Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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351. Bizzell, Patricia; Bruce Herzberg (Eds.). (1990). The rhetorical tradition: Readings from classical times to the present [anthology textbook]. Boston, MA: Bedford Books, St. Martin's Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, readings, rhetorical tradition, tradition
352. Bjork, Lennart A. (Ed.). (2003). Teaching academic writing in European higher education (Studies in writing, Vol. 13. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: pedagogy, Europe, academic
353. Blachman, Benita A. (Ed.). (1997). Foundations of reading acquisition and dyslexia: Implications for early intervention. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: disability, brain, dyslexia, reading, acquisition, treatment, pedagogy, school, implication
354. Black, H[arold] D.; W. B. Dockrell (Eds.). (1988). New developments in educational assessment. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press.
Keywords: assessment, school, Britain, innovation
355. Black, Laurel; Collin Brooke; Kathy Murphy; Erica Scott (Eds.); Miami University. (1991). The best of Miami University's portfolios 1991. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 343 509.
Keywords: portfolio, Miami University [Ohio], sample
356. Blackburn, Mollie V.; Caroline T. Clark (Eds.). (2007). Literacy research for political action and social change. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: literacy, research-method, political, activist, social, change, social
357. Blackmon, Samantha; Cristina Kirklighter; Steve Parks (Eds.). (2012). Listening to our elders: Working and writing for change. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Keywords: profession, organization, heritage, minority, race, sexuality, social-class, disability, collective
358. Blair, David; Peter Collins (Eds.). (2001). English in Australia. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: Australia, world-Englishes, linguistic, dialect, ESL, bilinguality
359. Blair, Kristine L., & Nickoson, Lee (Eds.).. (2018). Composing Feminist Interventions: Activism, Engagement, Praxis. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2018.0056
360. Blair, Kristine; Pamela Takayoshi (Eds.). (1999). Feminist cyberscapes: Mapping gendered academic spaces. Stamford, CT: Ablex Pub..
Keywords: computer, internet, cyberspace, feminism, pedagogy, classroom, gendered
361. Blair, Kristine; Radhika Gajjala; Christine Tulley (Eds.). (2009). Webbing cyberfeminist practice: Communities, pedagogies, and social action. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: internet, feminist, praxis, community, pedagogy, social action, activist, pedagogy, cyberfeminism, social action, social
362. Blais, Andr?e (Ed.). (1995). Text in the exhibition medium. Qu?bec: Soci?t? des mus?es qu?b?cois: Mus?es de la civilisation.
Keywords: museum, discourse-analysis, label, exhibition
363. Blake, Norman (Ed.). (1992). The Cambridge history of the English language, Vol. 2: 1066-1476. Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: language, history, England, linguistic, change, medieval
364. Blake, Robert W. (Ed.). (1989). Reading, writing and interpreting literature: Pedagogy, positions and research. Schenectady, NY: New York State English Council [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 305 601].
Keywords: read-write, pedagogy
365. Blake, Robert William (Ed.). (1990). Whole language: Explorations and applications (New York State English Council monographs). Schenectady, NY: New York State English Council.
Keywords: whole-language, school, applied
366. Blakely, J. Paul (Ed.). (1980). Proceedings 27th International Technical Communication Conference, Radisson South Hotel, May 14-17, 1980. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications
367. Blakesley, David (Ed.). (2007). The terministic screen: Rhetorical perspectives on film. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: terministic, film-studies, rhetorical-analysis, demean, vilification, mapping, semiotic, taboo, identity, political, body, popular-culture, gender, conspiracy, imperialism, ethos, dialogic
368. Blalock, Glenn (Ed.). (1991). Background readings for instructors using The Bedford handbook, third edition [anthology of reprinted pieces]. Boston, MA: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press.
Keywords: FYC, handbook, pedagogy, pedagogy, resourcess, teacher-knowledge, handbook, background readings
369. Blalock, Glenn (Ed.). (1998). Background readings for instructors using The Bedford handbook. 5th edition [anthology of reprinted pieces]. Boston, MA: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press.
Keywords: sourcebook, English-profession, pedagogy, resources, handbook, background readings
370. Blankenship, Jane; Hermann Georg Stelzner (Eds.). (1976). Rhetoric and communication: Studies in the University of Illinois tradition. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, Deptartment of Speech Communication.
Keywords: communications, oral, tradition
371. Blatchford, Charles H. (Ed.). (1977). Directory of teacher preparation programs in TESOL and bilingual education, 1976-1978. 4th ed.. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, training, program, survey, data, directory
372. Blatchford, Charles H. (Ed.). (1979). Directory of teacher preparation programs in TESOL and bilingual education, 1978-1981. 5th ed.. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, training, program, survey, data, directory
373. Blatchford, Charles H. (Ed.). (1973). TESOL training program directory, 1972-1973. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, training, program, survey, data, directory
374. Blatchford, Charles H. (Ed.). (1975). TESOL training program directory, 1974-1976 [3rd ed.]. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, training, program, survey, data, directory
375. Blatchford, Charles H.; Jacquelyn Schachter (Eds.). (1978). On TESOL '78: EFL policies, programs, practices: Selected papers from the twelfth annual convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Language, Mexico City, April 4-9, 1978. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, EFL, policy, program, pedagogy

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