; Melissa Nicolas (Eds.). (2004). Writing groups inside and outside the classroom. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: group, collaboration, co-authoring, in-class, extracurricular
2437. Moss, Jean Dietz (Ed.). (1986). Rhetoric and praxis: The contribution of classical rhetoric to practical reasoning (Papers presented at a conference held October 6-8, 1983 at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.). Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
Keywords: practical reasoning, influence, classical-rhetoric, praxis, rhetoric, phronesis
2438. Moxley, Joseph Michael (Ed.). (1989). Creative writing in America: Theory and pedagogy. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 310 417].
Keywords: creative-writing, pedagogy, theory, teacher-as-writer, pedagogy
2439. Moxley, Joseph Michael (Ed.). (1992). Writing and publishing for academic authors. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: publishing, teacher-as-writer, faculty-authorship, academic
2440. Moxley, Joseph Michael; Todd W. Taylor (Eds.). (1997). Writing and publishing for academic authors. 2nd edition [largely reprints from 1992 edition]. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Keywords: publishing, teacher-as-writer, faculty-authorship, academic
2441. Moyano, Estela Inés, & Vidal Lizama, Margarita (Eds.).. (2023).
Centros y Programas de Escritura en América Latina: Opciones Teóricas y Pedagógicas para la Enseñanza de la Escritura Disciplinar. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
2442. Mudimbe, V. Y. (Ed.). (1997). Nations, identities, cultures. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Keywords: discourse, cultural, national, identity
2443. Mudimbe, V. Y. (Ed.). (1995). Nations, identities, cultures [special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly 94.4]. Durham, NC: South Atlantic Quarterly.
Keywords: discourse, cultural, national, identity
2444. Muffoletto, Robert (Ed.). (2001). Education and technology: Critical and reflective practices. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: technology, education, critique
2445. Muffoletto, Robert; Julie Horton (Eds.). (2007). Multicultural education, the internet, and the new media. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, multicultural, multimedia, internet, digital, computer
2446. Mulcrone, Patricia (Ed.). (1993). Current perspectives on administration of adult education programs (New directions for adult and continuing education, No. 60). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: adult-ed, program, administration
2447. Mullin, Joan A.; Ray Wallace (Eds.). (1994). Intersections: Theory-practice in the writing center. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 374 464].
Keywords: wcenter, theory, student-perspective, tutor-perspective, teacher-tutor
2448. Mulvihill, Robert (Ed.). (1986). Reflections on America, 1984: An Orwell symposium. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Keywords: Orwell, USA
2449. Munger, David (Ed.). (1999). The pocket reader [anthology of readings]. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
Keywords: readings
2450. Murphy, Christina; Byron Stay (Eds.). (2006). The writing center director's resource book. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: wcenter, WPA, administrating, resources
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