Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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1826. Janssen, Daniel; Rob Neutelings (Eds.). (2001). Reading and writing public documents: Problems, solutions, and characteristics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: public, read-write, document-design
1827. Jardine, Alice; Paul Smith (Eds.). (1987). Men in feminism. New York: Methuen.
Keywords: feminism, men, gender-difference
1828. Jarratt, Susan Carole Funderburgh; Worsham, Lynn (Eds.). (1998). Feminism and composition studies: In other words (Research and scholarship in composition, Vol. 6). New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: feminism
1829. Jaworski, Adam; Nikolas Coupland (Eds.). (1999). The discourse reader. London; New York: Routledge.
Keywords: discourse-analysis
1830. Jaworski, Adam; Nikolas Coupland (Eds.). (2006). The discourse reader. 2nd edition [anthology, reprinted pieces]. London: Routledge.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, theory
1831. Jelinek, Estelle C. (Ed.).. (1980). Women's autobiography: Essays in criticism. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Keywords: autobiography, genre, women
1832. Jencks, Christopher; Meredith Phillips (Eds.). (1998). The black-white test score gap. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution.
Keywords: testing, large-scale, assessment, African-Am, Anglo-Am, test-bias, rating
1833. Jenkinson, Edward B.; Donald A. Seybold (Eds.). (1970). Writing as a process of discovery: Some structured theme assignments for grades five through twelve. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Keywords: school, assignment, sequence, epistemic, discovery, process
1834. Jenkinson, Edward B.; Philip B. Daghlian (Eds.). (1968). Books for teachers of English: An annotated bibliography. Bloomington; London: Indiana University Press.
Keywords: monograph, English-studies, pedagogy, bibliiography, annotated
1835. Jenkyns, Richard (Ed.). (1992). The legacy of Rome: A new appraisal. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, Roman, history, influence
1836. Jennings, Edward M.; Alan C. Purves (Eds.). (1991). Literate systems and individual lives: Perspectives on literacy and schooling. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: literacy, individual
1837. Jensen, Julie M. (Ed.). (1984). Composing and comprehending. Urbana, IL: National Conference on Research in English: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 243 139]. http://www.coe.uga.edu/ncrll/Publications/Downloads.htm
Keywords: composing, read-write, comprehension
1838. Jernudd, Bjorn H.; Michael J. Shapiro (Eds.). (1989). The politics of language purism. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: language purism, political, English Only
1839. Jewett, Arno Joseph (Ed.). (1964). Improving English skills of culturally different youth in large cities; excerpts of speeches given at a conference, May 31-June 2, 1962, U. S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education.
Keywords: pedagogy, minority, dialect, urban, cultural
1840. Jewett, Arno Joseph; Charles Edward Bish (Eds.). (1965). Improving English composition. Washington, D. C.: National Education Association of the United States.
Keywords: pedagogy, lay-reader, National Educational Association
1841. Joeres, Ruth-Ellen Boetcher; Elizabeth Mittman (Eds.). (1993). The politics of the essay: Feminist perspecctives. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Keywords: essay, genre, political, feminist, ethnicity, cultural, women
1842. Johannesen, R. L. (Ed.). (1971). Contemporary theories of rhetoric: Selected readings [reprinted pieces]. New York: Harper & Row.
Keywords: rhetoric, 20th-century, theory, Kenneth Burke, I. A. Richards, Richard Weaver, Perelman, Toulmin, McLuhan, bibliography, readings, rhetorical-theory
1843. Johannesen, Richard L. (Ed.). (1971). Contemporary theories of rhetoric: Selected readings [reprinted pieces]. New York: Harper & Row.
Keywords: rhetorical, theory, 20th-century, readings, rhetorical-theory
1844. Johannesen, Richard L.; Rennard Strickland; Ralph T. Eubanks (Eds.). (1970). Language is sermonic: Richard Weaver on the nature of rhetoric [edited anthology]. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisianna State University Press.
Keywords: Richard Weaver, sermonic, language, rhetoric
1845. Johansson, Stig; Anna-Brita Stenstr?m (Eds.). (1991). English computer corpora: Selected papers and research guide. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: computer-corpora, bibliography
1846. Johns, Ann M. (Ed.). (2002). Genre in the classroom: Multiple perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: genre, pedagogy
1847. Johns, Jerry L. ; Susan J. Davis; Ruth E. Olle (Eds.); Illinois Council of the International Reading Association. (1993). Literacy: Celebration and challenge (Illinois Reading Council silver anniversary monograph). Bloomington, IL: Illinois Reading Council [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 362 844].
Keywords: reading, literacy, read-write
1848. Johns, Tim; Philip King (Eds.). (1991). Classroom concordancing (ELR journal, Vol. 4). Birmingham, England: University of Birmingham, Centre for English Language Studies.
Keywords: concordance, pedagogy, ESL
1849. Johnson, Donna M.; Duane H. Roen (Eds.). (1989). Richness in writing: Empowering ESL students. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational.
Keywords: ESL, empowerment, pedagogy
1850. Johnson, Karen G.; Ted Roggenbuck (Eds.); Crystal Conzo (Digital Ed.). (2019). How We Teach Writing Tutors: A WLN Digital Edited Collection. https://wlnjournal.org/digitaleditedcollection1/. https://wlnjournal.org/digitaleditedcollection1/
Keywords: WLN, writing center, wcenter, professional responsibility, tutor, tutor-training, workshop, survey, survey-design, tutor confidence, new media, multimodality, empirical research, transcription, administration, workshop, new directors, writing center professionals, asynchronous tutoring, distance learning, online education, synchronous tutoring, graduate

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