There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
1951. Key, Mary Ritchie (Ed.). (1982). Nonverbal communication today: Current research. Berlin; New York: Mouton.
Keywords: communication, nonverbal, research, verbal
1952. Key, Mary Ritchie (Ed.). (1980). The relationship of verbal and nonverbal communication. The Hague; New York: Mouton.
Keywords: talk-write, nonverbal, communication, verbal
1953. Kiewe, Amos (Ed.). (1994). The modern presidency and crisis rhetoric. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Keywords: USA, presidential, political, rhetoric, crisis, contemporary
1954. Killingsworth, Jimmie; Donald H. Cunningham; Laurie L. Jones (Eds.); Texas Tech University. (1988). Designing writing assignments for vocational-technical courses: A guide for teachers in the two-year college and technical institute. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 298 331.
Keywords: two-year, techcom, vocational, assignment
1955. Kim, Young Yun (Ed.). (1986). Interethnic communication: Current research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Keywords: intercultural, interethnic, communication, cultural, boundary, interpersonal
1956. Kimberley, Keith; Margaret Meek; Jane Miller (Eds.). (1992). New readings: Contributions to an understanding of literacy. London: A & C Black.
Keywords: literacy, readings
1957. King, Caryn M.; Rita M. Bean (Eds.); University of Pittsburgh, School of Education. (1990). Literacy instruction: Practices, problems, promises: Proceedings of the Annual Conference and Course on Literacy (37th, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 1990). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 329 900.
Keywords: literacy, pedagogy
1958. King, Lid; Peter Boaks (Eds.); Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research [London]. (1994). Grammar! A conference report. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 382 012.
Keywords: grammar, L2, pedagogy, pedagogy, theory, grammar
1959. King, Lisa; Rose Gubele; Joyce Rain Anderson (Eds.). (2015). Survivance, Sovereignty, and Story: Teaching American Indian Rhetorics. Boulder: Utah State University Press.
Annotation: Focusing on the importance of discussions about sovereignty and of the diversity of Native American communities, this collection offers a variety of ways to teach and write about indigenous North American rhetorics. These essays introduce indigenous rhetorics, framing both how and why they should be taught in US university writing classrooms. Contributors promote understanding of American Indian rhetorical and literary texts and the cultures and contexts within which those texts are produced. Chapters also supply resources for instructors, promote cultural awareness, offer suggestions for further research, and provide examples of methods to incorporate American Indian texts into the classroom curriculum. Survivance, Sovereignty, and Story provides a decolonized vision of what teaching rhetoric and writing can be and offers a foundation to talk about what rhetoric and pedagogical practice can mean when examined through American Indian and indigenous epistemologies and contemporary rhetorics.
Keywords: survivance, sovereignty, American Indian rhetorics, Native-Am, digital, visual rhetoric, code-switching, translation, contact-zone, resistance, colonialism, indigenous
1960. Kinkead, Joyce A.; Jeanette Harris (Eds.). (1993). Writing centers in context: Twelve case studies. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 361 707].
Keywords: wcenter, contextual, program
1961. Kinloch, Valerie; Peter Smagorinsky (Eds.). (2014). Service-learning in literacy education: Possibilities for teaching and learning. Charlotte, NC: EAP-Information Age Publishing
Keywords: service-learning, literacy
1962. Kinsella, V. (Ed.). (1978). Language teaching and linguistics: Surveys. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: ESL, linguistics, pedagogy
1963. Kintgen, Eugene R.; Barry M. Kroll; Mike Rose (Eds.). (1988). Perspectives on literacy [mostly reprinted pieces]. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: literacy, definition, history, social, cultural
1964. Kinzer, Charles K.; Donald J. Leu (Eds.). (1992). Literacy research, theory, and practice: Views from many perspectives. Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference.
Keywords: literacy, research-method
1965. Kinzer, Charles K.; Donald J. Leu (Eds.). (1994). Multidimensional aspects of literacy research, theory, and practice: Forty-third yearbook of the national reading conference. Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference.
Keywords: literacy, reading, research, theory-practice, multidimensional
1966. Kinzer, Charles K.; Robert D. Sherwood; John Bransford (Eds.). (1986). Computer strategies for education: foundations and content-area applications. Columbus, OH: Merrill.
Keywords: computer, classroom, learning-theory, content-course, WAC, applied
1967. Kirklighter, Cristina; Cloe Vincent; Joseph M. Moxley (Eds.). (1997). Voices and visions: Refiguring ethnography in composition. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: ethnography, research-method, change
1968. Kirklighter, Cristina; Diana Cardenas; Susan Wolff Murphy (Eds.). (2007). Teaching writing with Latino/a students: Lessons learned at Hispanic-serving institutions. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, Latina, Latino, Hispanic-serving, institutional
1969. Kirsch, Gesa (Ed.). (2003). Feminism and composition: A critical sourcebook [reprinted pieces]. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English; New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.
Keywords: feminism, composition-studies, sourcebook, anthology
1970. Kirsch, Gesa ; Patricia A. Sullivan (Eds.). (1992). Methods and methodology in composition research. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: research-method, methodological
1971. Kirsch, Gesa E.; Faye Spencer Maor; Lance Massey, Lee Nickoson-Massey, Lee; Mary P. Sheridan-Rabideaux (Eds.). (2003). Feminism and composition: A critical sourcebook [reprinted pieces]. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Keywords: feminism, theory, pedagogy, sourcebook
1972. Kirsch, Gesa E.; Liz Rohan (Eds.). (2008). Beyond the archives: Research as a lived process. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: research-method, historical, historiography, experiential, family, cultural
1973. Kirsch, Gesa; Duane H. Roen (Eds.). (1990). A sense of audience in written communication (Written Communication annual, Vol. 5). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Keywords: audience
1974. Klahr, David (Ed.). (1976). Cognition and instruction. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: cognitive, pedagogy, learning-theory
1975. Klamer, Arjo; Donald N. McCloskey; Robert M. Solow (Eds.). (1988). The consequences of economic rhetoric. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, economics, consequence
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