Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2876. Robert Trapp; Janice E. Schuetz (Eds.). (1990). Perspectives on argumentation: Essays in honor of Wayne Brockriede. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
Keywords: argumentation
2877. Roberts, David H. (Ed.); Samford University, School of Education. (1992). Impact '92: Building a community of writers for the 21st century: A compilation of the teaching demonstrations, personal and professional writings, and daily activities of the Samford University Writing Project (July 6-August 6, 1992). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 376 505.
Keywords: faculty-workshop, school, daily composing
2878. Roberts, David H. (Ed.); Samford University, School of Education. (1994). Impact '94: Building a community of writers for the 21st century: A compilation of the teaching demonstrations and the personal and professional writings of the Samford University Writing Project (July 6-August 4, 1994): Impact '94. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 376 506.
Keywords: faculty-workshop, school, demonstration
2879. Roberts, David H.; Jeanne Lebow (Eds.); University of Southern Mississippi. (1986). Tales from tall pines: An anthology: 1986 summer institute for public school teachers (June 16 - July 17, 1986) [Hattiesburg, MS]. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 376 507.
Keywords: faculty-workshop, school, South Mississippi Writing Project, summer institute
2880. Roberts, David H.; Peggy A. Swoger (Eds.); Samford University, School of Education. (1991). Impact '91: Building a community of writers for the 21st century: A compilation of the teaching demonstrations, personal and professional writings, and daily activities of the Samford University Writing Project (July 8-August 8, 1991). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 376 504.
Keywords: professional-workshop, sample
2881. Roberts, David H.; William C. Wolff (Eds.); Southeastern Writing Center Association. (1986). Selected papers of the Southeastern Writing Center Association. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 272 926.
Keywords: wcenter
2882. Roberts, Holland De Witte; Walter Vincent Kaulfers; Grayson Neikirk Kefauver (Eds.). (1943). English for a social living, a program including 25 statements of practice by teachers in the field. New York; London: McGraw-Hill.
Keywords: pedagogy, profession, school-college, democracy, individual, community, literature-study, language-study, semantics, social
2883. Roberts, Patricia (Ed.). (1998). The Harcourt Brace sourcebook for teachers of writing [anthology of reprinted pieces]. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Keywords: sourcebook, pedagogy, resources, English-profession
2884. Roberts, Richard H.; James M. Good (Eds.). (1993). The recovery of rhetoric: Persuasive discourse and disciplinarity in the human sciences. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.
Keywords: rhetoric, disciplinary, persuasive, discourse, humanities, disciplinarity, scientificity, persuasive, recovery, human science
2885. Robertson, Alice; Barbara Smith (Eds.). (1999). Teaching in the 21st century: Adapting writing pedagogies to the college curriculum. New York: Falmer Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, curriculum, change, pedagogy
2886. Robillard, Valerie; Els Jongeneel (Eds.). (1998). Pictures into words: Theoretical and descriptive approaches to ekphrasis. Amsterdam: VU University Press.
Keywords: ekphrasis, text-picture
2887. Robinett, Betty Wallace (Ed.). (1967). On teaching English to speakers of other languages. Series III. Papers read at the TESOL Conference. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL
2888. Robinson, Daniel N. (Ed.). (1992). Social discourse and moral judgment. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Keywords: discourse, social, communication, ethical, moral judgment, social
2889. Robinson, H. Alan (Ed.). (1977). Reading and writing instruction in the United States: Historical trends. Urbana, IL: Internatoinal Reading Association; ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills.
Keywords: English-studies, reading, pedagogy, pedagogy, trend, history, USA, trend
2890. Robinson, H. Alan (Ed.); ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills; International Reading Association, Newark, DE. (1977). Reading & writing instruction in the United States: Historical trends. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 142 995.
Keywords: review-of-scholarship, read-write, history, USA, trend
2891. Robinson, Jay L. (Ed.). (1990). Conversations on the written word: Essays on language and literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: literacy
2892. Robinson, Pauline C. (Ed.). (1988). Academic writing: Process and product. In Robinson, Pauline C. (Ed.), Academic writing: Process and product (ELT documents, No. 129); Hong Kong: Modern English Publication; The British Council.
Keywords: academic
2893. Robinson, Pauline C. (Ed.). (1988). Academic writing: Process and product (ELT documents No. 129). Hong Kong: Modern English Publications.
Keywords: academic, process-product, ESL, ELT, pedagogy
2894. Robinson, Peter (Ed.). (2001). Cognition and second language instruction. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: ESL, cognitive, review-of-scholarship
2895. Robinson-Pant, Anna (Ed.). (2004). Women, literacy, and development: Alternative perspectives. London: Routledge.
Keywords: women, literacy, developing, case-study, global
2896. Rockman, Ilene F. (Ed.). (2004). Integrating information literacy into the higher education curriculum: Practical models for transformation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: information retrieval, information literacy, curriculum, change, integrated, transformative
2897. Rodenstein, Judith (Ed.); University of Wisconsin, Vocational Studies Center. (1984). High tech: High technology in vocational education: Training programs for emerging occupations. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 259 695.
Keywords: vocational, training-program, technology, high-tech, occupational
2898. Rodriguez Gonzalez, Felix (Ed.). (1996). Spanish loanwords in the English language: A tendency towards hegemony reversal. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: language, English-Spanish, loanword, hegemony reversal
2899. Rodriguez, Victor (Ed.); National Center for Bilingual Research [Los Alamitos, CA]. (1980). Language proficiency assessment: What does that mean? A report of the NABE pre-conference workshop [Los Alamitos, California, April 19, 1980]. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 221 053.
Keywords: assessment, testing, evaluation, proficiency, language proficiency, proficiency
2900. Roeder, Tara, & Gatto, Roseanne (Eds.).. (2014). Critical Expressivism: Theory and Practice in the Composition Classroom. The WAC Clearinghouse; Parlor Press. https://doi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2014.0575

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