There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
3376. Taylor, Todd; Gail Hawisher; Erika Lindemann; Cynthia L. Selfe; Gail Stygall (Eds.). (1999). The CCCC bibliography of composition and rhetoric, 1984-1999.
Keywords: bibliography, annotated, composition-studies
3377. Taylor, Todd; Irene Ward (Eds.). (1998). Literacy theory in the age of the internet. New York: Columbia University Press.
Keywords: internet, computer, literacy, theory
3378. Taylor, Welford Dunaway (Ed.). (1991). The newsprint mask: The tradition of the fictional journalist in America. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.
Keywords: journalism, pseudonym, persona, history, USA, tradition
3379. Tchudi, Stephen (Ed.). (1985). Language, schooling, and society (Proceedings of the International Federation for the Teaching of English Seminar, Michigan State University, November, 1984. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: IFTE, conference proceedings, language, school, pedagogy, social, cultural, education, literacy
3380. Tchudi, Stephen (Ed.). (1993). The astonishing curriculum: Integrating science and humanities through language. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 359 538].
Keywords: curriculum, interdisciplinary, integrated, sciences-humanities
3381. Tchudi, Stephen N. (Ed.). (1986). English teachers at work: Ideas and strategies from five countries. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook; Newark, NJ: International Federation for the Teaching of English.
Keywords: history, cross-national, curriculum, English-profession, pedagogy
3382. Tchudi, Stephen, (Ed.). (1997). Alternatives to grading student writing. Urbana, Il: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 409 577].
Keywords: grading, pedagogy, student-writing
3383. Tchudi, Stephen; Scott McNabb (Eds.). (1983). Writing teachers: What we say about what we do: Fifteen essays for teachers of writing at the secondary and college levels. Rochester, MI: Michigan Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 230 952].
Keywords: pedagogy, teacher-opinion, teacher-strategy
3384. Tebeaux, Elizabeth (Ed.). (1996). Issues in promotion and tenure for faculty in technical communication: Guidelines and perspectives (Teaching technical writing anthologies, No. 12). St. Paul, MN: Association of Teachers of Technical Writing.
Keywords: plagiarism, commercial, faculty, promotion, tenure, policy, guidelines
3385. Teich, Nathaniel (Ed.). (1992). Rogerian perspectives: Collaborative rhetoric for oral and written communication. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Pub..
Keywords: collaboration, Rogerian, argumentation
3386. ten Thije, Jan D.; Ludger Zeevaert (Eds.). (2007). Receptive multilingualism: Linguistic analyses, language policies, and didactic concepts. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: mother-tongue, receptive multilingual, linguistic, discourse-analysis, language policy, pedagogy
3387. Thaiss, Chris, & Bräuer, Gerd, & Carlino, Paula, & Ganobcsik-Williams, Lisa & Sinha, Aparna (Eds.).. (2012).
Writing Programs Worldwide: Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places. The WAC Clearinghouse; Parlor Press.
Keywords: international, program, profile, academic, college, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Egypt, England, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Puerto Rico, Scotland, South Africa, Turkey, USA
3388. Thaiss, Christopher (Ed.). (1982). Writing to learn: Essays and reflections by college teachers across the curriculum. First National Conference on Non-traditional and Interdisciplinary Programs. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University.
Keywords: WAC, write-to-learn, interdisciplinary, program, nontraditional, tradition
3389. Thaiss, Christopher (Ed.). (1983). Writing to learn: Essays and reflections on writing across the curriculum. Dubuque, IA: Kendall.
Keywords: write-to-learn, WAC
3390. Tham, Jason C. K. (Ed.).. (2022).
Keywords in Design Thinking: A Lexical Primer for Technical Communicators & Designers. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
3391. Thayer, Lee (Ed.). (1973). Communication: Ethical and moral issues (Current topics of contemporary thought, Vol. 10). New York: Gordon and Breach Science.
Keywords: communication, ethical
3392. Theall, Michael; Jennifer Franklin (Eds.). (1990). Student ratings of instruction: Issues for improving practice (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 43). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: teacher-evaluation
3393. Thiess, Carolyn (Ed.). (1969). ERIC documents on the teaching of English, Volume 2. January-June, 1969. Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 033 140}.
Keywords: pedagogy, bibliography (522 items)
3394. Thiess, Carolyn; Donnal L. Butler (Eds.). (1970). ERIC documents on the teaching of English, Volume 4: January-June 1970. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 043 645.
Keywords: bibliography, pedagogy (1,138 items)
3395. Thomas J. Farrell; Paul A. Soukup (Eds.). (1993). Communication and Lonergan: Common ground for forging the new age. Kansas City, MO: Sheed and Ward.
Keywords: Bernard Lonergan, religion, Catholicism, communication
3396. Thomas, David Allen (Ed.). (1980). Argumentation as a way of knowing: SCA Seminar IV (1978) Minneapolis: Proceedings, contributed papers and transcript of closed discussion. Falls Church, VA: Speech Communication Association.
Keywords: argumentation, epistemological, knowledge-making
3397. Thomas, Lew (Ed.); Donna-Lee Phillips (Design). (1976). Photography and language. San Francisco, CA: NSF Press.
Keywords: photography, text-picture
3398. Thomas, Linda; Shan Wareing (Eds.); with Ishtla Singh; Jason Jones; Joanna Thornbarrow; Jean Stilwell Peccei. (1999). Language, society and power: An introduction. London; New York: Routledge.
Keywords: discourse, social, power, representation, critique, political, media, gender, ethnicity, ageism, social-class, identity, SWE
3399. Thompson, Becky W.; Sangeeta Tyagi (Eds.). (1993). Beyond a dream deferred: Multicultural education and the politics of excelllence. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Keywords: multicultural, political, change, curriculum, program
3400. Thompson, Irene.; Audrey J. Roberts (Eds.). (1985). The road retaken: Women reenter the academy. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: reentry, women, academy, discrimination, bias
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