There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
1276. Fulwiler, Toby; Art Young (Eds.). (1990). Programs that work: Models and methods for writing across the curriculum. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.
Keywords: WAC, program, survey, best-practices
1277. Furley, David J.; Alexander Nehamas (Eds.). (1994). Aristotle's rhetoric: Philosophical essays. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, classical-rhetoric, Aristotle, The Rhetoric, rhetoric-philosophy
1278. Furniss, Elaine; Pamela Green (Eds.). (1991). The literacy agenda: Issues for the nineties. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann; Melbourne, Australia: Eleanor Curtain.
Keywords: literacy, change
1279. Gabbard, David A. (Ed.). (2000). Knowledge and power in the global economy: Politics and the rhetoric of school reform. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: rhetoric, reformist school, political, global, power, knowledge, economy
1280. Gabbard, Krin (Ed.). (1995). Jazz among the discourses. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, jazz, music
1281. Gabelko, Nina Hersch (Ed.). (1997). Cornerstones of collaboration. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley National Writing Project.
Keywords: collaboration, pedagogy, guidelines, teacher-cooperation, National Writing Project
1282. Gabelnick, Faith G. (Ed.). (1990). Learning communities: Creating connections among students, faculty, and disciplines (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 41). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: learning-community, interdisciplinary
1283. Gabin, Rosalind J. (Ed.). (1995). Discourse studies in Honor of James L. Kinneavy. Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica.
Keywords: James Kinneavy, discourse-analysis
1284. Gabriel, Susan; Isaiah Smithson (Eds.). (1990). Gender in the classroom: Power and pedagogy. Urbana, IL: University Of Illinois Press.
Keywords: gender, pedagogy, pedagogy, pedagogy
1285. Gachuhi, D.; B. Matiru (Eds.); with H. S. Bhola; E. Chen; D. Gachuhi; J. Kamau; W. Laaser; B. Matiru; K. Mazrui; J. Muller; University of Nairobi [Kenya]. (1989). Handbook for designing and writing distance education materials. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 310 269.
Keywords: distance, ESL, materials-design, Kenya, handbook, materials
1286. Gage, John T. (Ed.). (2011). The promise of reason: Studies in the New Rhetoric. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: New Rhetoric, argumentation, Perelman, Olbrechts-Tyteca
1287. Gage, N[athaniel] L.; Robert Morris William Travers (Eds.). (1973). Second handbook of research on teaching: A project of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Keywords: research, pedagogy, handbook
1288. Gage, N[athaniel]. L. (Ed.). (1963). Handbook of educational research: A project of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Keywords: research, pedagogy, handbook
1289. Gaillet, Lynee (Ed.). (1998). Scottish rhetoric and its influences. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, Scottish, Scotland, 18th-19th-century, influence
1290. Gaillet, Lynee Lewis; Winifred Bryan Horner (Eds.). (2010). The present state of scholarship in the history of rhetoric: A twenty-first century guide. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.
Keywords: rhetorical-studies, history, review-of-scholarship
1291. Galanter, Eugene (Ed.). (1959). Automatic teaching: The state of the art. New York: Wiley and Sons.
Keywords: programmed, module
1292. Gale, Fredric G. (Ed.). (1996). Teaching legal writing, doing legal writing (Journal of business and technical communication,v.10, no.2). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Periodicals Press.
Keywords: techcom, law
1293. Gale, Fredric G.; James L. Kinneavy; Phillip Sipiora (Eds.). (1999). Ethical issues in college writing (Studies in composition and rhetoric, Vol. 1). New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: ethical, pedagogy
1294. Gale, Xin Liu; Fredric G. Gale (Eds.). (1999). (Re)visioning composition textbooks: Conflicts of culture, ideology, and pedagogy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: textbook-analysis, change, conflict, cultural, ideology, pedagogy
1295. Galin, Jeffrey R.; Carol Peterson Haviland; J. Paul Johnson (Eds.). (2003). Teaching/writing in the late age of print. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, pedagogy, academic-discourse
1296. Galin, Jeffrey R.; Joan Latchaw (Eds.). (1998). The dialogic classroom: Teachers integrating computer technology, pedagogy, and research. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 424 585].
Keywords: classroom, pedagogy, computer, technology, dialogic, teacher-student, integrated, pedagogy
1297. Galindo, D. Letticia; Maria Dolores Gonzales (Eds.). (1999). Speaking Chicana: Voice, power, and identity. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
Keywords: women, Mexican-Am, chicano, chicana, speech, Tex-Mex, code-switching, voice, power, identity, Spanglish, identity
1298. Gallegos, Bee (Ed.). (1994). English: Our official language? [reprinted pieces]. New York: H. W. Wilson.
Keywords: English Only, language, policy
1299. Gallehr, Donald; Robert Gilstrap; Marian Mohr; Anne Legge; Marie Wilson-Nelson (Eds.). (1982). Writing processes of college students: Working papers of the Writing Research Center at the Northern Virginia Writing Project. Two volumes. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, The Northern Virginia Writing Project.
Keywords: process, sample, essay-writing
1300. Gallo, Donald R. (Ed.). (1977). Confronting writing obstacles [special topic]. Connecticut English Journal 09.1.
Keywords: block, pedagogy
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