Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2951. Ryan, Leigh (Ed.). (1994). The Bedford guide for writing tutors. Boston, MA: Bedford Books.
Keywords: tutoring, guidelines, exercise, bibliography, annotated, tutoring
2952. Sadoff, Dianne F.; William E. Cain (Eds.). (1994). Teaching contemporary theory to undergraduates. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: literary-studies, lit-crit, theory, pedagogy, undergraduate
2953. Safman, Phyllis (Ed.). (1995). Focus: A forum on teaching and learning in Utah community colleges [special issue of Focus 12 , March 1995]. Salt Lake City, UT: Utah State Board of Higher Education [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 384 405].
Keywords: two-year, Utah,
2954. Sajavaara, Kari (Ed.); Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics. (1987). Equality in language learning: Proceedings of the 5th Nordic Conference of Applied Linguistics, Jyvaskyla [Finland], June 4-7, 1987 (Afinla Series No. 45). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 343 386.
Keywords: L2, linguistic, diversity, contrastive, equality, language-learning, applied linguistics, applied
2955. Sajavaara, Kari; Richard Lambert; Sauli Takala; Christine Morfit (Eds.). (1993). National foreign language planning: Practices and prospects. Jyvaskyla, Finland: University of Jyvaskyla.
Keywords: L1-L2, national, program, language planning
2956. Saljo, Roger (Ed.). (1988). The written world: Studies in literate thought and action. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Keywords: literacy, language, discourse-analysis, action
2957. Salomon, Gavriel (Ed.). (1993). Distributed cognitions: Psychological and educational considerations. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: cognitive, distributed cognition, production, learning-theory, activity-theory, psychological
2958. Salomon, Gavriel (Ed.). (1993). Distributed cognitions: Psychological and educational considerations. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: distributed cognition, psychological, education, learning-theory
2959. Salvatori, Mariolina Rizzi (Ed.). (1996). Pedagogy: Disturbing history, 1819-1929 [collection of primary documents]. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, documentary, 1819-1929, pedagogy
2960. Samuda, Ronald J; Shiu L. Kong; Jim Cummins; Juan Pascual-Leone; John Lewis (Eds.). (1991). Assessment and placement of minority students. Toronto; Lewiston, NY: C. J. Hogrefe; Intercultural Social Sciences Publications.
Keywords: minority, ESL, placement, assessment
2961. Samuels, Marilyn Schauer (Ed.); Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. (1985). Proceedings 1985: The Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication, 12th annual meeting, Oxford, Ohio, February 13-15, 1985. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 361 776.
Keywords: techcom, program
2962. Samuels, Warren J. (Ed.). (1990). Economics as discourse: An analysis of the language of economists. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: economics, language-analysis, disciplinary, style
2963. Sanches, Mary; Ben G. Blount (Eds.). (1975). Sociocultural dimensions of language use. New York: Academic Press.
Keywords: social, cultural, language, contextual, oral, speech, language-use, sociocultural
2964. Sanderson, James L.; Walter K. Gordon (Eds.). (1963). Exposition and the English language: Introductory studies [textbook; anthology of reprinted pieces]. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Keywords: mode, genre, exposition, language-study, sourcebook, FYC
2965. Sandler, Neil W. (Ed.); Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. [Arlington, VA]. (1986). Plain English for better business: Summary of proceedings of the 10th Annual Washington Forum of the Council of Better Business Bureaus (Washington, D. C., 1986). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 284 246.
Keywords: business, plain English
2966. Sanford, James F.; Sally J. Reithlingshoefer (Eds.). (1989). What if the university took teaching seriously? Selected papers from the Seventh Annual Conference on Non-Traditional and Interdisciplinary Programs: May 15-17, 1989, Virginia Beach Resort and Conference Center, Virginia Beach, Va. Virginia Beach, VA: George Mason University.
Keywords: interdisciplinary, WAC, program, nontraditional, tradition
2967. Santa, Carol Minnick; Donna E. Alvermann (Eds.). (1991). Science learning: Processes and applications. Newark, DE: International Reading Association [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 331 022].
Keywords: read-write, science-writing, textbook, WAC, applied
2968. Sarangi, Srikant; Celia Roberts (Eds.). (1999). Talk, work and institutional order: Discourse in medical, mediation, and management settings. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, organizational, institution, order, medicine, mediation, management
2969. Sarat, Austin; Thomas R. Kearns (Eds.). (1994). The rhetoric of law. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, law, legal-writing
2970. Sarat, Austin; Thomas R. Kearns (Eds.). (1996). The rhetoric of law. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michingan Press.
Keywords: legal-writing, rhetorical-analysis
2971. Sargent, M. Elizabeth (Ed.). (1984). Part-time academic employment in the humanities. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: part-time, employment, data, humanities, job-conditions
2972. Sargent, M. Elizabeth; Cornelia C. Paraskevas (Eds.). (2005). Conversations about writing: eavesdropping, inkshedding, and joining in. Toronto: Nelson. http://www.sargent.nelson.com
Annotation: The first FYC composition text based on a WAW (writing-about-writing) approach. An anthology of theory, research, and reflection on the writing process by writing studies scholars and creative writers, organized into 8 conversations (Life without Language; Reflecting on the Writing Process; Exploratory Writing and Invention: Freewriting, Inkshedding, and Writing-To-Learn; The Academic Writing Debate: What Is Academic Writing for?; The Grammar-as-Style Debate: Does Grammar Instruction Hurt or Help Student Writing?; Organization and Genre; Audience, Evaluation and Response; Separating Revision from Proofreading). The 8 chapter introductions give students an introduction to and context for ongoing debates/ discussions in the field of writing studies.
Keywords: FYC, WAW, writing about writing, rhetoric, pedagogy, composition text, Bartholomae, Sommers, Perl, Murray, Elbow, Matalene, Reither, Brent, Hairston, Goldberg, Hunt, Stafford, Pinker, Fulwiler(
2973. Sarikakis, Katharine; Daya K. Thussu (Eds.). (2006). Ideologies of the internet. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: ideology, internet, internet, computer, technology, media, gender, political
2974. Saville-Troike, Muriel (Ed.). (1975). Classroom practices in ESL and bilingual education. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, bilingual, pedagogy
2975. Saville-Troike, Muriel (Ed.). (1979). Classroom practices in ESL and bilingual education. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, bilingual, pedagogy

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