Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2576. Okely, Judith; Helen Callaway (Eds.). (1992). Anthropology and autobiography. London; New York: Routledge.
Keywords: autobiography, genre, anthropological
2577. Oklahoma Writing Project (Ed.). (1987). Write angles: Strategies for teaching composition. Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma State Department of Education, Curriculum Division.
Keywords: pedagogy, school, FYC, National Writing Project
2578. Oksenberg Rorty, Amelie (Ed.). (1996). Essays on Aristotle's rhetoric. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Keywords: Aristotle, rhetoric
2579. Oliker, Michael A. (Ed.); Midwest Philosophy of Education Society. (1993). Additional dialogue: A supplement to the proceedings of the annual conference of the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society: 1989 and 1990. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 371 973.
Keywords: philosophy, discourse, Midwest Philosophy of Education Society, philosophy
2580. Olive, Thierry; Michael C. Levy (Eds.). (2002). Contemporary tools and techniques for studying writing (Studies in Writing, Vol. 10). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: research-method, process, composing
2581. Oliver, Robert Tarbell; Marvin G. Bauer (Eds.). (1959). Re-establishing the speech profession: The first fifty years. New York: The Speech Association of the Eastern States.
Keywords: rhetoric, oratory, speech, speech-writing, disciplinary, history, USA, 20th-century
2582. Oller, John W. (Ed.). (1973). Focus on the learner: Pragmatic perspectives for the language teacher. Rowley, MA: Newbury.
Keywords: ESL, learning-theory, pragmatic, pedagogy, pragmatic
2583. Oller, John W. (Ed.). (1983). Issues in language testing research. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Keywords: ESL, testing, review-of-scholarship
2584. Oller, John W., Jr. (Ed.). (1989). Language and experience: Classic pragmatism [anthology]. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: language, philosophy, pragmatism, semantics, pragmatic
2585. Oller, John W., Jr.; Kyle Perkins (Eds.). (1980). Research in language testing. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Keywords: ESL, testing, assessment, research-method
2586. Oller, John W.; Kyle Perkins (Eds.). (1978). Language in education: Testing the tests. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Keywords: ESL, testing, validation
2587. Oller, John; Jon Jonz (Eds.). (1994). Cloze and coherence. Lewiston, PA: Bucknell University Press.
Keywords: testing, assessment, cloze, coherence, correlation, data, text-analysis
2588. Olney, James (Ed.). (1980). Autobiography: Essays theoretical and critical. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Keywords: autobiography, genre
2589. Olney, James (Ed.). (1988). Studies in autobiography. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: autobiography, African-Am, women, diary, journal, gender
2590. Olsen, Solveig (Ed.). (1985). Computer-aided instruction in the humanities. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: computer, pedagogy, CAI, humanities, text-analysis
2591. Olson, Carol Booth (Ed.). (1986). Practical ideas for teaching writing as a process. Sacramento, CA: California State Department of Education [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 268 550].
Keywords: process, pedagogy, pre-writing, revising, vocabulary, evaluation
2592. Olson, Carol Booth (Ed.). (1997). Practical ideas for teaching writing as a process at the high school and college levels. Rev. ed.. Sacramento, CA: California State Department of Education.
Keywords: process, pedagogy, pre-writing, revising, vocabulary, evaluation
2593. Olson, Carol Booth (Ed.); California State Department of Education. (1987). Practical ideas for teaching writing as a process. 1987 edition. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 294 193.
Keywords: pedagogy, process, pragmatic
2594. Olson, David R. (Ed.). (1980). The social foundations of language and thought: Essays in honor of Jerome S. Bruner. New York: Norton.
Keywords: language, social, cognitive-processing, sociolinguistics
2595. Olson, David R.; Nancy Torrance; Angela Hildyard (Eds.). (1985). Literacy, language, and learning: The nature and consequences of reading and writing. Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: read-write, literacy, learning-theory, language, social, cultural, consequence
2596. Olson, Gary (Ed.). (1994). Philosophy, rhetoric, literary criticism: (Inter)views [reprinted from JAC: Journal of Advanced Composition]. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 369 089].
Keywords: interview, rhetoric, Journal of Advanced Composition, lit-crit, rhetorical-studies, philosophy
2597. Olson, Gary A. (Ed.). (1984). Writing centers: Theory and administration. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 246 483].
Keywords: wcenter, theory, administrating
2598. Olson, Gary A. (Ed.); Southeastern Writing Center Association. (1981). Proceedings of the [first] Southeastern Writing Center Conference, held at the University of Alabama, February 7, 1981. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 202 041.
Keywords: wcenter, Southeastern Writing Center Conference
2599. Olson, Gary A. (Ed.); Southeastern Writing Center Association. (1982). Proceedings of the second annual Southeastern Writing Center Conference, held at the University of Alabama, February 6, 1982. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 214 164.
Keywords: wcenter, Southeastern Writing Center Conference
2600. Olson, Gary A.; Elizabeth Hirsh (Eds.). (1995). Women writing culture [reprinted interviews from Journal of Advanced Composition]. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: Sandra Harding, Mary Belenky, bell hooks, Luce Irigaray, Jean-Francois Lyotard, women, cultural

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