There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
851. Curry, Boykin; Brian Kasbar (Eds.). (1986). Essays that worked for law schools: 50 essays from successful applications to the nation's top colleges. New Haven, CT: Mustang [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 301 110].
Keywords: application-essay,law-school, academy, sample, response, admissions
852. Curtis, Andy; Mary Romney (Eds.). (2006). Color, race, and English language teaching: Shades of meaning. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: racial, ethnicity, ESL
853. Cushman, Donald P.; Sarah King Sanderson (Eds.). (2001). Excellence in communicating organizational strategy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: organizational, business-communication, strategy, excellence
854. Cyrs, Thomas E. (Ed.). (1997). Teaching and learning at a distance: what it takes to effectively design, deliver, and evaluate programs (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 71). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: distance, course-design, validation, teacher-evaluation, impelementation, pedagogy
855. Dabene, M.; Y. Reuter (Eds.). (1998). Practiques de l'ecrit et modes d'acces au savoir dans l'enseignement superieur [Practices of writing and methods of gaining knowledge in university teaching] [special volume]. Lidil 17.
Keywords: pedagogy, epistemological, knowledge acquisition
856. Dahl, Karin L.; with the Committee on Professional Writing Networks for Teachers and Supervisors (Ed.). (1992). Teacher as writer: Entering the professional conversation. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 345 263].
Keywords: teacher-as-writer, publication
857. Daigon, Arthur; Ronald T. Laconte (Eds.). (1971). Challenge and change in the teaching of English [largely reprinted essays]. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Keywords: school, pedagogy, change, English-ed
858. Daiker, Donald A. (Ed.); Jeffrey Sommers; Gail Stygall; Laurel Black; Miami University of Ohio. (1990). The best of Miami's portfolios. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 326 571.
Keywords: portfolio, placement, Miami University of Ohio, sample, assessment, best-practices, rating-guide, cover-sheet
859. Daiker, Donald A.; Laurel Black (Eds.). (1994). New directions in portfolio assessment: Reflective practice, critical theory, and large-scale scoring. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: assessment, evaluation, portfolio, theory, large-scale, rating, reflective practice, reflection, teacher-reflection
860. Daiker, Donald; Andrew Kerek; Max Morenberg (Eds.). (1979). Sentence combining and the teaching of writing: Selected papers from the Miami University Conference, Oxford, Ohio, October 27 & 28, 1978 (Studies in contemporary language #3). Conway, AK: L & S Books; with the Departments of English, University of Akron, University of Central Arkansas [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 259 393].
Keywords: sentence combining, pedagogy
861. Daiker, Donald; Andrew Kerek; Max Morenberg (Eds.). (1985). Sentence combining: A rhetorical perspective. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 284 259].
Keywords: sentence combining, pedagogy, rhetorical-theoryal, style, stylistic
862. Daiker, Donald; Max Morenberg (Eds.). (1990). The writing teacher as researcher: Essays in the theory and practice of class-based research. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: teacher-research
863. Daiute, Colette; Cynthia Lightfoot (Eds.). (2004). Narrative analysis: Studying the development of individuals in society. London: Sage.
Keywords: narrative, life-narrative, research-development, ethnographic, individual, social, narrative-analysis, narrative
864. Daiute, Colette; William Damon (Eds.). (1993). The development of literacy through social interaction. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: literacy, growth, social interaction, social, social interaction
865. Dakowska, Maria; Hartmut Breitkreuz (Eds.). (2000). English in the modern world: Festschrift for Hartmut Breitkreuz on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Frankfurt am Maim, Germany: Peter Lang.
Keywords: world-Englishes, L2, ESL, error, strategy, communicative competence, lit-crit, error-analysis, academic, contemporary
866. Dalton, Philip (Ed.). (2008). Communication, comparative cultures, and civilizations. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: communication, cultural, contrastive, civilization, history
867. Daly, John A. (Ed.). (2009). Avoiding communication: Shyness, reticence, and communication (3rd edition). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: apprehension, avoidance, composing, shyness, reticence, communication
868. Daly, John A.; James C. McCroskey; Joe Ayres; Tim Hopf; Debbie M. Ayres (Eds.). (1997). Avoiding communication: Shyness, reticence, and communication apprehension (2nd edition). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: apprehension, shyness, reticence, communication, psychological
869. Daly, John A.; Laura Stafford (Eds.). (1984). Correlates and consequences of social-communicative anxiety. In Daly, John A.; James C. McCroskey (Eds.), Avoiding communication: Shyness, reticence, and communication apprehension; Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Keywords: apprehension, anxiety, social, communication, correlation, consequences, review-of-scholarship, consequence
870. Daly, William T. (Ed.). (1985). College-school collaboration: Appraising the major approaches. New directions for teaching and learning, no. 24. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: articulation, school-college, program
871. Danes, Frantisek (Ed.). (1974). Papers on functional sentence perspective (International Symposium on Functional Sentence Perspective, 1st, 1970). The Hague: Mouton; Prague: Academia.
Keywords: text-analysis, functional sentence perspective
872. Danet, Brenda; Susan C. Herring (Eds.). (2007). The multilingual internet: Language, culture, and communication online. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: internet, online, communication, international, cross-cultural, multilingual
873. D'Angelo, Barbara J., Jamieson, Sandra, Maid, Barry, & Walker, Janice R. (Eds.).. (2016).
Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
874. Daniel, E. Valentine; Jeffrey M. Peck (Eds.). (1996). Culture/contexture: Explorations in anthropology and literary studies. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Keywords: literary-studies, anthropology, cultural, lit-crit, ethnographic
875. Daniell, Beth; Peter Mortensen (Eds.). (2007). Women and literacy: Local and global inquiries for a new century. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: women, literacy, global, change, gender, sexism
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