Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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3201. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1988). Proceedings: 35th ITCC, May 10-13, 1988, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications
3202. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1985). Research in technical communication: Special issue (Technical Communication 32.4). Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications, research
3203. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1993). Society Proceedings: 17th annual Practical Conference on Communication. Oak Ridge, TN: Society for Technical Communication East Tennessee Chapter.
Keywords: techcom, communications
3204. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1986). Special issue on freelancing in technical communication [Technical Communication 33.4]. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communication, freelancing
3205. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1987). Special issue on productivity measurement and enhancement in technical communication [Technical Communication 34.4]. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications, productivity, evaluation, measurement
3206. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1993). STC proceedings: 1993 Region 7 Conference: Communication from the edge: November 12-13, 1993, Seattle, Washington. Seattle, WA: Society for Technical Communication, Puget Sound Chapter.
Keywords: techcom, communications
3207. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1982). Technical communication, charting the course of technology: Proceedings, 29th International Technical Communication Conference, May 5-8, 1982, Boston, MA. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications
3208. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1972). The 19th International Technical Communication Conference: Proceedings, May 1013, 1972, Boston, Mass. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications
3209. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1973). The 20th International Technical Communications Conference: Houston, Texas, May 9-12, 1973: proceedings. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications
3210. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1975). The 22nd International Technical Communication Conference: Proceedings, Anaheim, California, May 14-17, 1975. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications
3211. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.). (1974). The expanding horizons of technical communications: Proceedings [of the International Technical Communications Conference 1974: St. Louis]. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications
3212. Society for Technical Communication (Ed.),. (1993). Proceedings of the 40th annual conference: Communication roundup. Arlington, VA: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: technical-communication, techcom
3213. Society for Technical Communication [Washington, D. C.] (Ed.). (1983). Proceedings: 30th International Technical Communication Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, May 1-4, 1983. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 239 263.
Keywords: technical-communication, techcom
3214. Society for Technical Communications (Ed.). (1980). Technical communication--the bridge of understanding: Proceedings, 27th International Technical Communication Conference, Radisson South Hotel, May 14-17, 1980. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communications.
Keywords: technical
3215. Soled, Suzanne Wegener (Ed.). (1995). Assessment, testing, and evaluation in teacher education. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: teacher-training, evaluation, testing, assessment
3216. Solomon, William Samuel; Robert Waterman McChesney (Eds.). (1993). Ruthless criticism: New perspectives in U. S. communication history. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minesota Press.
Keywords: history, USA, 19th-20th-century, African-Am, press, newspaper, television
3217. Sonderegger, Theo B. (Ed.). (1985). Psychology and gender (Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Vol. 32). Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press.
Keywords: motivation, gender, development, psychological
3218. Sorcinelli, Mary Deane; Ann E. Austin (Eds.). (1992). Developing new and junior faculty (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 50). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: academy, teacher-growth, novice-teacher, junior faculty
3219. Sorcinelli, Mary Deane; Elbow, Peter (Eds.). (1997). Writing to learn: Strategies for assigning and responding to writing across the disciplines. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: write-to-learn, pedagogy
3220. South Seattle Community College (Ed.). (1993). Applied communications: Course materials. English 103, 105, 106, 108: Seattle Tech Prep Applied Academics Project. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 383 834.
Keywords: communication, syllabus, applied, pragmatic, functional, two-year, materials, applied
3221. South-Central Modern Language Association (Ed.). (1989). SCMLA technical writing proceedings. Tulsa, OK: Tulsa Junior College, Northeast Campus, English Department.
Keywords: technical
3222. South-Central Modern Language Association (Ed.). (1987). SCMLA: Technical writing: Proceedings (Houston, Texas, October 1987). Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 292 109].
Keywords: technical
3223. Southern Illinois University (Ed.). (1978). Conference on the Teaching of Technical Writing (Carbondale, Illinois, October 20-21, 1978). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 172 199.
Keywords: techcom
3224. Spacone, Ronna Gayle (Ed.); Virginia Adult Educators Research Network [Dayton, VA]. (1999). Virginia Adult Educators Research Network practitioner research briefs, 1998-1999 report series. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 435 207.
Keywords: adult-ed, Virginia
3225. Spadaccini, Nicholas; Jenaro Talens (Eds.). (1992). The politics of editing. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minneapolis Press.
Keywords: editing, political, professional, literature, editing

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