There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
1451. Green, Bert F. (Ed.). (1981). Issues in testing: Coaching, disclosure, and ethnic bias (New directions for testing and measurement, no. 11). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: testing, coaching, disclosure, ethnic, test-bias
1452. Green, Bill (Ed.). (1992). The insistence of the letter: Literacy studies and curriculum theorizing. London; Washington, D.C.: Falmer.
Keywords: literacy, curriculum, literacy-studies, learning-theory
1453. Green, Bill (Ed.). (1993). The insistence of the letter: Literacy studies and curriculum theorizing. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 366 994].
Keywords: literacy-studies, curriculum, theory
1454. Green, Charles S.; Richard G. Salem (Eds.). (1981). Liberal learning and careers (New directions for teaching and learning, no. 6). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: undergraduate, major, liberalism, career
1455. Green, Judith L.; Judith O. Harker (Eds.). (1988). Multiple perspective analyses of classroom discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: ethnographic, transcript-analysis, multiple measures, research-method
1456. Green, Judith L; Judith O. Harken (Eds.). (1988). Multiple perspective analyses of classroom discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: classroom, research-method, discourse-analysis, transcript-analysis, multimethod, perspectival
1457. Green, Melanie C.; Jeffrey J. Strange; Timothy C. Brock (Eds.). (2002). Narrative impact: Social and cognitive foundations. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: narrative, social, cognitive, narrative, social
1458. Greenbaum, Andrea (Ed.). (2001). Insurrections: Approaches to resistance in composition studies. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: resistance, composition-studies
1459. Greenbaum, Andrea; Deborah Holdstein (Eds.). (2008). Judaic perspectives in rhetoric and composition studies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: religion, Judaism, rhetorical-studies, composition-studies
1460. Greenbaum, Sidney (Ed.). (1977). Acceptability in language. The Hague: Mouton.
Keywords: sociolinguistics, acceptability, convention, language
1461. Greenbaum, Sidney (Ed.). (1996). Comparing English worldwide: The International Corpus of English. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: International Corpus of English, corpus-analysis, corpora, world-Englishes, constrastive, linguistic
1462. Greenberg, Bradley S. (Ed.). (2002). Communication and terrorism: Public and media responses to 9/11. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: terrorism, mass-media, media-analysis, media-studies, media, mass-communication, communication, 9/11
1463. Greenberg, Karen Joy (Ed.). (1990). Conversations on communication ethics. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: ethical, communication, value, ethics
1464. Greenberg, Karen L.; Harvey S. Wiener; Richard A. Donovan (Eds.). (1986). Writing assessment: Issues and strategies. New York: Longman [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 271 763].
Annotation: This edited collection was a project of the National Testing Network in Writing (begun 1981; the first NTNW conference was held in 1983). As a whole the editors are sensitive to the national "demand for accountability" (p. vii), although they say it is an "age perhaps hysterical over accountability" (p. xiv). They lament the lack of information to meet "The rush to test writers" (p. xi). They describe a survey sent out in 1983 and re-sampled in 1985. In 1983, 84 percent of respondents test to place students in composition courses and 23 percent later certify writing proficiency with a test; two-year schools do a disproportionate amount of placement testing (p. xiii), and of it 69 percent is direct testing. "Holistically scored writing samples were preferred over any other type of test" and 97 percent of tests that were holistically scored were "locally developed by departmental or collegewide committees" (p. xiv) [this doesn't say, finally, what percent of all testing is holistic]. The editors strongly support locally developed tests over bought ones, for reasons of faculty development. "State Legislatures and boards of education across the nation have mandated large-scale writing assessment programs, inspired in part by public outcry for a return to basics, and in part by a general lack of interest from teaching faculty in taking early initiatives to develop tests measuring basic skills" (p. vii). RHH [Rich Haswell & Norbert Elliot, Holistic Scoring of Written Discourse to 1985, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 27]
Keywords: assessment, evaluation, pedagogy, holistic, National Testing Network IN Writing, accountability, survey, direct-indirect, two-year, local, faculty-as-tester
1465. Greenblatt, Stephen; Giles B. Gunn (Eds.). (1992). Redrawing the boundaries: The transformation of English and American literary studies. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: literary-studies, English-profession, change, Britain, USA, transformative
1466. Greene, Jack R.; Stephen D. Mastrofski (Eds.). (1991). Community policing: Rhetoric or reality. New York: Praeger.
Keywords: community, law enforcement, police, community policing, social, reality, rhetoric, political, vigilante
1467. Greene, Nicole Pepinster; Patricia J. McAlexander (Eds.). (2008). Basic writing in America: The history of nine college programs. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: history, program, basic, USA
1468. Greene, Stuart (Ed.). (2007). Literacy as a civil right. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: citizen-rights, literacy, social, racism, minority
1469. Greenfield, Laura; Karen Rowan (Eds.). (2011). Writing centers and the new racism: A call for sustainable dialogue and change. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Keywords: wcenter, racial, ethnicity, bias, prejudice, guidelines, policy, sustainability, change
1470. Greenwald, Robert A.; Mary Kay Ryan; James E. Mulvihill (Eds.). (1982). Human subjects research: A handbook for institutional review boards. New York: Plenum Press.
Keywords: human subjects, IRB, handbook
1471. Greenwood, Addison; Sal Corrallo (Eds.). (1994). The national assessment of college student learning: Identification of the skills to be taught, learned, and assessed: A report on the proceedings of the second study design workshop, November 1992. Washington, D. C.: United States Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.
Keywords: skill, objective, taxonomy, assessment, identify
1472. Greenwood, Davydd J. (Ed.). (1999). Action research: From practice to writing in an international action research development program. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing.
Keywords: research-method, action research, ethnographic, naturalistic, grounded, international
1473. Greer, Jane E. (Ed.). (2003). Girls and literacy in America: Historical perspectives to the present [anthology of readings]. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Keywords: history, literacy, women, USA, 18th-19th-20th-century, composing, authorship, textbook, readings
1474. Greer, Mary C.; Bonnie Rubinstein (Eds.). (1972). Will the real teacher please stand up? A primer in humanistic education. Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear Publishing Company.
Keywords: pedagogy, humanistic
1475. Greer, Mary C.; Bonnie Rubinstein (Eds.). (1978). Will the real teacher please stand up? A primer in humanistic education. 2nd edition. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear Publishing Company.
Keywords: pedagogy, humanistic
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