Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3728 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2926. Ross, Karen; Deniz Derman (Eds.). (2003). Mapping the margins: Identity, politics, and the media. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: communications-study, research-method, marginal, identity, political, media
2927. Rosteck, Thomas (Ed.). (1999). At the intersection: Cultural studies and rhetorical studies. New York: Guilford.
Keywords: rhetorical-studies, cultural-studies, interdisciplinary
2928. Rothkopf, Ernst Z.; Paul E. Johnson (Eds.). (1971). Verbal learning research and the technology of written instruction. New York: Teachers College Press.
Keywords: learning-theory, technology, computer, verbal
2929. Rothschild, Joyce M. (Ed.). (1992). 1991 ATTW bibliography. Technical Communication Quarterly 01.4, 85-114.
Keywords: techcom, communications, bibliography
2930. Roueche, John E. (Ed.). (1983). A new look at successful programs. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: academy, program, best-practices
2931. Roueche, John E. (Ed.). (1977). Increasing basic skills by developmental studies (New directions for higher education, No. 20). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: basic, change, research
2932. Rouet, Jean-Francois; Jarmo J. Levonen; Andrew Dillon; Rand J. Spiro (Eds.). (1996). Hypertext and cognition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: hypertext, cognitive, research-method, empirical, informational
2933. Rowe, Charley; Eva Lia Wyss (Eds.). (2009). Language and new media: Linguistic, cultural, and technological evolutions. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: multimedia, language-study, linguistic, cultural, technology
2934. Royer, Daniel; Roger Gilles (Eds.). (2003). Directed self-placement: Principles and practices. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: placement, directed self-placement, self-placement, self-assessment, principle
2935. Royster, Jacqueline Jones; Ann Marie Mann Simpkins (Eds.). (2005). Calling cards: Theory and practice in the study of race, gender, and culture. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: scholar-story, research-agenda, racial, gender, cultural
2936. Rubdy, Rani; Mario Saraceni (Eds.). (2006). English in the world: Global rules, global roles. London: Continuum.
Annotation: The authors in this collection present a multiplicity of theoretical perspectives on the rules and roles of English as a global language to examine various facets of the timely debate on norms and the choice of a suitable model for the teaching of English: Standard English; World Englishes; and EIL/ELF, including possible pedagogical implications and solutions. [Bruce Horner, Nancy Bou Ayash, Carrie Kilfoil, Samantha NeCamp, Brice Nordquist; Vanessa Kraemer Sohan; Global Englishes and Language Difference; WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 17]
Keywords: world-Englishes, global, model, pedagogy, standard written English, rules
2937. Ruben, Brent D. (Ed.). (1978). Communication yearbook 2. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.
Keywords: communication, theory
2938. Rubens, Philip (Ed.). (2001). Science and technical writing: A manual of style. 2nd edition. New York: Routledge.
Keywords: science-writing, technical-communication, style, guidelines, handbook, manual, style
2939. Rubin, Donald L. (Ed.). (1995). Composing social identity in written language. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: social, identity, composing, constructivist, identity, social
2940. Rubin, Joan (Ed.). (1977). Language planning processes. The Hague; New York: Mouton.
Keywords: language policy, language planning, social, political
2941. Ruddell, Robert B. (Ed.). (1973). Accountability and reading instruction: Critical issues. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: reading, accountability, assessment, crucial
2942. Ruddell, Robert B.; Martha Rapp Ruddell; Harry Singer (Eds.). (1994). Theoretical models and processes of reading. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Keywords: reading, relational processing-theory, cognitive, model
2943. Rude, Carolyn D. (Ed.). (1985). Teaching technical editing (Teaching technical writing anthology series, No. 5). Lubbock, TX: Association of Teachers of Technical Writing.
Keywords: technical-writing, editing, techcom, pedagogy, editing
2944. Rueckert, W. H. (Ed.). (1969). Critical responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minneapolis Press.
Keywords: Kenneth Burke
2945. Rueckert, William H. (Ed.). (1969). Critical responses to Kenneth Burke, 1924-1966 [mostly reprinted pieces]. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Keywords: Kenneth Burke, reception, bibliography
2946. Ruhm, E. M. (Ed.). (1943). Index to Tracts XLI-LIX, with list of members of the Society, 31 December 1942. Society for Pure English. Tract No. 60. Oxford, England: The Clarendon Press.
Keywords: Society for Pure English, index, bibliography, index
2947. Russell, Christina G.; Robert L. McDonald (Eds.). (1994). Teaching composition in the 90s: Sites of contention. New York: HarperCollins.
Keywords: English-profession, 1990s, conflict, theory, pedagogy
2948. Russell, D[onald] A.; Wilson, Nigel Guy (Eds.). (1981). Menander Rhetor [of Laodicea]. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: Menander, classical-rhetoric, Greek, history, Menander Rhetor, Menander the rhetorician
2949. Russell, David H., Chair, Editorial Committee, Research Design and the Teaching of English (Ed.). (1964). Research design and the teaching of English: Proceedings of the San Francisco Conference, 1963. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley; Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: research-method, research-design, pedagogy
2950. Russell, Tom; Hugh Munby (Eds.). (1992). Teachers and teaching: From classroom to reflection. Bristol, PA: Falmer Press.
Keywords: teacher-training, reflexivity

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