We publish news from the WAC and writing communities. Visit to catch up on upcoming conferences, see calls for proposals, notices of newly published books and other scholarly projects, stories of WAC programs and practitioners in the news. If you have WAC news you want to share, please send a note to WACClearinghouseNews@gmail.com.
The podcast Beyond Conventions: Global Dialogues on Writing Studies has released its second episode. Hosted by Anna Habib and Esther Namubiru, the podcast brings together transnational scholars to provide cross-cultural understandings about writing, writing praxis, publishing, and research while interrogating assumptions from the US and North America.
Listen to the new episode and subscribe to the podcast on Spotify.
The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and the WAC Clearinghouse are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2025 Writing Across the Curriculum Awards. These awards recognize contributions to the WAC community through scholarship, service, and achievement. The award recipients will be announced at the IWAC 2025 conference, which will be held on the campus of Colorado State University on July 16-19. Nominations can be submitted at https://wacawards.colostate.edu. Read the full news item for more information.
WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship has released volume 49, issue 2. It includes work by Bruce Bowles, Jr., Graham Stowe, Layli Miron, Nathan Gilmore, and Grady Hudson (with the last article, by Bowles and Hudson, including contributions from 17 writing consultants). You can view the new issue on the WLN home page.
The Clearinghouse is pleased to announce that the podcast Beyond Conventions: Global Dialogues on Writing Studies is now available for listening. Hosted by Anna Habib and Esther Namubiru, the podcast brings together transnational scholars to provide cross-cultural understandings about writing, writing praxis, publishing, and research while interrogating assumptions from the US and North America.
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on Spotify. View more information in the full news release.
Principles for Open-Access Scholarly Publishing has been released by the WAC Clearinghouse. The statement was developed with contributions from 17 scholars in the writing studies community and is endorsed by 40 individuals, publications, and organizations. You can find the statement at https://wac.colostate.edu/about/open-access-principles/. The page provides options for endorsing or making further contributions to the document.
Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric has released Volume 7, Issue 1. Edited by Rebecca Dingo and Clancy Ratliff, the new issue includes three stand-alone articles, two book reviews, and a cluster conversation on "Talking Back Through Rhetorical Surveillance Studies: Intersectional Feminist and Queer Approaches." View the new issue.
Academic Labor: Research & Artistry has released volume 8, a special issue on poverty in academia. Edited by Bruce Kovanen and Andrew J. Bowman, the new issue includes work by Harvey J. Graff, Bethany Hellwig, Alex Evans, Anwesha Chattopadhyay, Sheri Rysdam, Cathryn Molloy, Thomas Miller, and Charles McMartin. View the special issue.
The WAC CLearinghouse seeks a co-editor to join the editorial team of the Latin American Section of the International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series. The successful candidate will join a collaborative team that provides editorial oversight and management of all stages related to the production and publication (in both print and online formats) of current and future books in the series. To learn more about the position, please view the full news item.
The Latin American Section of the WAC Clearinghouse's International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series is looking for one associate editor to collaborate with the section editors in organizing review processes, book launch events, and other activities for the section. This position offers the opportunity to participate in an exciting and supportive network of scholars committed to promoting transnational equity and high-quality scholarship in writing studies across borders. Full details can be found by viewing this news item.
Across the Disciplines has released volume 21, issue 2/3, a special issue on Confluences of Writing Studies and the History of the English Language. Edited by Chris C. Palmer, Amanda Sladek, and Jennifer C. Stone, the new issue includes work by more than 20 contributors. View the special issue.