Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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3551. Ward, Annie; Howard W.Stoker (Eds.). (1996). Educational measurement: Origins, theories, and explications. Lanham, Md. ; London: University Press of America..
Keywords: measurement, history, psychometric, education, explication, genesis
3552. Ward, Irene; William Carpenter (Eds.). (2001). Allyn and Bacon sourcebook for writing program directors [mostly reprinted pieces]. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Keywords: WPA, sourcebook, administraing, guidelines
3553. Warhol, Robyn R.; Diane Price Herndl (Eds.). (1991). Feminisms: An anthology of literary theory and criticism [anthology of reprinted pieces]. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Keywords: feminism, theory, research-method, anthology
3554. Warner, Martin (Ed.). (1990). The Bible as rhetoric: Studies in Biblical persuasion and credibility. New York: Routledge.
Keywords: rhetoric, Bible, biblical, religious, persuasion, credibility, historiography, truth, persuasive
3555. Warren, Thomas (Ed.).. (1996). Partnerships in teacher education: Schools and colleges working together. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: school-college, faculty, cooperation, articulation
3556. Warren, Thomas (Ed.); Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. (1979). The Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication proceedings (6th, Stillwater, Oklahoma, April 26-27, 1979). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 252 867.
Keywords: techcom
3557. Warschauer, Mark (Ed.). (1996). Telecollaboration in foreign language learning: Proceedings of the Hawaii symposium (SLTCC technical report No. 12). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press; Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Keywords: collaboration, networked, computer, L2, language-learning, technical-report
3558. Warschauer, Mark (Ed.). (1995). Virtual connections: Online activities and projects for networking language learners ((SLTCC technical report No. 8). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press; Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Keywords: L2, ESL, computer, networked, pedagogy, technical-report
3559. Wason, Peter C. (Ed.). (1980). The dynamics of writing. Cleveland, OH: Visible Language.
Keywords: motivation, revising, problem-solving, dynamic
3560. Wasson, Richard (Ed.). (1963). Proceedings of the Allerton Park Conference on Research in the Teaching of English, December 2-4, 1962 [Monticello, IL]. Urbana, IL: Department of English, University of Illinois.
Keywords: Allerton Park, conference, research-agenda, English-profession
3561. Waterman, Alan S. (Ed.). (1997). Service-learning: Applications from the research. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: service-learning, school, program, research-method, applied
3562. Watson, Duane Frederick (Ed.). (1991). Persuasive artistry: Studies in New Testament rhetoric in honor of George A. Kennedy. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press.
Keywords: religion, Christianity, Bible, New Testament, rhetorical-analysis, persuasive
3563. Watson, Graham; Robert M. Seiler (Eds.). (1992). Text in context: Contributions to ethnomethodology. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, ethnography, research-method, contextual, methodological
3564. Watson, Martha (Ed.). (1991). A voice of their own: The woman suffrage press, 1840-1910. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Keywords: suffrage, history, journalism, public relations
3565. Watt, W. C. (Ed.). (1994). Writing systems and cognition: Perspectives from psychology, physiology, linguistics, and semiotics (Neuropsychology and cognition, Vol. 6). Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: cognitive, psychology, physiology, linguistics, semiotics, neuropsychological
3566. Wayment, H. G. (Ed.). (1961). English teaching abroad and the British universities: Extracts from the proceedings of the Conference on University Training and Research in the Teaching of English as a Second/Foreign Language, held at Nutford House, London: W1 under the auspices of the British Council on December 15, 16 and 17, 1960. London: Methuen.
Keywords: ESL
3567. Weaver, Charles A.; Mannes, Suzanne; Fletcher, Charles Randall (Eds.). (1995). Discourse comprehension: Essays in honor of Walter Kintsch. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum.
Keywords: reading, comprehension, process, cognitive
3568. Weaver, Constance (Ed.). (1998). Reconsidering a balanced approach to reading. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: reading, pedagogy, theory
3569. Weaver, Frederick Stirton (Ed.). (1989). Promoting inquiry in undergraduate learning (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 38). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: pedagogy, inquiry, discovery, learning-theory, inquiry, undergraduate
3570. Weese, Katherine L.; Fox, Stephen L.; Greene, Stuart (Eds.). (1999). Teaching academic literacy: The uses of teacher-research in developing a writing program. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: academic, literacy, teacher-research, program-design
3571. Weiler, Michael; W. Barnett Pearce (Eds.). (1992). Reagan and public discourse in America. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, political, presidential, USA, Ronald Reagan
3572. Weiser, M. Elizabeth; Brian Fehler; Angela M. Gonzalez (Eds.). (2009). Engaging audience: Writing in an age of new literacies. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: audience, literacy, change, audience-awareness, rhetorical, Lisa Ede, Andrea Lunsford, classical-rhetoric
3573. Weiss, Bernard J. (Ed.). (1963). Language, linguistics, and school programs: Proceedings of the spring institutes, 1963, of the National Council of Teachers of English, Louisville, Ky., March 3-9; Atlantic City, N.J., April 21-27. Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: school, program, curriculum, linguistics, language-study, institute
3574. Weisser, Christian R.; Sidney I. Dobrin (Eds.). (2001). Ecocomposition: Theoretical and pedagogical approaches. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: ecocomposition, theory, pedagogy
3575. Welch, Lynne Brodie (Ed.). (1990). Women in higher education: Changes and challenges. New York: Praeger.
Keywords: academy, women, bias, job-conditions, future

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