Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2776. Ramsey, Ramsey Eric; David James Miller (Eds.). (2003). Experiences between philosophy and communication: Engaging the philosophical contributions of Calvin O. Schrag. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: philosophy, communication, philosophy
2777. Rand, Earl (Ed.); University of California, Los Angeles, Department of English. (1967). Workpapers in English as a second language: Matter, methods, materials, Vol. 1. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 101 589.
Keywords: ESL, pedagogy, materials
2778. Randhawa, Bikkar S.; William Eugene Coffman (Eds.). (1978). Visual learning, thinking, and communication (Academic Press series in cognition and perception. New York: Academic Press.
Keywords: communication, visual
2779. Rank, Hugh (Ed.). (1974). Language and public policy. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: language, political, public policy, abuse, censorship, ideology
2780. Ransdell, Sarah E.; Marie-Laure Barbier (Eds.). (2002). New directions for research in L2 writing (Studies in writing, Vol. 12). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: L2, research-agenda
2781. Ransdell, Sarah E.; Marie-Laure Barbier (Eds.). (2002). Psycholinguistic approaches to understanding second language writing (Studies in writing, Vol. 11). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: L2, ESL, psychological, linguistic, research-method, psycholinguistic
2782. Rarig, Emory W. (Ed.). (1966). The community junior college: An annotated bibliography. New York, Teachers College Press.
Keywords: two-year, bibliography, annotated
2783. Ratcliff, James L. (Ed.). (1992). Assessment and curriculum reform. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: assessment, program-validation, curriculum-design, reformist
2784. Ray, Elsie (Ed.). (1958). Society for Technical Writers and Editors 1957 [4th] Convention proceedings. Columbis, OH: The Society for Technical Writers and Editors.
Keywords: technical-communication, conference, synopsis, Society for Technical Writers and Editors, technical-writer
2785. Raymond, James C. (Ed.). (1982). Literacy as a human problem. University, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Keywords: literacy, needs-analysis, social, change, problem-solving
2786. Read, John (Ed.). (1981). Directions in language testing. Singapore, China: Singapore University Press, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre [Southwest Asian Ministers of Education Organization].
Keywords: testing, ESL, change
2787. Read, John (Ed.). (1981). Papers on language testing. Singapore, China: Singapore University Press, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre [Southwest Asian Ministers of Education Organization].
Keywords: testing, ESL
2788. Readence, John E. (Ed.). (1988). Dialogues in literacy research (Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, 37th). Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference.
Keywords: literacy
2789. Readence, John E.; R. Scott Baldwin (Eds.); National Reading Conference. (1987). Research in literacy: Merging perspectives: Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (36th, Austin, Texas, December 3-6, 1986). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 298 454.
Keywords: literacy, data
2790. Readence, John E.; R. Scott R. Baldwin (Eds.). (1987). Research in literacy: Merging perspectives [papers from the 36th National Reading Conference, Austin, TX, December 1986]. Rochester, NY: National Reading Conference [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 298 454].
Keywords: literacy, research
2791. Rea-Dickins, Pauline; Azafeli Feza Lwaitama (Eds.). (1995). Evaluation for development in English language teaching [special issue of Review of English Language Teaching 03.3]. London: Basingstoke, England: Macmillan; The British Council.
Keywords: ESL, evaluation, acquisition
2792. Redden, J. E. (Ed.). (1978). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Frontiers in Language Proficiency and Dominance Testing. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University.
Keywords: ESL, testing, proficiency, domination, frontier, language proficiency, proficiency
2793. Redden, James E. (Ed.). (1977). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Frontiers in Language Proficiency and Dominance Testing, held at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, April 21-23, 1977. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University, Department of Linguistics.
Keywords: L2, testing, assessment, proficiency, language-dominance, frontier, language proficiency, proficiency
2794. Redden, James E. (Ed.). (1978). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Frontiers in Language Proficiency and Dominance Testing, held at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, February 23-25, 1978. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University, Department of Linguistics.
Keywords: L2, testing, assessment, proficiency, language-dominance, frontier, language proficiency, proficiency
2795. Redden, James E. (Ed.). (1979). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Frontiers in Language Proficiency and Dominance Testing, held at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, September 26-28, 1979. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University, Department of Linguistics.
Keywords: L2, testing, assessment, proficiency, language-dominance, frontier, language proficiency, proficiency
2796. Redden, James E. (Ed.). (1981). Proceedings of the Southern Illinois Testing Conference (formerly the International Conference on Frontiers in Language Proficiency and Dominance Testing): Held at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, October 6-7, 1980. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University.
Keywords: L2, testing, assessment, proficiency, language-dominance, frontier, language proficiency, proficiency
2797. Reed, Carroll E. (Ed.). (1971). The learning of language. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Keywords: language, acquisition
2798. Reed, W. Michael; John K. Burton (Eds.). (1988). Educational computing and problem solving [issue of Computers in the schools 04.2/4]. New York: Haworth Press.
Keywords: problem-solving, computer, word-processing
2799. Regional Conference on University Teaching (Ed.). (1985). Computer designed instruction & testing [papers from the First Regional Conference on University Teaching at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, Nm, January 9-10, 1985]. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 271 086.
Keywords: testing, assessment, computer, CAI
2800. Reid, Bill (Ed.). (2009). Senior citizen writing II [anthology]. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: elderly, workshopping, anthology, sample

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