Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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1251. Freeman, Donald; Steve Cornwell (Eds.). (1993). New ways in teacher education. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, training
1252. French, Sidney J. (Ed.). (1954). Accent on teaching. New York: Harper and Brothers.
Keywords: pedagogy, syllabus
1253. French-Lazovik, Grace (Ed.). (1982). Practices that improve teaching evaluation (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 11). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: teacher-evaluation, pedagogy, retraining
1254. Freshman English Conference (Ed.). (1946). Report of Freshman English Conference : Syracuse University, June 10-14, 1946. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse university press.
Keywords: FYC
1255. Frey, Lawrence R. (Ed.). (2006). Facilitating group communication in context: Innovations and applications with natural groups. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: communication-studies, group, contextual, change, review-of-scholarship, applied
1256. Frey, Lawrence R.; Kevin M. Carragee (Eds.). (2007). Communication activism (Vol. 1): Communication for social change. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: communication-studies, activism, social, change, social
1257. Frey, Lawrence R.; Kevin M. Carragee (Eds.). (2007). Communication activism (Vol. 2): Media and performance activism. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: activism, communication-studies, media-studies, performative
1258. Friedman, Paul G.; Reva C. Jenkins-Friedman (Eds.). (1986). Fostering academic excellence through honors programs (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 25). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: honors, program-design, best-practices, excellence
1259. Friedman, Sharon M.; Sharon Dunwoody; Carol L. Rogers (Eds.). (1999). Communication uncertainty: Media coverage of new and controversial science. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: media, journalism, uncertainty, discourse-analysis, science-writing, popularization, controversy, novelty, coverage
1260. Fries, Peter H.; Michael Gregory (Eds.). (1995). Discourse in society: Systemic fuctional perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, social, systemic functional linguistics
1261. Frith, Uta (Ed.). (1980). Cognitive processes in spelling. London; New York: Academic Press.
Keywords: spelling, cognitive, process
1262. Froese, Victor (Ed.). (1988). Whole-language: Practice and theory. Vancourver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia, Department of Language Education.
Keywords: whole-language
1263. Froese, Victor (Ed.). (1994). Whole-language: Practice and theory. Second edition. Scarborough, Ontario, Canada: Allyn & Bacon Canada.
Keywords: whole-language, pedagogy, theory
1264. Frohlich, Romy; Christina Holtz-Bacha (Eds.). (2003). Journalism education in Europe and North America: An international comparison. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: journalism-school, journalism-course, curriculum, education, contrastive, USA-Europe, Finland, Spain, USA, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, France, Portugal, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Eurojournalism
1265. Frost, Alanna, Kiernan, Julia, & Blum-Malley, Suzanne (Eds.).. (2020). Translingual Dispositions: Globalized Approaches to the Teaching of Writing. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2020.0438
1266. Fry, Bernard M.; James Joseph Kortendick (Eds.). (1955). The production and use of technical reports; the proceedings of the Workshop on the Production and Use of Technical Reports conducted at the Catholic University of America from April 13 to April 18, 1953. Washington, D. C.: Catholic University of America Press.
Keywords: report-writing, techcom, technical-writing, workshopping, production, composing, data, technical-report
1267. Frye, Northrop (Ed.); Joint Committee of the Toronto Board of Education and the University of Toronto. (1962). Design for learning; reports. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Keywords: articulation, testing, washback, education, Canada, objective, school-college
1268. Fryer, T. Bruce; Frank W. Medley, Jr. (Eds.); Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (1990). Perspectives and horizons. Dimension: Languages '89: Silver anniversary conference. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 357 645.
Keywords: L2, pedagogy, Southern Conference on Language Teaching, history
1269. Fuchs, Miriam; Craig Howes (Eds.). (2007). Teaching life writing texts. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: autobiography, life-narrative, life-narrative, pedagogy, life-writing
1270. Fuentes, Carlos; Sterling M. McMurrin (Ed.). (1984). The Tanner Lectures on human values. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press; Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: value
1271. Fulcher, Glenn (Ed.). (1997). Writing in the English language classroom. Hertfordshire, England: Prentice Hall Europe ELT.
Keywords: ESL, write-to-learn, school
1272. Fuller, Linda K. (Ed.). (2003). Media-mediated AIDS. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: health, mass-media, media-mediated, discourse-analysis, political, communication-studies, mediated
1273. Fuller, Steve; Marc de Mey; Terry Shinn; Steve Woolgar (Eds.). (1989). The cognitive turn: Sociological and psychological perspectives on science. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: cognitive, science, poststructuralism, sociological, psychological
1274. Fulwiler, Toby (Ed.). (1987). The journal book. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 284 296].
Keywords: journal-writing, WAC
1275. Fulwiler, Toby; Art Young (Eds.). (1982). Language connections: Writing and reading across the curriculum. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 218 667].
Keywords: WAC, read-write

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