There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
2126. Lindemann, Erika (Ed.). (1992). CCCC bibliography of composition and rhetoric, 1990 [Vol. 6]. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: English-profession, bibliography, 1990, annotated
2127. Lindemann, Erika (Ed.). (1991). CCCC bibliography of composition and rhetoric, 1988 [Vol. 4]. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: bibliography, composition-studies, English-profession
2128. Lindemann, Erika (Ed.). (1988). Longman bibliography of composition and rhetoric, 1986 [Vol. 2]. New York: Longman.
Keywords: bibliography, annotated, composition-studies, rhetoric
2129. Lindemann, Erika; Gary Tate (Eds.). (1991). An introduction to composition studies. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: composition-studies
2130. Lindquist, Everet Franklin; Robert Ladd Thorndike (Ed.). (1951). Educational measurement. Washington, D. C.: American Council on Education.
Keywords: assessment, evaluation, measurement
2131. Linkon, Sherry Lee (Ed.). (1999). Teaching working class. Amherst, MA: University of Massachussetts Press.
Keywords: social-class, working-class, research-method, pedagogy, pedagogy, background, ethnicity
2132. Linsell, Norm (Ed.). (1977). 24th International Technical Communication Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 11-14, 1977: proceedings. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications
2133. Lipsitz, Lawrence (Ed.). (1977). The test score decline: Meaning and issues. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.
Keywords: decline, testing
2134. Lipson, Carol; Michael Day (Eds.). (2005). Technical communication and the World Wide Web. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: technical-communication, internet, computer
2135. Lipson, Carol; Roberta A. Binkley (Eds.). (2004). Rhetoric before and beyond the Greeks. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, sanctioned, history, classical, Greek, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Chinese, Biblical
2136. Little, Greta D.; Michael Montgomery (Eds.). (1994). Centennial usage studies (Publication of the American Dialect Society, No. 78). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Keywords: usage, dialect
2137. Liu, Kang; Xiaobing Tang (Eds.). (1993). Politics, ideology, and literary discourse in modern China: Theorectical interventions and cultural critique. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, political, ideology, China, 20th-century, cultural critique, contemporary
2138. Liu, Lydia He (Ed.). (1999). Tokens of exchange: The problem of translation in global circulations. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Keywords: translation, international, cultural, token, circulation, exchange
2139. Livia, Anna; Kira Hall (Eds.). (1997). Queerly phrased: Language, gender, and sexuality. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: language, linguistic, gender, sexuality, queer-theory, LBGT, lesbian, gay
2140. Livingstone, David (Ed.). (1987). Critical pedagogy and cultural power. South Hadley, MA: Bergin.
Keywords: critical pedagogy, cultural, power, critique, pedagogy
2141. Lloyd-Jones, Richard; Andrea A. Lunsford (Eds.). (1989). The English Coalition Conference: Democracy through language. English Coalition Conference,1987 (Wye Plantation). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English; New York: Modern Language Association.
Annotation: The leaders of the Coalition of English Associations met in August, 1984, at National Council of Teachers of English headquarters in Urbana, Illinois. Among the "Additional resolutions" produced by the meeting was the assertion that the shift "from multiple-choice tests to holistically scored tests of extended writing represents a move in the right direction. But it represents only a step, because even these holistic tests usually fail to allow for or measure certain skills that we hold as crucial in writing: sustained reflection before writing; exploratory prewriting; sharing drafts with peers for the sake of feedback and discussion; and revising on the basis of this social interaction" (p. 42). [Compare Elbow and Belanoff: holistic testing allows "No drafts, no discussion of the issue with others, no trying out drafts on readers, no getting responses; 1986, p. 97.] RHH [Rich Haswell & Norbert Elliot, Holistic Scoring of Written Discourse to 1985, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 27]
Keywords: English Coalition Conference, school-college, objective, direct-indirect, essay-assessment, process, self-reflection, prewriting, peer-critique, feedback
2142. Lockard, Joe; Mark Pegrum (Eds.). (2007). Brave new classrooms: Democratic education and the internet. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: digital, internet, networked, pedagogy, democratic
2143. Logan, Carolyn (Ed.). (1997). Counterbalance: Gendered perspectives for writing and language [reader; reprinted pieces]. Peterborough, Canada: Broadview Press.
Keywords: gendered, language
2144. Logan, Shirley Wilson (Ed.). (1995). With pen and voice: A critical anthology of nineteenth-century African-American women. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: African-Am, 19th-century, women, anthology, voice
2145. Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann; Neil Fraistat (Eds.). (2002). Reimagining textuality: Textual studies in the late age of print. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, textuality, 20th-century, change, lit-crit
2146. Long, Littleton (Ed.). (1976). Writing exercises from Exercise Exchange [reprinted pieces]. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 120 733].
Keywords: exercise, pedagogy, Exercise Exchange
2147. Longman, Stanley Vincent (Ed.). (1997). Drama as rhetoric/rhetoric as drama: An exploration of dramatic and rhetorical criticism. University, AL: Southeastern Theatre Conference; University of Alabama Press.
Keywords: literary-analysis, classroom theatre, drama-writing, theatricality, rhetoric, rhet-crit, lit-crit
2148. Lonsdale, Rosemary (Ed.). (1998). Writing in higher education: Perspectives in theory and practice: Proceedings of the fourth conference in writing development in higher education, held at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 8-9 April, ,1997. Aberystwyth, Wales: University of Wales.
Keywords: development, theory, pedagogy
2149. Lopate, Phillip (Ed.). (1994). The art of the personal essay: An anthology from the classical era to the present [anthology]. New York: Anchor Books.
Keywords: personal essay, essay-writing essay, genre, history, anthology
2150. Lorch, Robert F., Jr.; Edward J. O'Brien (Eds.). (1995). Sources of coherence in reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: reading, text-analysis, coherence
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