Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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1351. Geuder, Patricia A. (Ed.). (1974). They really taught us how to write. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: pedagogy, secondary-school, faculty, exemplary, best-practices
1352. Ghadessy, M. (Ed.). (1988). Registers of written English: Situational factors and linguistic features. London: Pinter.
Keywords: register, situational, factor-analysis, data, linguistic, contextual, feature
1353. Ghadessy, Mohsen; Alex Henry; Robert L. Roseberry (Eds.). (2001). Small corpus studies and ELT: Theory and practice [English language teaching]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: corpus-analysis, ESL, ELT, L2, research-method
1354. Giacalone Ramat, Anna (Ed.). (2003). Typology and second language acquisition. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: L2, ESL, acquisition, typology, linguistic, language acquisition
1355. Giaimo, Genie Nicole, & Lawson, Daniel (Eds.).. (2024). Storying Writing Center Labor for Anti-Capitalist Futures. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2401
1356. Gibaldi, Joseph (Ed.). (1981). Introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures. New York: Modern Language Association.
Keywords: scholarship, English-profession, contemporary
1357. Gibaldi, Joseph (Ed.). (1992). Introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures. 2nd ed.. New York: Modern Language Association.
Keywords: scholarship, English-profession, contemporary
1358. Gibaldi, Joseph; James V. Mirollo (Eds.). (1981). The teaching apprentice program in language and literature. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: teacher-training, English-studies, literature, linguistics, L2, program
1359. Gibbons, John (Ed.). (1994). Language and the law. London; New York: Longman.
Keywords: legal-writing, law, language-analysis
1360. Gibbs, Graham (Ed.). (1994). Improving student learning: Theory and practice. Oxford, England: Oxford Centre for Staff Development.
Keywords: learning-theory, pedagogy
1361. Giberson, Tom; Greg Giberson (Eds.). (2009). The knowledge economy: Academic and the commodification of higher education. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: academy, commodification, knowledge economy
1362. Gibson, Stephanie B.; Ollie O. Oviedo (Eds.). (2000). The emerging cyberculture: Literacy, paradigm, and paradox. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: cyberculture, literacy, pedagogy, computer, technology, internet, hypertext, digital, media, paradigm, paradox
1363. Gibson, W. Walker (Ed.). (1979). New students in two-year colleges: Twelve essays. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 163 503].
Keywords: two-year, change, pedagogy, access, social-class
1364. Gibson, Walker (Ed.). (1962). The limits of language [anthology of reprinted essays]. New York: Hill and Wang.
Keywords: style, language
1365. Gifford, Bernard R. (Ed.). (1989). Test policy and test performance: Education, language, and culture. Vol. 2 [papers prepared for a conference which took place at the University of California at Berkeley, on December 11-13, 1986]. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: testing, policy, cultural, workplace, law, policy
1366. Gifford, Bernard R.; Mary Catherine O'Connor (Eds.). (1992). Changing assessments: Alternative views of aptitude, achievement, and instruction. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Keywords: assessment, change, aptitude
1367. Gifford, Douglas; Dorothy McMillan (Eds.). (1997). A history of Scottish women's writing. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Keywords: women, Scotland, Scottish, history
1368. Gilbers, Dicky; Sietze Looyenga (Eds.). (1992). Language and cognition 2; Yearbook 1992 of the research group for linguistic theory and knowledge representation of the University of Groningen. Groningen, Germany: University of Groningen Press.
Keywords: cognitive, language-processing, representation
1369. Gilbert, Helen; Anna Johnston (Eds.). (2002). In transit: Travel, text, empire (Travel writing across the disciplines, Vol. 4). New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: travel-writing, history, imperialism
1370. Gill, Carolyn Bailey (Ed.). (1994). Bataille: Writing the sacred. London; New York: Routledge.
Keywords: Georges Bataille, authorship
1371. Gill, Kent (Ed.). (1993). Ideas for the working classroom (Classroom practices in teaching English, Vol. 27). Urbana, IL : National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: best-practices, classroom, activity, exercise
1372. Gill, Kent (Ed.). (1993). Process and portfolios in writing instruction (Classroom practices in teaching English, Vol. 26). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 358 446].
Keywords: portfolio, process, pedagogy
1373. Gillaerts, Paul; Maurizio Gotti (Eds.). (2005). Genre variation in business letters. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: business-communication, letter-writing, genre, variation
1374. Gillaerts, Paul; Philip Shaw (Eds.). (2006). The map and the landscape: Norms and practices in genre. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: business-communication, genre-analysis, landscape, norms
1375. Gillespie, Paula; Alice Gilliam; Lady Falls Frown; Byron Stay (Eds.). (2002). Writing center research: Extending the conversation. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: wcenter, research

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