There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
1351. Geuder, Patricia A. (Ed.). (1974). They really taught us how to write. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: pedagogy, secondary-school, faculty, exemplary, best-practices
1352. Ghadessy, M. (Ed.). (1988). Registers of written English: Situational factors and linguistic features. London: Pinter.
Keywords: register, situational, factor-analysis, data, linguistic, contextual, feature
1353. Ghadessy, Mohsen; Alex Henry; Robert L. Roseberry (Eds.). (2001). Small corpus studies and ELT: Theory and practice [English language teaching]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: corpus-analysis, ESL, ELT, L2, research-method
1354. Giacalone Ramat, Anna (Ed.). (2003). Typology and second language acquisition. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: L2, ESL, acquisition, typology, linguistic, language acquisition
1355. Giaimo, Genie Nicole, & Lawson, Daniel (Eds.).. (2024).
Storying Writing Center Labor for Anti-Capitalist Futures. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
1356. Gibaldi, Joseph (Ed.). (1981). Introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures. New York: Modern Language Association.
Keywords: scholarship, English-profession, contemporary
1357. Gibaldi, Joseph (Ed.). (1992). Introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures. 2nd ed.. New York: Modern Language Association.
Keywords: scholarship, English-profession, contemporary
1358. Gibaldi, Joseph; James V. Mirollo (Eds.). (1981). The teaching apprentice program in language and literature. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: teacher-training, English-studies, literature, linguistics, L2, program
1359. Gibbons, John (Ed.). (1994). Language and the law. London; New York: Longman.
Keywords: legal-writing, law, language-analysis
1360. Gibbs, Graham (Ed.). (1994). Improving student learning: Theory and practice. Oxford, England: Oxford Centre for Staff Development.
Keywords: learning-theory, pedagogy
1361. Giberson, Tom; Greg Giberson (Eds.). (2009). The knowledge economy: Academic and the commodification of higher education. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: academy, commodification, knowledge economy
1362. Gibson, Stephanie B.; Ollie O. Oviedo (Eds.). (2000). The emerging cyberculture: Literacy, paradigm, and paradox. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: cyberculture, literacy, pedagogy, computer, technology, internet, hypertext, digital, media, paradigm, paradox
1363. Gibson, W. Walker (Ed.). (1979). New students in two-year colleges: Twelve essays. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 163 503].
Keywords: two-year, change, pedagogy, access, social-class
1364. Gibson, Walker (Ed.). (1962). The limits of language [anthology of reprinted essays]. New York: Hill and Wang.
Keywords: style, language
1365. Gifford, Bernard R. (Ed.). (1989). Test policy and test performance: Education, language, and culture. Vol. 2 [papers prepared for a conference which took place at the University of California at Berkeley, on December 11-13, 1986]. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: testing, policy, cultural, workplace, law, policy
1366. Gifford, Bernard R.; Mary Catherine O'Connor (Eds.). (1992). Changing assessments: Alternative views of aptitude, achievement, and instruction. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Keywords: assessment, change, aptitude
1367. Gifford, Douglas; Dorothy McMillan (Eds.). (1997). A history of Scottish women's writing. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Keywords: women, Scotland, Scottish, history
1368. Gilbers, Dicky; Sietze Looyenga (Eds.). (1992). Language and cognition 2; Yearbook 1992 of the research group for linguistic theory and knowledge representation of the University of Groningen. Groningen, Germany: University of Groningen Press.
Keywords: cognitive, language-processing, representation
1369. Gilbert, Helen; Anna Johnston (Eds.). (2002). In transit: Travel, text, empire (Travel writing across the disciplines, Vol. 4). New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: travel-writing, history, imperialism
1370. Gill, Carolyn Bailey (Ed.). (1994). Bataille: Writing the sacred. London; New York: Routledge.
Keywords: Georges Bataille, authorship
1371. Gill, Kent (Ed.). (1993). Ideas for the working classroom (Classroom practices in teaching English, Vol. 27). Urbana, IL : National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: best-practices, classroom, activity, exercise
1372. Gill, Kent (Ed.). (1993). Process and portfolios in writing instruction (Classroom practices in teaching English, Vol. 26). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 358 446].
Keywords: portfolio, process, pedagogy
1373. Gillaerts, Paul; Maurizio Gotti (Eds.). (2005). Genre variation in business letters. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: business-communication, letter-writing, genre, variation
1374. Gillaerts, Paul; Philip Shaw (Eds.). (2006). The map and the landscape: Norms and practices in genre. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: business-communication, genre-analysis, landscape, norms
1375. Gillespie, Paula; Alice Gilliam; Lady Falls Frown; Byron Stay (Eds.). (2002). Writing center research: Extending the conversation. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: wcenter, research
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