Editorial Board and Staff

Editorial Staff

Senior Editor / Co-Founder: Rich Haswell

Co-Editors / Managing Editors

Susan Wolff Murphy and Glenn Blalock

Ensure full runs and complete contents of identified journals, monographs, edited collections, and books. 

Editorial Board

To be formed: a small group of scholars who will help with the long-term vision, goals of the organization. 

CompPile Associate Editors 

Associate Editors--subject matter experts who manage field bibliographers and collaborate with journal and book editors/publishers in particular specialization areas.

Field Bibliographers--volunteers who create bibliographic entries for a specialization area and/or publication type.

About the Associate Role

CompPile Associates will review and set goals for their area of interest, identifying new publications and defining new pertinent keywords. They are responsible for journals and books in their assigned scholarly area .  Associates identify, recruit, and coordinate the work of a group of volunteer Field Bibliographers, who assist the Associate with updating and maintaining the indexing for journals and books in the  assigned area.

At the beginning, entries will be reviewed by Senior Editors before being uploaded to the database; however, as Associates develop expertise and familiarity with keywords and the technology, they will upload them directly to the database. 

Associates will also review and when necessary suggest new search terms. This is not a light task, and requires a comprehensive grasp of disciplinary issues and concepts. In short, the CompPile Associates are colleagues with deep understanding of the scholarship in their area.

In addition, the Associates are responsible for identifying and evaluating new journals and books as they appear, helping to determine if these should be part of CompPile.

Finally, Associates help maintain the professional integrity of the CompPile database: ensuring that relevant materials are indexed; ensuring that records are complete and accurate; and refining search terms to make materials as accessible as possible for searchers.

We view and promote the Associate role as more than "professional service." In the official letters to Associates that we send from CompPile, we make the case that being a "CompPile Associate" involves important intellectual work, having the same professional status, for example, as "Research Associate" in some academic consortium.  Tailoring these letters for individual Associate's local contexts and T&P expectations helps give the role of CompPile Associate "professional clout / capital." 

Why is this Role Needed?

Since its first appearance in May 2001, with 17,000+ entries, it has grown to more than 94,000 entries, with comprehensive coverage of scholarship from 1939-1999 and since last year, with a commitment to extend and sustain that comprehensive coverage beyond 1999. 

When we committed to extending CompPile coverage beyond 1999, we sent a call for volunteer bibliographers ("comppilers") to help us manage the volume of work we envision.  At that time, over 40 colleagues "adopted" journals, and in the past year, many of those volunteers have helped us add more than 9,000 items published since 1999.  For their contributions, we are grateful.