There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
2551. Nunez, Ignacio (Ed.); International Ladies' Garment Workers Union [New York]. (1989). ILGWU students on the move [International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union]. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 313 922.
Keywords: adult-ed, workforce, sample, workshopping
2552. Nurss, Joanne R.; Sarah B. Ketchum (Eds.). (1995). Papers from the First International Conference on Women and Literacy. Atlanta, GA : Center for the Study of Adult Literacy, Georgia State University.
Keywords: adult-ed, literacy, First International Conference on Women and Literacy
2553. Nurss, Joanne Ruth (Ed.). (1990). Literacy in the '90's: Research questions & challenges. Papers presented at a symposium held on April 3, 1990 at Georgia State University. Atlanta, GA: Center for the Study of Adult Literacy, Georgia State University.
Keywords: literacy, research-question, research-agenda
2554. Nuttall, Desmond L. (Ed.). (1986). Assessing educational achievement. London; Philadelphia, PA: Falmer Press.
Keywords: assessment, school, Britain
2555. Nuttall, P. Austin [Fergusson, Rosalind (Ed.)]. (1986). The New Nuttall dictionary of English synonyms and antonyms. Revised edition. Harmondsworth, England: Viking.
Keywords: New Nuttal Dictionary, synonym, antonym, dictionary
2556. Nyquist, Jody (Ed.). (1991). Preparing the professoriate of tomorrow to teach: Selected readings in TA training. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
Keywords: teacher-training, readings, professoriate, professionalization
2557. Nyquist, Jody D.; Donald H. Wulff (Eds.). (1992). Preparing teaching assistants for instructional roles in communication: Supervisor's TAs in communication. Washington, D. C.: National Communication Association.
Keywords: TA-training, communications, supervisor
2558. Nyquist, Jody D.; Robert D. Abbott; Donald H. Wulff (Eds.). (1989). Teaching assistant training in the 1990s (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 39). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: part-time, teaching-assistant, TA-training, teacher-training
2559. Nystrand, Martin (Ed.). (1977). Language as a way of knowing: A book of readings [mostly reprinted pieces]. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Keywords: language, constructivism, social, epistemic, readings
2560. Nystrand, Martin (Ed.). (1982). What writers know: The language, process, and structure of written discourse. New York: Academic Press.
Keywords: process, structural, text-analysis, data
2561. Nystrand, Martin; John Duffy (Eds.). (2003). Towards a rhetoric of everyday life: New directions in research on writing, text, and discourse. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, everyday, extracurricular, discourse-analysis, everyday
2562. Oakhill, Jane; Alan Garnham (Eds.). (1992). Discourse representation and text processing. Hove (UK): Lawrence Erlbaum.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, representation, cognitive-processing, text-processing, representation
2563. Oakland, Thomas; Ronald K. Hambleton (Eds.). (1995). International perspectives on academic assessment. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: assessment, international
2564. Oates, William R. (Ed.); National Council of Teachers of English. (1985). Leadership in literacy for the information age: A report of the Committee on Instructional Technology, National Council of Teachers of English. Executive summary. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 264 566.
Keywords: literacy, informational, computer, technology, change, CAI, pedagogy, executive summary, leadership
2565. O'Barr, William O.; Jean F. O'Barr (Eds.). (1976). Language and politics. The Hague: Mouton.
Keywords: language, political
2566. Ochs, Elinor; Bambi B. Schieffelin (Eds.). (1979). Developmental pragmatics. New York: Academic Press.
Keywords: development, theory, pragmatics, pragmatic
2567. O'Connor, James Patrick (Ed.). (1958). College counseling and testing: The proceedings of the Workshop on College Counseling and Testing. Washington: Catholic University of America Press.
Keywords: testing, assessment, counseling
2568. Odell, Lee (Ed.). (1993). Theory and practice in the teaching of writing: Rethinking the discipline. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: English-profession, theory-practice, change
2569. Odell, Lee; Dixie Goswami (Eds.). (1985). Writing in nonacademic settings. New York: Guilford.
Keywords: nonacademic, academy-workplace, real-world, composing, data, research-method
2570. O'Dowd, Kathleen; Dixie Goswami (Eds.). (1986). Learning to write, writing to learn: Madonna College Writing Program dissemination booklet. Livonia, MI: Madonna College.
Keywords: WAC, write-to-learn, dissemination, circulation
2571. O'Dowd, Kathleen; Earnest I. Nolan (Eds.). (1986). Learning to write/writing to learn. Livonia, MI: Madonna College, Humanities Writing Program.
Keywords: WAC
2572. Oetzel, John G.; Stella Ting-Toomey (Eds.). (2006). The Sage handbook of conflict communication: Integrating theory, research, and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Keywords: handbook, communication, conflict, miscommunication, theory, handbook, integrated
2573. O'Farrell, Clare (Ed.). (2000). Taught bodies. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: body, embodiment, pedagogy
2574. Office of Educational Research and Improvement (Ed.). (1985). Issues in English language development: Proceedings of a conference on issues in English language development for minority language education. Arlington, VA: U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 273 147].
Keywords: ESL, minority, pedagogy
2575. Ogede, Ode (Ed.). (2002). Teacher commentary on student papers: Conventions, beliefs, and practices. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey.
Keywords: commenting, response, teacher-opinion, student-opinion, pedagogy, convention, evaluation, case-study
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