There are currently 3728 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
3401. Thompson, Irene.; Audrey J. Roberts (Eds.). (1985). The road retaken: Women reenter the academy. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: reentry, women, academy, discrimination, bias
3402. Thompson, Kenneth W. (Ed.). (1988). Moral and political discourse: Theory and practice in international relations (Exxon Education Foundation series on rhetoric and political discourse, Vol. 12). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: political, morality, discourse, international
3403. Thompson, Kenneth W. (Ed.). (1987). Rhetoric and public diplomacy: The Stanton report revisited (Exxon Education Foundation series on rhetoric and political discourse, Vol. 7). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: rhetoric, political, public, diplomatic, Stanton report
3404. Thompson, Kenneth W. (Ed.). (1987). Rhetoric and the founders. Vol. III. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: rhetoric, history
3405. Thompson, Kenneth W. (Ed.). (1987). The history and philosophy of rhetoric and political discourse. Lanham, MD: University Press of America; Charlottesville, VA: The Miller Center, University of Virginia.
Keywords: discourse, political, history, rhetoric-philosophy
3406. Thompson, Kenneth W. (Ed.). (1987). The history and philosophy of rhetoric and political discourse. Vol. I. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: history, classical-rhetoric, rhetoric-philosophy
3407. Thompson, Kenneth W. (Ed.). (1987). The history and philosophy of rhetoric and political discourse. Vol. II. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: history, classical-rhetoric, rhetoric-philosophy
3408. Thompson, Kenneth W. (Ed.). (1992). The rhetoric of modern statesmanship (Exxon Education Foundation series on rhetoric and political discourse, Vol. 18). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: rhetoric, statescraft, 20th-century, contemporary, leadership, rhetoric, political, statescraft, discourse-analysis, contemporary
3409. Thompson, Thomas C. (Ed.). (1996). Most excellent differences: Essays on using type theory in the composition classroom. Gainesbille, FL: Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Inc..
Keywords: personality, psychological, personality-type, learning-styles
3410. Thompson, Thomas C. (Ed.). (2002). Teaching writing in high school and college: Conversations and collaborations. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: school-college, teacher-cooperation
3411. Thompson, Thomas C. (Ed.). (2002). Teaching writing in high school and college: Conversations and collaborations. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English
Keywords: school-college, teacher-cooperation, articulation
3412. Thorndike, Robert Ladd (Ed.). (1971). Educational measurement. 2nd ed.. Washington: American Council on Education.
Keywords: measurement, evaluation, testing
3413. Thorne, Barrie; Cheris Kramarae; Nancy Henley (Eds.). (1983). Language, gender, and society. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Keywords: gender, language, social
3414. Thorpe, James Ernest (Ed.). (1967). Relations of literary study; essays on interdisciplinary contributions. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: literature-study, English-studies, interdisciplinary
3415. Thorpe, James Ernest (Ed.). (1963). The Aims and methods of scholarship in modern languages and literatures. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: research, scholarship, guidelines, literature, contemporary
3416. Thorpe, James Ernest (Ed.). 2nd edition. (1970). The aims and methods of scholarship in modern languages and literatures. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: scholarship, literary-studies, linguistics, research-method, aim, contemporary
3417. Tickoo, Makhan L. (Ed.). (1995). Language and culture in multilingual societies: Viewpoints and visions. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
Keywords: L2, bilingualism, multicultural, multilingual, ESL, cultural, language
3418. Tiedt, Iris M. (Ed.). (1974). Drama in your classroom. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: classroom theatre, pedagogy, pedagogy
3419. Tierney, Robert J.; Patricia L. Anders; Judy Nichols Mitchell (Eds.). (1987). Understanding reader's understanding: Theory and practice. Hillside, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: reading, comprehension, cognitive, linguistic, inference, pedagogy
3420. Tierney, William G.; Yvonna S. Lincoln (Eds.). (1997). Representation and the text: Re-framing the narrative voice. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: narrative, representation, textuality, voice, framework, reconfiguration, narrative, representation
3421. Tiffin, Chris; Alan Lawson (Eds.). (1994). De-scribing empire: Post-colonialism and textuality. New York: Routledge.
Keywords: colonialism, postcolonial, 19th-20th-century, textuality, imperialism, genre-analysis, cartography, map-making, children's literature, gender, racism, adventure literature
3422. Tindale, Christopher W.; Hans V. Hansen (Eds.). (1998). Rhetorical considerations in the study of argumentation [special issue of Argumentation 12.2]. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: argumentation, rhetoric
3423. Ting-Toomey, Stella; Felipe Korzenny (Eds.). (1989). Language, communication, and culture: Current directions. Newbury Park, CA: Sage; Speech Communication Association, Commission on International and Intercultural Communication.
Keywords: language, communication, cultural, contextual, cross-cultural
3424. Tobin, Lad; Thomas Newkirk (Eds.). (1994). Taking stock: The writing process movement in the '90s. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: process, history, professional movement, 1990s, process
3425. Todd, Alexandra Dundas; Sue Fisher (Eds.). (1988). Gender and discourse: The power of talk. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: gender-difference, conversation, speak-write, discourse-analysis, male-female
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