There are currently 3728 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
1076. Enos, Theresa; Richard McNabb (Eds.). (1997). Making and unmaking the prospects for rhetoric: Selected papers from the 1996 Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, future, rhetorical-studies
1077. Enos, Theresa; Shane Borrowman (Eds.). (2008). Promise and perils of writing program administration. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: WPA, needs-analysis, jWPA, tenure, promotion, political, department, job-conditions
1078. Enos, Theresa; Stuart C. Brown (Eds.). (1993). Defining the new rhetorics: Essays on Twentieth-century rhetoric. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Keywords: New Rhetoric, definition
1079. Enos, Theresa; Stuart C. Brown (Eds.). (1994). Professing the new rhetorics: A sourcebook [mainly reprinted pieces]. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Keywords: sourcebook, new rhetoric
1080. Erickson, Keith V. (Ed.). (1974). Aristotle: The classical heritage of rhetoric [mostly reprinted pieces]. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
Keywords: classical-rhetoric, Aristotle, Greek, heritage, influence, history
1081. Erickson, Keith V. (Ed.). (1979). Plato: True and sophistic rhetoric. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Keywords: rhetoric, Plato, classical, sophistic, truth, classical-rhetoric
1082. Ericsson, Patricia Freitag (Ed.).. (2020).
Sexual Harassment and Cultural Change in Writing Studies. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
1083. Ericsson, Patricia Freitag; Richard H. Haswell (Eds.). (2006). Machine scoring of student essays: Truth and consequences. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Keywords: machine-scoring, computer, computer-analysis, assessment, large-scale, validity, reliability, consequence
1084. Escoe, Adrienne S. (Ed.); Southwest Regional Laboratory for Educational Research and Development. (1981). Teaching sentence structure and versatility (SWRL instructional improvement digest, No. 4). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 221 883.
Keywords: sentence, sentence combining, versatility, improvement
1085. Esling, John H. (Ed.). (1989). Multicultural education and policy: ESL in the 1990s: A tribute to Mary Ashworth. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Keywords: ESL, multicultural, language policy
1086. Ess, Charles (Ed.). (1996). Philosophical perspectives on computer-mediated communication. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: communication, computer, discourse-analysis, philosophical, CMC, mediated, computer-mediated, philosophy
1087. Ess, Charles; Fay Sudweeks (Eds.). (2001). Culture, technology, communication: Towards an intercultural global village. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: communication, international, global, internet, technology, intercultural
1088. Estrin, Herman A. (Ed.). (1963). Technical and professional writing: A practical anthology [reprinted pieces]. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
Keywords: techcom, pedagogy, objective
1089. Evaluation, Dissemination and Assessment Center (Ed.). (1986). Beyond language: Social and cultural factors in schooling language minority students. Los Angeles, CA: California State University, Evaluation, Dissemination and Assessment Center.
Keywords: minority, evaluation, factor, conflict, home, read-write, cooperative, school, social
1090. Evans, Peter J. A. (Ed.). (1985). Directions and misdirections in English evaluation[presentations at the Canadian Council of Teachers of English pre-conference session on evaluation and assessment, Montreal, 1983]. Ottawa, Canada: The Canadian Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: evaluation, assessment
1091. Everaert, Martin; Erik-Jan van der Linden; Andre Schenk; Rob Schreuder (Eds.). (1995). Idioms: Structural and psychological perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: idiom, lexicography, structural, psychological
1092. Everett, Justin, & Hanganu-Bresch, Cristina (Eds.).. (2016).
A Minefield of Dreams: Triumphs and Travails of Independent Writing Programs. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
1093. Evertts, Eldonna L. (Ed.). (1972). English and reading in a changing world. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: reading, school, social, change
1094. Ewing, David (Ed.),. (1980). The composing process (Working papers No. 1). Lafayette, IN: Purdue University, School of Humanities, Social Studies, and Education.
Keywords: process, composing, process
1095. Eyler, Janet; Shelley H. Billing (Eds.). (2003). Deconstructing service-learning: Research exploring context, participation, and impacts. Greenwich, CT: Information Age.
Keywords: service-learning, community-service
1096. Fabb, Nigel; Derek Attridge; Alan Durant; Colin MacCabe (Eds.). (1987). The linguistics of writing: Arguments between language and literature. New York: Methuen; Manchester, England: Manchester University Press.
Keywords: text-analysis
1097. Faber, Brenton D. (Ed.). (2002). Community action and organizational change: Image, narrative, identity. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: organizational, community, activism, action, representation, narrative, identity
1098. Faber, Pamela B. (Ed.). (1999). English teacher education in Europe: New trends and developments (Foreign language teaching in Europe, Vol. 1). Frankfurt am Main, Germany; New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: English-ed, ESL, Europe, change, trend
1099. Facchinetti, Roberta; F. R. Palmer (Ed.). (2004). English modality in perspective: Genre analysis and contrastive studies. Frankfurt am Maim, Germany: Peter Lang.
Keywords: corpus-analysis, modality, genre
1100. Faerch, Claus; Gabriele Kasper (Eds.). (1983). Strategies in interlanguage communication. London: Longman.
Keywords: interlanguage, ESL, strategy
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