WAC Clearinghouse Books

The WAC Clearinghouse provides access to more than 225 books, and additional books are in production. All books are available for free viewing and/or download. Many are also available in low-cost print editions. You can view a complete listing of our books in our catalog. In addition to the book series listed below, we also provide access to open-access textbooks, teaching resources, and conference proceedings.

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Recent Books

Book Cover: Proceedings of the Computers and Writing Annual Conference, 2024 Book Cover: Community Listening: Stories, Hauntings, Possibilities Book Cover: If at First You Don't Succeed? Writing, Rhetoric, and the Question of Failure Book Cover: 'The Wrong Side of Privilege.' Advocacy, Community, and Politics: The Collected Essays of Stephen J. Parks, 2000-2020 Book Cover: Inclusive STEM Book Cover: Storying Writing Center Labor for Anti-Capitalist Futures Book Cover: My Life With Literacy Book Cover: Outcomes of Engaged Education Book Cover:  A Community Text Arises Book Cover: Transnational Assemblages Book Cover: Unfinished Business: Thoughts on the Past, Present, Future, and Nurturing of Homo Scribens Book Cover: Improvisations: Methods and Methodologies in Lifespan Writing Research

Statement on Open-Access Scholarly Publishing

Principles for Open-Access Scholarly Publishing has been released by the WAC Clearinghouse. The statement was developed with contributions from 17 scholars in the writing studies community and is endorsed by more than 60 individuals, publications, and organizations. The statement web page provides options for endorsing or making further contributions to the document.

Open-Access Textbooks and Teaching Resources

View our list of open-access textbooks—including those on the Clearinghouse and elsewhere. We also provide a list of books that address key teaching and learning issues.

Conference Proceedings

View our list of Conference Proceedings, including the recently released proceedings for the Computers & Writing Conference and the conference archives for the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference.

Clearinghouse Book Series

Perspectives on Writing

The Perspectives on Writing series addresses writing studies in a broad sense. Consistent with the wide-ranging approaches characteristic of teaching and scholarship in writing across the curriculum, the series presents works that take divergent perspectives on working as a writer, teaching writing, administering writing programs, and studying writing in its various forms.

Practices & Possibilities

The Practices & Possibilities Series addresses the full range of practices within the field of writing studies, including instructional practices, research methodologies, and professional practices. The books in this series explore issues and ideas of interest to writers, teachers, researchers, and theorists who share an interest in improving existing practices and exploring new possibilities.

International Exchanges on the Study of Writing

The International Exchanges on the Study of Writing Series publishes book-length manuscripts that address worldwide perspectives on writing, writers, teaching with writing, and scholarly writing practices, specifically those that draw on scholarship across national and disciplinary borders to challenge parochial understandings of all of the above. 

International Exchanges: Latin America Section

The Latin America Section of the International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series publishes peer-reviewed books about writing, writers, teaching with writing, and scholarly writing practices from Latin American perspectives. It also offers re-editions of recognized peer-reviewed books originally published in the region. 

Across the Disciplines Books

The Across the Disciplines Books series publishes scholarly texts that explore language and discourse practices within and across disciplinary boundaries using diverse methodologies and theoretical approaches.  While some volumes in the series are linked to themed issues of the online, open access, peer reviewed journal Across the Disciplines (ATD), ATD Books shares the broader mission of the WAC Clearinghouse, publishing works relevant to writing across the curriculum, writing in the disciplines, and interdisciplinary communication.

Foundations and Innovations in Technical and Professional Communication

The Foundations and Innovations in Technical and Professional Communication series publishes work that is necessary as a base for the field of technical and professional communication (TPC), addresses areas of central importance within the field, and engages with innovative ideas and approaches to TPC.

Precarity & Contingency

The Precarity & Contingency book series publishes scholarship—broadly construed to include empirical (both quantitative and qualitative), historical, and critical/theoretical projects—that addresses precarious academic labor. The series embraces new visions of and innovations in leadership in the academic environment that might more effectively address current labor crises as well as projects that explore intersections of academic labor activism with other forms of activism. 


The #writing Series publishes open-access and print books in digital rhetoric, new media studies, digital humanities, techno-pedagogy, and similar areas of interest. The series focuses on single- or co-authored monographs that address themes, methodologies, and/or pedagogies in these areas. 

Lifespan Writing Research

The Lifespan Writing Research series publishes single- and multi-author empirical and theoretical approaches to studying writing through the lifespan that informs and/or challenges established lifespan writing frameworks. 

Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition

The books in this series, edited by Charles Bazerman, Anis Bawarshi, and Mary Jo Reiff, and published jointly with Parlor Press, provide compact, comprehensive and convenient surveys of what has been learned through research and practice as composition has emerged as an academic discipline over the last half century. 

Studies in Writing and Rhetoric

The CCCC Studies in Writing & Rhetoric series seeks to influence how writing istaught at the college level. In partnership with the WAC Clearinghouse, CCCC and the series editors are making selected books from the series available in open-access formats.

Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing

The books in this independent series present peer-reviewed collections of essays—all composed by teachers for students—that explore important topics about writing in a manner and style accessible both to teachers and students. 

WLN Digital Edited Collections

WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship offers open-access digital edited collections focused on topics relevant to the field of writing center studies. These multimodal texts, which are rich with graphics, links to sources, videos, and teaching resources, extend learning beyond printed texts. In

Landmark Publications in Writing Studies

View a collection of republished books that have made a significant impact on writing-across-the-curriculum theory and practice. Many of these books are published with permission of their authors. Others are still available in print and are published here with permission of the publisher.

Utah State University Press on WAC

The Utah State University Press on WAC series offers open-access digital editions of leading books on WAC published by Utah State University Press. The books in this series are part of a larger collection of open-access books available through the USU Press Digital Commons.


The NCTE on WAC series offers open-acces digital editions of leading books on WAC published by the National Council of Teachers of English. Many of these books can be purchased in print editions through NCTE.

RhetNet Books

In 1997, RhetNet editor Eric Crump wrote of the two books included on the journal's Web site, "We use the word 'books' with some trepidation in these parts, but the texts included in association with that term exhibit decidedly bookish characteristics." The two books published by RhetNet offer insights into early online work in the field of composition and rhetoric. 

Other Open-Access Book Series in Writing Studies

Within the field of writing studies, a growing number of publishers are offering offer peer-reviewed, scholarly book in open-access formats. We are pleased to provide links to several of these innovative series.