Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2376. Milanovic, Michael; Nick Saville (Eds.). (1996). Performance testing, cognition, and assessment: Selected papers from the 15th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Cambridge and Arnhem. Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: evaluation, performative assessment, cognitive
2377. Milburn, G[eoffrey]; Ivor Goodson; R[obert] J. Clark (Eds.). (1989). Re-interpreting curriculum research: Images and arguments. East Sussex, England; Philadelphia, PA: Falmer Press; London; Ontario, Canada: Althouse Press.
Keywords: curriculum, review-of-scholarship, change, imagery
2378. Millar, Dan Pyle; Robert Lawrence Heath (Eds.). (2004). Responding to crisis: A rhetorical approach to crisis communication. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: crisis rhetoric, communication, consummatory rhetoric
2379. Miller, Barbara Soloth (Ed.). (1978). Minimum competency testing: A report of four regional conferences. St. Louis, MO: CEMREL, Inc..
Keywords: minimum competency, testing, assessment, survey, competency
2380. Miller, Barbara Soloth (Ed.). (1978). Minimum competency testing: A report of four regional conferences. In Miller, Barbara Soloth, Minimum competency testing: A report of four regional conferences; St. Louis, MO: CEMREL (pp. 1-45).
Keywords: minimum competency, testing, survey, competency
2381. Miller, George (Ed.). (1963). Language and communication. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Keywords: communication, language
2382. Miller, Joseph M.; Michael H. Prosser; Thomas W. Benson (Eds.). (1973). Readings in medieval rhetoric [anthology of reprinted pieces]. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, medieval, history, readings
2383. Miller, sj; Laura Bolf Beliveau; Todd DeStigter; David Kirkland; Peggy Rice (Eds.). (2008). Narratives of social justice teaching: How English teachers negotiate theory and practice between preservice and inservice spaces. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: theory-practice, social justice, teacher-story, pre-service, in-service, pedagogy, narrative, social
2384. Miller, Thomas P. (Ed.). (2018). Introduction [Symposium: What will we have made of literacy?]. College Composition and Communication 69.3, 494-502.
Keywords: literacy, political, language variation
2385. Miller, Tom (Ed.). (1997). Functional approaches to written text: Classroom applications [reprint of Miller, 1995, Paris]. Washington, D. C.: United States Information Agency.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, functional, pedagogy, practice-research, functional, applied
2386. Miller, Tom (Ed.). (1995). Functional approaches to written text: Classroom applications. Vol. 1 [Journal of TESOL-France 02.2]. Paris: TESOL-France; U. S. Information Service.
Keywords: ESL, functional, pedagogy, discourse-analysis, functional, applied
2387. Miller-Cochran, Susan K.; Rochelle L. Rodrigo (Eds.). (2009). Rhetorically rethinking usability theories, practices,and methodologies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: usability, theory, praxis, reconceptualization, change, methodological
2388. Milner, Joseph O'Beirne; Mary K. Graciano (Eds.). (2006). The art of teaching English: What effective teachers do in their classrooms. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, pedagogy, best-practices, as-an-artartistic
2389. Milroy, Lesley; Pieter Muysken (Eds.). (1995). One speaker, two languages: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on code-switching. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: code-switching, code-mixing
2390. Milton, Ohmer (Eds.). (1978). On college teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: pedagogy
2391. Minter, Deborah; Amy M. Goodburn (Eds.). (2002). Composition pedagogy and the scholarship of teaching. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: teacher-evaluation, pedagogy, scholarship, pedagogy
2392. Mitchell, Candace; Kathleen Weiler (Eds.). (1991). Rewriting literacy: Culture and the discourse of the other [articles reprinted from the Journal of Education]. New York: Bergin & Garvey.
Keywords: literacy, cultural, alterity, discourse, school
2393. Mitchell, David T.; Sharon L. Snyder (Eds.). (1997). The body and physical difference: Discourses of disability. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michegan Press.
Keywords: learning-disability, discourse
2394. Mitchell, John Lawrence (Ed.). (1974). Computers in the humanities [selected papers from the International Conference on Computers in the Humanities, 1973, University of Minnesota]. Mineapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press; Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Keywords: computer, humanities, computer-analysis, literature
2395. Mitchell, Roger; Michael Shermis (Eds.); University of Indiana, Office of Research. (1996). Creative writing. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 390 065.
Keywords: creative-writing, pedagogy, change, program, University of Indiana
2396. Mitchell, Sally; Richard Andrews (Ed.). (2000). Learning to argue in higher education. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Heinemann.
Keywords: argumentation, academic,
2397. Mitchell, W. J. Thomas (Ed.). (1981). On narrative. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Keywords: narrative-theory, narrative-analysis, narrative
2398. Mohrmann, Christine; Alf Sommerfelt; Joshua Whatmough (Eds.). (1961). Trends in English and American linguistics 1930-1960: Edited on the occasion of the ninth International Congress of Linguistics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 27 August-1 September, 1962 for the Permanent Committee of Linguistics. Utrecht, Netherlands: Spectrum Publishers.
Keywords: linguistics, ESL, history, USA, 1940-1960, trend
2399. Moll, Luis C. (Ed.). (1990). Vygotsky and education: Instructional implications and applications of sociohistorical psychology. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: Vygotsky, pedagogy, sociohistorical, psychological, learning-theory, implication, applied
2400. Monroe, Jonathan (Ed.). (2003). Local knowledges, local practices: Writing in the disciplines at Cornell. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Keywords: WAC, Cornell University, local knowledge, WID, history

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