There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
126. Antczak, Frederick J.; Cinda Coggins (Eds.). (2002). Professing rhetoric: Selected papers from the 2000 Rhetoric Society of America conference. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: rhetoric
127. Antonacci, Patricia; Carolyn N. Hedley (Eds.). (1994). Natural approaches to reading and writing. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: literacy, school, acquisition, natural language, natural approach
128. Arabski, Janusz (Ed.). (2002). Time for words: Studies in foreign language vocabulary acquisition. Frankfurt am Maim, Germany: Peter Lang.
Keywords: acquisition, vocabulary, L2, ESL
129. Aragon, Steven R. (Ed.). (2000). Beyond access: Methods and models for increasing retention and learning among minority students (New directions for community colleges, No. 112). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: two-year, diversity, minority, validation, persistence, academic-success, persistence
130. Archer, Jerome Walter; with Wilfred A. Ferrell (Eds.). (1965). Research and the development of English programs in the junior college; Proceedings of the Tempe Conference, 1965 (Cooperative Research Project, No. X-004). Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: two-year, research, program, history, Project English, research-project
131. Arena, Louis A. (Ed.). (1990). Language proficiency: Defining, teaching, and testing. New York: Plenum Press.
Keywords: ESL, pedagogy, testing, language proficiency, proficiency
132. Arias, M. Beatriz; Ursula Casanova (Eds.). (1993). Bilingual education: Politics, practice, and research. Chicago, IL: National Society for the Study of Education, distributed by the University of Chicago Press.
Keywords: education, bilingual, pedagogy, review-of-scholarship, political
133. Aristotle; Cooper, Lane (Ed.). Trans. Lane Cooper. (1960). The Rhetoric of Aristotle, an expanded translation with supplementary examples for students of composition and public speaking. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Keywords: Aristotle, The Rhetoric, public-speaking, pedagogy
134. Armour, Robert A.; Barbara Schneider Fuhrmann (Eds.). (1989). Integrated liberal learning and professional education (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 40). San-Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: pedagogy, curriculum, liberalism, vocational, technical-communication, education, change, integrated
135. Armstrong, Isobel (Ed.). (1992). New feminist discourses: Critical essays on theories and texts. New York: Routledge.
Keywords: feminism, discourse, theory, text
136. Arnold, Lisa, Nebel, Anne, & Ronesi, Lynne (Eds.).. (2017).
Emerging Writing Research from the Middle East-North Africa Region. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
138. Arnove, Robert F. Harvey J. Graff (Eds.). (1987). National literacy campaigns: Historical and comparative perspectives. NY: Plenum Press.
Keywords: literacy, policy, political, history, literacy campaign
139. Arnove, Robert F. Harvey J. Graff (Eds.). (1987). National literacy campaigns: Historical and comparative perspectives. NY: Plenum Press.
Keywords: literacy campaign, international, national, history
140. Arnove, Robert F.; Harvey J. Graff (Eds.). (1987). History and historical contexts: Composition and literacy. New York: Perseus Press.
Keywords: historiography, literacy
141. Arola, Kristin L.; Anne Frances Wysocki (Eds.). (2012). composing(media) = composing(embodiment: Bodies, technologies, writing, the teaching of writing. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Keywords: body, embodiment, multimedia, technology, pedagogy
142. Arrazola, Xabier; Kepa Korta; Francis Jeffry Pelletier (Eds.). (1998). Discourse, interaction, and communication: Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: discourse, communication, interaction
143. Arteaga, Alfred (Ed.). (1994). An other tongue: Nation and ethnicity in the linguistic borderlands. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Keywords: marginality, border, discourse, political, ethnicity, linguistic, borderland, world-Englishes
Keywords: genre-analysis, rhetorical
145. Artz, Lee; Steve Macek; Dana L. Cloud (Eds.). (2006). Marxism and communication studies: The point is to change it. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: communication-studies, Marxism, critique, change
146. Asher, V.; L. Kline, (Eds.); Pikes Peak Community College, Communications and Humanities Division. (1983). Communication II: A basic report writer's guide. Revised. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 260 759.
Keywords: report-writing, guidelines, techcom
147. Astin, Alexander W. (Ed.). (1992). Perspectives on the freshman year, volume II: Selected major addresses from Freshman Year Experience Conferences: Views on the critical first year. Columbia, SC: National Resource Center for the Freshman Year Experience, University of South Carolina.
Keywords: first-year experience, FYC
148. Astin, Alexander W. (Ed.). (1991). Perspectives on the freshman year: Selected major addresses from Freshman Year Experience Conferences: Views on the critical first year. Columbia, SC: National Resource Center for the Freshman Year Experience, University of South Carolina.
Keywords: first-year experience, FYC
149. Aston, Jean A. (Ed.); Center for the Study of Writing. (1990). Making thinking visible: Collaborative planning--concepts, processes, and assignments: A casebook. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 334 594.
Keywords: graphic, visual, collaborative, planning, assignment
150. Atkins, G. Douglas, and Michael L. Johnson (Eds.). (1985). Writing and reading differently: Deconstruction and the teaching of composition and literature. Lawrence: U of Kansas P,.
Keywords: read-write, deconstruction, pedagogy, bridging, literature
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