Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2626. Pagnucci, Gian S.; Nicholas Mauriello (Eds.). (2008). Re-mapping narrative: Technology's impact on the way we write [mostly reprinted pieces from Works and Days]. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: narrative, technology, change, composing, narrative
2627. Palmatier, Robert A. (Ed.). (1976). Alternatives for reading teacher educator education [from Epistle]. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 122 222.
Keywords: teacher-training, pre-service, reading
2628. Palmer, Adrian S.; Peter J. M. Groot; George A . Trosper (Eds.). (1981). The construct validation of tests of communicative competence: Including proceedings of a colloquium at TESOL '79, Boston, February 27-28, 1979. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages [ERIC Documentation Service, ED 223103].
Keywords: ESL, testing, validation, competence, communications, construct-validity
2629. Palmer, Barbara Martin (Ed.). (1999). College reading: Perspectives and practices (The College Reading Association monograph series). Carrollton, GA: College Reading Association [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 438 511].
Keywords: read-write
2630. Palmer, James C.; Stephen G. Katsinas (Eds.). (1996). Graduate and continuing education for community college leaders: What it means today (New directions for community colleges, No. 95). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: live-long, graduate, two-year
2631. Palmer, Leslie; Bernard Spolsky (Eds.). (1975). Papers on language testing, 1967-1974. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, testing
2632. Palmer-Silveira, Juan Carlos; Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido; Immaculada Fortanet-Gomez (Eds.). (2006). Intercultural and international business communication: Theory, research and teaching. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Keywords: business-communication, intercultural, international, intercultural, practice-research
2633. Paludi, Michele Antoinette; Gertrude A. Steuernagel (Eds.). (1990). Foundations for a feminist restructuring of the academic disciplines. New York: Haworth Press; Harington Park Press.
Keywords: women, academic, disciplinary, feminist, revisionary, restructuring
2634. Pander Maat, Henk; Michael Steehouda (Eds.). (1992). Studies of functional text quality. Rodopi: Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA.
Keywords: text-analysis, functional, quality
2635. Panetta, Clayann Gilliam (Ed.). (2000). Contrastive rhetoric revisited and redefined. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: contrastive, definition
2636. Paretti, Marie C.; Katrina Powell (Eds.). (2009). Assessment in writing (Assessment in the Disciplines, Vol. 4). Tallahassee, TN: Association of Institutional Researchers.
Keywords: assessment, disciplinary, program-validation, WAC
2637. Parson, Donn W. (Ed.). (1991). Argument in controversy: Proceedings of the Seventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation [in Alta, Utah, 1991]. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association.
Keywords: argumentation, controversy
2638. Parsons, Adelaide (Ed.); Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. (1995). The EFL/ESL job search handbook. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, EFL, job search, handbook
2639. Parsons, Michael H. (Ed.). (1990). Promoting community renewal through civic literacy and service learning (New directions for community colleges, No. 93). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: civic, literacy, service-learning, community, two-year
2640. Paskow, Jacqueline; with Elizabeth Francis (Eds.). (1990). Assessment programs and projects: A directory. Washington, D. C.: American Association for Higher Education, AAHE Assessment Forum.
Keywords: assessment, academy, program, survey
2641. Passow, A. Harry (Ed.). (1967). Education of the disadvantaged. New York: Holt.
Keywords: basic, disadvantaged, diversity, cultural
2642. Patrick, J. Max; Robert O. Evans (Eds.). (1966). Style, rhetoric, and rhythm: Essays by Morris W. Croll [edited anthology]. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Keywords: Morris W. Croll, style, style
2643. Patterson, Lesli; Carol Minnick Santa; Kathy G. Short; Karen Smith (Eds.). (1993). Teachers are researchers: Reflection and action. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Keywords: teacher-research, research-method
2644. Patton, Peter C.; Renee A. Holoien (Eds.). (1981). Computing in the humanities. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath.
Keywords: computer, humanities, text-analysis
2645. Pavlenko, Aneta; Adrian Blackledge;Ingred Piller; Marya Teutsch-Dwyer (Eds.). (2001). Multilingualism, second language learning, and gender. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: L2, ESL, multilingual, bilingualism, pedagogy, acquisition, gender, language-learning
2646. Pazandak, Carol H. (Ed.). (1989). Improving undergraduate education in large universities (New directions for higher education, no. 66). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: undergraduate, academy, change, large-university, undergraduate
2647. Pearsall, Thomas E. (Ed.). (1975). Proceedings of the Conference of Representatives of Technical Communication Programs (Boston, April 9-11, 1975). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 132 630.
Keywords: techcom, technical-communication, academy-workplace
2648. Pearsall, Thomas E. (Ed.); Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. (1974). Conference of Directors of Technical Communication Programs proceedings, March 21-23, 1974, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minnesota. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 252 864.
Keywords: technical-communication, internship, program
2649. Pearsall, Thomas E. (Ed.); Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. (1977). Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication proceedings, April 14-15, 1977, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 252 865.
Keywords: techcom, program
2650. Pearson, Patricia (Ed.); American Business Communication Association. (1984). Bridging the gap: From ivory to corporate tower. Proceedings, 1984 ABCA Midwest Regional Conference [Ames, Iowa, April 19-20, 1984]. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 246 474.
Keywords: academy-workplace, review-of-scholarship

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