There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
2076. Lee, Virginia S. (Ed.). (2004). Teaching and learning through inquiry: A guidebook for institutions and instructors. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Keywords: pedagogy, pedagogy, guidelines, inquiry-based, WAC
2077. Lee, Yick Pang; Angela C. Y. Y. Fok; Robert Lord; Graham Low (Eds.). (1985). New directions in language testing: Papers presented at the International Symposium on Language Testing, Hong Kong. Oxford, England: Pergamon Press.
Keywords: ESL, change
2078. Leech, Geoffrey; Christopher N. Candlin (Eds.). (1986). Computers in English language teaching and research: Selected papers from the 1984 Lancaster symposium 'Computers in English language education and research'. London; New York: Longman.
Keywords: computer, CAI, ESL, research-method, practice-research
2079. Leed, Jacob (Ed.). (1966). The computer and literary style. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press.
Keywords: computer-analysis, style-analysis, literary, style
2080. Leeds, Bruce (Ed.). (1996). Writing in a second language: Insights from first and second language teaching and research [anthology or reprinted articles and chapters]. White Plains, NY: Longman.
Keywords: ESL, research, pedagogy, practice-research
2081. Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy (Ed.). (2005). From generation to generation: Maintaining cultural identity over time. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: generational, intergenerational, communication-studies, ethnicity, identity, family, psychological, cultural
2082. Leff, Michael C.; Fred J. Kauffeld (Eds.). (1989). Texts in context: Critical dialogues on significant episodes in American political rhetoric. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, political, USA, Edmund Burke, Anna Dickinson, Lyndon Johnson, Martin Luther King, Richard Nixon, episodic
2083. Lehr, Fran; Jean Osborn (Eds.). (1994). Reading, language, and literacy: Instruction for the twenty-first century. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: reading, school, diversity, literacy, community, adult-ed, whole-language
2084. Leininger, Anita; Tom Underwood (Eds.). (1994). Consulting & independent contracting anthology [reprinted pieces from Technical Communication, conference Proceedings, Tech Comments, Techniscribe]. Arlington, VA: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications, independent consulting, contract-writing, teacher-as-consultant
2085. Leitner, Gerhard (Ed.). (1992). New directions in English language corpora: Methodology, results, software developments. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: computer-corpora, software, research-method, methodological, software
2086. Lemon, Hallie S. (Ed.). (1994). Redefining the role of 'permanent temps': Proving ourselves professionals (CCCC 1994, Nashville, Tennessee, Session I.1). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 371 392.
Keywords: part-time, role, professionalization
2087. Lenker, Ursula; Anneli Meurman-Solin (Eds.). (2007). Connectives in the history of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: cohesion, connective, clause, linguistics, history, English-language
2088. Lenneberg, Eric H.; Elizabeth Lenneberg (Eds.). (1975). Foundations of language development: A multidisciplinary approach. New York: Academic Press.
Keywords: acquisition, language, development, multidisciplinary
2089. Lenning, Oscar T. (Ed.). (1976). Improving educational outcomes (New directions for higher education, No. 16). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: education, outcomes, objective, assessment, program-validation, outcomes
2090. Lentricchia, Frank; Thomas McLaughlin (Ed.). (1990). Critical terms for literary study. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Keywords: lit-crit, terminology, definition, literary-studies
2091. Lentricchia, Frank; Thomas McLaughlin (Eds.). (1995). Critical terms for literary study. 2nd ed.. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Keywords: literary-studies, terminology, lit-crit
2092. Leonard, James S. (Ed.). (1994). Authority and textuality: Current views of collaborative writing. West Cornwall, CT: Locust Hill Press.
Keywords: collaboration, authority, textuality
2093. Leonard, Timothy; Peter Willis (Eds.). (2008). Pedagogies of the imagination: Mythopoetic curriculum in educational practice. Berlin: Springer.
Keywords: pedagogy, teacher-training, imagination, mythopoesis, curriculum-design, pedagogy, mythopoetic
2094. Leong, Che Kan; Bikkar S. Randhawa (Eds.). (1989). Understanding literacy and cognition: Theory, research, and application. New York: Plenum Press.
Keywords: literacy, cognitive, theory, research, applied
2095. Leong, Che Kan; Katsuo Tamaoka (Eds.). (1998). Cognitive processing of the Chinese and the Japanese languages (Neuropsychology and cognition, Vol. 14). Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: cognitive-processing, Chinese, Japanese, contrastive, cognitive-processing, neuropsychological
2096. Leong, Che Kan; R. Malatesha Joshi (Eds.). (1995). Developmental and acquired dyslexia: Neuropsychological and neurolinguistic perspectives (Neuropsychology and cognition, Vol. 9). Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: dyslexia, neuropsychological, neurolinguistics, neurological
2097. L'Eplattenier, Barbara; Lisa Mastrangelo (Eds.). (2004). Historical studies of writing program administration: Individuals, communities, and the formation of a discipline (Lauer series in rhetoric and composition). West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: WPA, historical, discipline, English-profession, FYC, administrative history
2098. Lesgold, Alan M. (Ed.); Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [Paris], Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. (1987). Information technologies and basic learning: Reading, writing, science and mathematics. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 290 444.
Keywords: basic-skills, technology, computer, informational, developing, mathematics-course, science-course, read-write
2099. Lesgold, Alan M.; Frederick Reif (Eds.). (1983). Computers in education: Realizing the potential. Report of a research conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 20-24, 1982. Washington, D. C.: Office of Educational Research and Improvement [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 235 784].
Keywords: computer, CAI, pedagogy, research, change
2100. Leu, Donald J; Charles K. Kinzer (Eds.). (1993). Examining central issues in literacy research, theory, and practice: Forty-second yearbook of the National Reading Conference. Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 362 855].
Keywords: literacy, research, theory, pedagogy
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