Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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851. Curry, Boykin; Brian Kasbar (Eds.). (1986). Essays that worked for law schools: 50 essays from successful applications to the nation's top colleges. New Haven, CT: Mustang [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 301 110].
Keywords: application-essay,law-school, academy, sample, response, admissions
852. Curtis, Andy; Mary Romney (Eds.). (2006). Color, race, and English language teaching: Shades of meaning. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: racial, ethnicity, ESL
853. Cushman, Donald P.; Sarah King Sanderson (Eds.). (2001). Excellence in communicating organizational strategy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: organizational, business-communication, strategy, excellence
854. Cyrs, Thomas E. (Ed.). (1997). Teaching and learning at a distance: what it takes to effectively design, deliver, and evaluate programs (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 71). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: distance, course-design, validation, teacher-evaluation, impelementation, pedagogy
855. Dabene, M.; Y. Reuter (Eds.). (1998). Practiques de l'ecrit et modes d'acces au savoir dans l'enseignement superieur [Practices of writing and methods of gaining knowledge in university teaching] [special volume]. Lidil 17.
Keywords: pedagogy, epistemological, knowledge acquisition
856. Dahl, Karin L.; with the Committee on Professional Writing Networks for Teachers and Supervisors (Ed.). (1992). Teacher as writer: Entering the professional conversation. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 345 263].
Keywords: teacher-as-writer, publication
857. Daigon, Arthur; Ronald T. Laconte (Eds.). (1971). Challenge and change in the teaching of English [largely reprinted essays]. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Keywords: school, pedagogy, change, English-ed
858. Daiker, Donald A. (Ed.); Jeffrey Sommers; Gail Stygall; Laurel Black; Miami University of Ohio. (1990). The best of Miami's portfolios. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 326 571.
Keywords: portfolio, placement, Miami University of Ohio, sample, assessment, best-practices, rating-guide, cover-sheet
859. Daiker, Donald A.; Laurel Black (Eds.). (1994). New directions in portfolio assessment: Reflective practice, critical theory, and large-scale scoring. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: assessment, evaluation, portfolio, theory, large-scale, rating, reflective practice, reflection, teacher-reflection
860. Daiker, Donald; Andrew Kerek; Max Morenberg (Eds.). (1979). Sentence combining and the teaching of writing: Selected papers from the Miami University Conference, Oxford, Ohio, October 27 & 28, 1978 (Studies in contemporary language #3). Conway, AK: L & S Books; with the Departments of English, University of Akron, University of Central Arkansas [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 259 393].
Keywords: sentence combining, pedagogy
861. Daiker, Donald; Andrew Kerek; Max Morenberg (Eds.). (1985). Sentence combining: A rhetorical perspective. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 284 259].
Keywords: sentence combining, pedagogy, rhetorical-theoryal, style, stylistic
862. Daiker, Donald; Max Morenberg (Eds.). (1990). The writing teacher as researcher: Essays in the theory and practice of class-based research. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: teacher-research
863. Daiute, Colette; Cynthia Lightfoot (Eds.). (2004). Narrative analysis: Studying the development of individuals in society. London: Sage.
Keywords: narrative, life-narrative, research-development, ethnographic, individual, social, narrative-analysis, narrative
864. Daiute, Colette; William Damon (Eds.). (1993). The development of literacy through social interaction. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: literacy, growth, social interaction, social, social interaction
865. Dakowska, Maria; Hartmut Breitkreuz (Eds.). (2000). English in the modern world: Festschrift for Hartmut Breitkreuz on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Frankfurt am Maim, Germany: Peter Lang.
Keywords: world-Englishes, L2, ESL, error, strategy, communicative competence, lit-crit, error-analysis, academic, contemporary
866. Dalton, Philip (Ed.). (2008). Communication, comparative cultures, and civilizations. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: communication, cultural, contrastive, civilization, history
867. Daly, John A. (Ed.). (2009). Avoiding communication: Shyness, reticence, and communication (3rd edition). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: apprehension, avoidance, composing, shyness, reticence, communication
868. Daly, John A.; James C. McCroskey; Joe Ayres; Tim Hopf; Debbie M. Ayres (Eds.). (1997). Avoiding communication: Shyness, reticence, and communication apprehension (2nd edition). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: apprehension, shyness, reticence, communication, psychological
869. Daly, John A.; Laura Stafford (Eds.). (1984). Correlates and consequences of social-communicative anxiety. In Daly, John A.; James C. McCroskey (Eds.), Avoiding communication: Shyness, reticence, and communication apprehension; Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Keywords: apprehension, anxiety, social, communication, correlation, consequences, review-of-scholarship, consequence
870. Daly, William T. (Ed.). (1985). College-school collaboration: Appraising the major approaches. New directions for teaching and learning, no. 24. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: articulation, school-college, program
871. Danes, Frantisek (Ed.). (1974). Papers on functional sentence perspective (International Symposium on Functional Sentence Perspective, 1st, 1970). The Hague: Mouton; Prague: Academia.
Keywords: text-analysis, functional sentence perspective
872. Danet, Brenda; Susan C. Herring (Eds.). (2007). The multilingual internet: Language, culture, and communication online. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: internet, online, communication, international, cross-cultural, multilingual
873. D'Angelo, Barbara J., Jamieson, Sandra, Maid, Barry, & Walker, Janice R. (Eds.).. (2016). Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834
874. Daniel, E. Valentine; Jeffrey M. Peck (Eds.). (1996). Culture/contexture: Explorations in anthropology and literary studies. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Keywords: literary-studies, anthropology, cultural, lit-crit, ethnographic
875. Daniell, Beth; Peter Mortensen (Eds.). (2007). Women and literacy: Local and global inquiries for a new century. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: women, literacy, global, change, gender, sexism

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