Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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1301. Gamboa, Sylvia; Carl Lovitt; Angela Williams (Eds.). (1995). Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Writing across the Curriculum. Charleston, SC: College of Charleston, Administrative Services.
Keywords: WAC, abstract, proceedings, Second National Conference on Writing across the Curriculum
1302. Gambrell, Linda B.; Lesley Mandel Morrow; Susan B. Neuman; Michael Pressley (Eds.). (1999). Best practices in literacy instruction. New York: Guilford Press.
Keywords: literacy, school
1303. Ganobcsik-Williams, Lisa (Ed.). (2006). Teaching academic writing in UK higher education: Theory, practices and models. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Keywords: Britain, UK, academy, English-profession, curriculum, pedagogy, program
1304. Gantzer, Jack; Elaine Brooks (Eds.). (1991). Issues and innovations in ESL teaching and learning: Selected papers from New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1988-89. New York: New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, innovation
1305. Gaonac'h, Danielle (Ed.). (1990). Acquisition et utilisation d'une langue etrangere, l'approache cognitive [Acquisition and use of a second language: Cognitive approach. Paris: Hachette.
Keywords: L2, acquisition, cognitive-processing, use
1306. Garay, Mary Sue; Stephen A. Bernhardt, (Eds.). (1998). Expanding literacies: English teaching and the new workplace. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: technical-communication, business-communication, academy-workplace, bizcom, techcom, literacy, change, computer, global
1307. Garcia, Ofelia.; Ricardo Otheguy (Eds.). (1989). English across cultures, cultures across English: A reader in cross-cultural communication. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: ESL, cross-cultural, communications, international
1308. Garcia, Ofelia; Colin Baker (Eds.). (1995). Policy and practice in bilingual education: A reader extending the foundations (Bilingual education and bilingualism, Vol. 2). Clevedon, England; Philadelphia, PA: Multilingual Matters.
Keywords: bilingual, policy, political, pedagogy, policy
1309. Garcia, Ofelia; Joshua A. Fishman (Eds.). (1997). The multilingual Apple: Languages in New York City. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: multilingual, linguistic, bilingual, linguistic atlas, New York City, multicultural
1310. Garcia, Ofelia; Ricardo Otheguy (Eds.). (1989). English across cultures, cultures across English: A reader in cross-cultural communication. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: intercultural, cross-cultural, world-Englishes, communication
1311. Garcia, Romeo; Damian Baca (Eds.). (2019). Rhetorics Elsewhere and Otherwise: Contested Modernities, Decolonial Visions. Urbana, NCTE.
Annotation: Rhetorics Elsewhere and Otherwise: Contested Modernities, Decolonial Visions provides a compelling framework of decoloniality that aims to disrupt Euro-American-centric models of knowledge production and to embrace “all forms of knowledge.” By developing specific terms and strategies to perform epistemic disobedience and delinking, it further helps unmask the logics of coloniality and promote language and literacy practices that broaden the possibility of stories and knowledges, silenced or forgotten, of local histories, elsewhere and otherwise.
Keywords: decolonization, rhetoric, Caribbean rhetoric, vernacular rhetoric, writing scholarship, pedagogy, ethnography, literacy, decolonial, epistemic, language, Latinx
1312. Gardner, David; Lindsay Miller (Eds.). (1996). Tasks for independent language learning. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, pedagogy, independence, acquisition, language-learning
1313. Gardner, Robert C. (Ed.). (1985). Social psychology and second language learning: The role of attitudes and motivation. London: Arnold.
Keywords: ESL, social, psychological, student-attitude, motivation, language-learning, social, social-psychology
1314. Gardner, Susan; Toby Fulwiler (Eds.). (1998). The journal book for teachers of at-risk college writers. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.
Keywords: journal-writing, assignment, pedagogy, at-risk, basic, nontraditional
1315. Gardner, Susan; Toby Fulwiler (Eds.). (1999). The journal book: For teachers in technical and professional programs. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.
Keywords: journal-writing, pedagogy, pedagogy, WAC, content-course
1316. Gardner-Bonneau, Daryle (Ed.). (1999). Human factors and voice interactive systems. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: voice-interactive, computer, voice-activated, human factors, interactive
1317. Garfield, Simon (Ed.). (2005). Our hidden lives: The everyday diaries of forgotten Britain between 1945-48 [anthology]. London: Ebury Press.
Keywords: diary, sample, Britain, 1945-1948, Mass-Observation Project, everyday
1318. Garman, Noreen B.; Maria Piantanida (Eds.). (2006). The authority to imagine: The struggle toward representation in dissertation writing. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: dissertation-writing, representation, authority, representation
1319. Garner, Ruth; Patricia A. Alexander. (Eds.). (1994). Beliefs about text and instruction with text. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: text, pedagogy, teacher-belief, epistemological
1320. Garnsey, Susan Marie (Ed.). (1993). Event-related brain potentials in the study of language. Hove (UK): L. Erlbaum.
Keywords: language, acquisition, potentiality, brain, contextual
1321. Garrett, Peter; Carl James (Eds.). (1991). Language awareness in the classroom. London; New York: Longman.
Keywords: language-awareness, pedagogy
1322. Garrett-Petts, W[illiam]. F.; Donald Lawrence (Eds.). (1996). Integrating visual and verbal literacies. Winnipeg, Canada: Inkshed Publications.
Keywords: graphic, literacy, integrated, verbal
1323. Garzone, Giuliana; Cornelia Ilie (Eds.). (2007). The use of English in institutional and business settings: An intercultural perspective. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: world-Englishes, business-communication, institutional, intercultural, organizational, intercultural
1324. Gass, Susan M.; Carolyn Madden (Eds.). (1985). Input in second language acquisition. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Keywords: L2, acquisition, language acquisition
1325. Gates, Barbara T.; Ann B. Shteir (Eds.). (1997). Natural eloquence: Women reinscribe science. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Keywords: science-writing, women, gender, feminist, eloquence, reinscription

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