Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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1501. Guba, Evon G. (Ed.). (1990). The paradigm dialog. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Keywords: assessment, measurement, testing, paradigm shift, positivist, constructivist, research-method, ethnographic, qualitative, paradigm
1502. Gudykunst, William B. (Ed.). (1983). International communication theory: Current perspectives. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Keywords: international, communication, ESL, theory
1503. Gumpert, Gary; Susan J. Drucker (Eds.). (2002). Take me out to the ballgame: Communicating baseball. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: athletics, game, baseball, communication-studies
1504. Gumperz, John Joseph (Ed.). (1982). Language and social identity. Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: language, discourse, social identity, cultural, identity, social
1505. Gumperz, John Joseph.; Dell H. Hymes (Eds.). (1972). Directions in sociolinguistics: The ethnography of communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Keywords: sociosociolinguistics, ethnography, communication
1506. Gumperz, John Joseph; Dell Hymes (Eds.). (1964). The ethnography of communication. American Anthropologist 66.6 (Part 2) [special issue], 1-186.
Keywords: communication, ethnographic
1507. Gundell, Glen (Ed.). (1949). Writing, from idea to the printed page; case histories of stories and articles published in the Saturday Evening Post. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Keywords: process, publishing, Saturday Evening Post, revising, editing, authorship, case-narrative
1508. Gundell, Glen (Ed.). (1969). Writing; from idea to the printed page; case histories of stories and articles published in the Saturday Evening Post [reprint of 1949]. New York: Greenwood Press.
Keywords: process, publishing, Saturday Evening Post, revising, editing, authorship, case-narrative
1509. Gunderson, K. (Ed.). (1975). Language, mind, society. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Keywords: language-analysis, linguistic, cognitive, social
1510. Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise; Ingegerd Backlund (Eds.). (1995). Writing in academic contexts. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University, Institutionen for nordiska sprak.
Keywords: academic, contextual
1511. Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise; Ingegerd Backlund (Eds.). (1995). Writing in academic contexts. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University.
Keywords: academic
1512. Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise; Per Linell; Bengt Nordberg (Eds.). (1997). The construction of professional discourse. London; New York: Longman.
Keywords: business-communication, technical-communication, science-writing, discourse-analysis, constructivist, professional-discourse
1513. Gurak, Laura; Smiljana Antonijevic; Laurie Johnson; Clancy Ratliff; Jessica Reyman (Eds.). (2004). Into the blogosphere: Rhetoric, community, and culture of weblogs.
Keywords: blog, internet, webpage, genre, cultural, rhetorical-analysis, community, technology, computer
1514. Guskey, Thomas R. (Ed.). (1994). High stakes performance assessment: Perspectives on Kentucky's educational reform. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Keywords: performative assessment, large-scale, high-stakes, Kentucky, KERA, USA
1515. Guskin, Alan Edward (Ed.). (1981). The administrator's role in effective teaching (New directions for teaching and learning, no. 5). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: administration, pedagogy
1516. Gustafsson, Magnus, & Eriksson, Andreas (Eds.).. (2022). Negotiating the Intersections of Writing and Writing Instruction. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2022.1466
1517. Guthrie, John T. (Ed.). (1981). Comprehension and teaching: Research reviews. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Keywords: reading, comprehension, pedagogy, review-of-scholarship
1518. Gutierrez y Muhs, Gabriella; Yolanda Flores Niemann; Carmen G. Gonzalez; Angela P. Harris (Eds.). (2012). Presumed innocent: Intersections of race and class for women in academic. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Keywords: women, feminist, bias, discrimination, race, social-class, academy, narrative, scholar-story, teacher-story, hiring, promotion, tenure, profession
1519. Guzzetti, Barbara; Cynthia Hynd (Eds.). (1998). Perspectives on conceptual change: Multiple ways to understand knowing and learning in a complex world. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: transformative, development, theory, epistemological, learning-theory, complexity, social, pedagogy
1520. Haarman di Federico, I (Ed.). (1982). Testing English for academic purposes. Bergamo, Italy: Instituto de Studi Linguistici dell'Universita degli Studi de Camerino.
Keywords: ESL, testing, academic, EAP
1521. Hagaman, John; Mary Ellen Adams (Ed.). (1989). Teacher-researcher. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky English Department [issue of Kentucky English Bulletin 39.1, 1989].
Keywords: teacher-research
1522. Hagen, Stacey (Ed.); Garnet Templin-Imel; Michael Tate; Adult Basic and Literacy Educators Network of Washington [Seattle, WA]. (1990). Washington State Core Competencies model curriculum: English as a second language, Level 3. Version 1.0. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 352 861.
Keywords: ESL, assessment, state-mandated, Washington State, core-curriculum, competency, curriculum, bibliography
1523. Hagen, Stacey (Ed.); Michael Tate; Garnet Templin-Imel; Adult Basic and Literacy Educators Network of Washington [Seattle, WA]. (1990). Washington State Core Competencies model curriculum: English as a second language, Level 2. Version 1.0. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 352 860.
Keywords: ESL, assessment, state-mandated, core-curriculum, competency, school, bibliography
1524. Haiman, John (Ed.). (1985). Iconicity in syntax. Iconicity in syntax: Proceedings of a symposium on iconicity in syntax, Stanford, June 24-26, 1983; Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: syntax, iconicity
1525. Hainline, Douglas (Ed.). (1987). New developments in computer-assisted language learning. London: Crown Helm; New York: Nichols.
Keywords: computer, word-processing, CAI, pedagogy, L2, ESL, language-learning

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