There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
3001. Schrader, William Benton (Ed.). (1981). Admissions testing and the public interest: Proceedings of the 1980 ETS Invitational Conference. New directions for testing and measurement, no. 9. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: admissions, testing, assessment, public interest
3002. Schrader, William Benton (Ed.). (1979). Measurement and educational policy: Proceedings of the 1978 ETS Invitational Conference (New directions for testing and measurement, no. 1). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: education, policy, school, testing, assessment, measurement, policy
3003. Schrader, William Benton (Ed.). (1980). Measuring achievement: Progress over a decade: Proceedings of the 1979 ETS Invitational Conference (New directions for testing and measurement, no. 5). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: testing, assessment, proficiency, measurement
3004. Schramm, Wilbur Lang (Ed.). (1963). The science of communication: New directions and new findings in communication research. New York: Basic Books.
Keywords: communication-studies, research
3005. Schreiber, Joanna, & Melonçon, Lisa (Eds.).. (2022).
Assembling Critical Components: A Framework for Sustaining Technical and Professional Communication. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
3006. Schrenk, Lawrence P. (Ed.). (1994). Aristotle in late antiquity. Washington, D. C.: Catholic University of America Press.
Keywords: Aristotle, rhetoric, influence, history, classical, classical-rhetoric
3007. Schroder, Hartmut (Ed.). (1991). Subject-oriented texts: Language for special purposes and text theory. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Keywords: text-analysis, special-purposes, ESL, ESP, EAP, academic
3008. Schroeder, Christopher L.; Helen Fox; Patricia Bizzell (Eds.). (2002). ALT DIS: Alternative discourses and the academy. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Heinemann.
Keywords: academic, discourse, alternative, genre, scholarly-writing
3009. Schryer, Catherine F.; Laurence Steven (Eds.). (1994). Contextual literacy: Writing across the curriculum. Winnipeg, Canada: Inkshed Publications.
Keywords: WAC, contextualism
3010. Schullstrom, Faith Z. (Ed.). (1990). Expanding the canon: Bridges to understanding. Articles from English Journal, 1987-89. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: canon
3011. Schulz-Forberg, Hagen (Ed.). (2005). Unravelling civilisation: European travel and travel writing. Brussels; Peter Lang.
Keywords: travel-writing, European
3012. Schunk, Dale H.; Barry J. Zimmerman (Eds.). (1994). Self-regulation of learning and performance: Issues and educational applications. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: self-regulation, composing, applied
3013. Schuster, John Andrew; Richard R. Yeo (Eds.). (1986). The politics and rhetoric of scientific method: Historical studies. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: science, research-method, political, rhetoric, history
3014. Schwab, Richard Lewis (Ed.). (1991). Research-based teacher evaluation: A special issue of the Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education [1990]. Boston, MA; London: Kluwer Academic.
Keywords: teacher-evaluation, research, personnel
3015. Schwartz, Joseph; John Arthur Rycenga (Eds.). (1965). The province of rhetoric [reprinted pieces]. New York: Ronald Press.
Keywords: rhetoric
3016. Schwartz, Judy I. (Ed.). (1980). Teaching the linguistically diverse (New York State English Council monographs). Rochester, NY: New York State English Council.
Keywords: diversity, language, pedagogy, school
3017. Schwartz, Mimi (Ed.). (1991). Writer's craft, teacher's art: Teaching what we know. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: teacher-as-writer
3018. Schwebel, Milton; Jane Raph (Eds.). (1973). Piaget in the classroom. New York: Basic Books.
Keywords: development, theory, Piaget, pedagogy, school, pedagogy
3019. Scott, Barbara Ann; Sloan, Richard P. (Eds.). (1991). The liberal arts in a time of crisis. New York: Praeger.
Keywords: crisis, liberal arts
3020. Scott, Charles T.; Tim William Machan (Eds.). (1992). Sociolinguistics, language change, and the history of English. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: sociolinguistics, language, change, history, language change
3021. Scott, J. Blake; Bernadette Longo; Katherine V. Wills (Eds.). (2006). Critical power tools: Technical communication and cultural studies. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: techcom, cultural-studies, critique, critical pedagogy
3022. Scott, Robert L.; Bernard L. Brock (Eds.). (1972). Methods of rhetorical criticism: A 20th-century perspective. New York: Harper and Row.
Keywords: research-method, theory, contemporary, rhet-crit
3023. Scott, Robert Lee; Bernard L. Brock (Eds.). (1972). Methods of rhetorical criticism: A twentieth-century perspective [mainly reprinted pieces]. New York: Harper and Row.
Keywords: rhetorical-analysis, rhet-crit, research-method
3024. Sears, Donald A. (Ed.). (1966). College English--past, present, future, being a panel discussion of the College English Association at its Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, December 27, 1965 (CEA Chapbook) [supplement to The CEA Critic 28.7, 1966]. Saratoga Spring, NY: College English Association.
Keywords: English-profession, change
3025. Sebeok, Thomas A. (Ed.). (1960). Style in language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Keywords: style, language, style
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