Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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1276. Fulwiler, Toby; Art Young (Eds.). (1990). Programs that work: Models and methods for writing across the curriculum. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.
Keywords: WAC, program, survey, best-practices
1277. Furley, David J.; Alexander Nehamas (Eds.). (1994). Aristotle's rhetoric: Philosophical essays. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, classical-rhetoric, Aristotle, The Rhetoric, rhetoric-philosophy
1278. Furniss, Elaine; Pamela Green (Eds.). (1991). The literacy agenda: Issues for the nineties. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann; Melbourne, Australia: Eleanor Curtain.
Keywords: literacy, change
1279. Gabbard, David A. (Ed.). (2000). Knowledge and power in the global economy: Politics and the rhetoric of school reform. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: rhetoric, reformist school, political, global, power, knowledge, economy
1280. Gabbard, Krin (Ed.). (1995). Jazz among the discourses. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, jazz, music
1281. Gabelko, Nina Hersch (Ed.). (1997). Cornerstones of collaboration. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley National Writing Project.
Keywords: collaboration, pedagogy, guidelines, teacher-cooperation, National Writing Project
1282. Gabelnick, Faith G. (Ed.). (1990). Learning communities: Creating connections among students, faculty, and disciplines (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 41). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: learning-community, interdisciplinary
1283. Gabin, Rosalind J. (Ed.). (1995). Discourse studies in Honor of James L. Kinneavy. Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica.
Keywords: James Kinneavy, discourse-analysis
1284. Gabriel, Susan; Isaiah Smithson (Eds.). (1990). Gender in the classroom: Power and pedagogy. Urbana, IL: University Of Illinois Press.
Keywords: gender, pedagogy, pedagogy, pedagogy
1285. Gachuhi, D.; B. Matiru (Eds.); with H. S. Bhola; E. Chen; D. Gachuhi; J. Kamau; W. Laaser; B. Matiru; K. Mazrui; J. Muller; University of Nairobi [Kenya]. (1989). Handbook for designing and writing distance education materials. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 310 269.
Keywords: distance, ESL, materials-design, Kenya, handbook, materials
1286. Gage, John T. (Ed.). (2011). The promise of reason: Studies in the New Rhetoric. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: New Rhetoric, argumentation, Perelman, Olbrechts-Tyteca
1287. Gage, N[athaniel] L.; Robert Morris William Travers (Eds.). (1973). Second handbook of research on teaching: A project of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Keywords: research, pedagogy, handbook
1288. Gage, N[athaniel]. L. (Ed.). (1963). Handbook of educational research: A project of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Keywords: research, pedagogy, handbook
1289. Gaillet, Lynee (Ed.). (1998). Scottish rhetoric and its influences. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, Scottish, Scotland, 18th-19th-century, influence
1290. Gaillet, Lynee Lewis; Winifred Bryan Horner (Eds.). (2010). The present state of scholarship in the history of rhetoric: A twenty-first century guide. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.
Keywords: rhetorical-studies, history, review-of-scholarship
1291. Galanter, Eugene (Ed.). (1959). Automatic teaching: The state of the art. New York: Wiley and Sons.
Keywords: programmed, module
1292. Gale, Fredric G. (Ed.). (1996). Teaching legal writing, doing legal writing (Journal of business and technical communication,v.10, no.2). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Periodicals Press.
Keywords: techcom, law
1293. Gale, Fredric G.; James L. Kinneavy; Phillip Sipiora (Eds.). (1999). Ethical issues in college writing (Studies in composition and rhetoric, Vol. 1). New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: ethical, pedagogy
1294. Gale, Xin Liu; Fredric G. Gale (Eds.). (1999). (Re)visioning composition textbooks: Conflicts of culture, ideology, and pedagogy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: textbook-analysis, change, conflict, cultural, ideology, pedagogy
1295. Galin, Jeffrey R.; Carol Peterson Haviland; J. Paul Johnson (Eds.). (2003). Teaching/writing in the late age of print. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, pedagogy, academic-discourse
1296. Galin, Jeffrey R.; Joan Latchaw (Eds.). (1998). The dialogic classroom: Teachers integrating computer technology, pedagogy, and research. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 424 585].
Keywords: classroom, pedagogy, computer, technology, dialogic, teacher-student, integrated, pedagogy
1297. Galindo, D. Letticia; Maria Dolores Gonzales (Eds.). (1999). Speaking Chicana: Voice, power, and identity. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
Keywords: women, Mexican-Am, chicano, chicana, speech, Tex-Mex, code-switching, voice, power, identity, Spanglish, identity
1298. Gallegos, Bee (Ed.). (1994). English: Our official language? [reprinted pieces]. New York: H. W. Wilson.
Keywords: English Only, language, policy
1299. Gallehr, Donald; Robert Gilstrap; Marian Mohr; Anne Legge; Marie Wilson-Nelson (Eds.). (1982). Writing processes of college students: Working papers of the Writing Research Center at the Northern Virginia Writing Project. Two volumes. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, The Northern Virginia Writing Project.
Keywords: process, sample, essay-writing
1300. Gallo, Donald R. (Ed.). (1977). Confronting writing obstacles [special topic]. Connecticut English Journal 09.1.
Keywords: block, pedagogy

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