Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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876. Daniell, Beth; Peter Mortensen (Eds.). (2007). Women and literacy: Local and global inquiries for a new century. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: women, literacy, global, change, gender, sexism
877. Daniels, Harvey (Ed.). (1976). Not only English: Affirming America's multilingual heritage. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: Englilsh-only, USA, multilingual, heritage, multicultural
878. Daniels, Peter T.; William Bright (Eds.). (1996). The world's writing systems. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: history, script, global
879. Daniels, Peter T.; William Bright (Eds.). (1996). The world's writing systems. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: history, script, 'writing system'
880. Dasilva, Fabio B.; Mathew J. Kanjiranthinkal (Eds.). (1996). Her voices: Hermeneutics of the feminine. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: feminine, voice, hermeneutical, literary-study
881. Daugherty, Jack; Tennyson O'Donnell (Eds.). (2015). Web writing: Why and how for liberal arts teaching and learning. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Annotation: The essays in Web Writing respond to contemporary debates over the proper role of the Internet in higher education, steering a middle course between polarized attitudes that often dominate the conversation. The authors argue for the wise integration of web tools into what the liberal arts does best: writing across the curriculum. All academic disciplines value clear and compelling prose, whether that prose comes in the shape of a persuasive essay, scientific report, or creative expression. The act of writing visually demonstrates how we think in original and critical ways and in ways that are deeper than those that can be taught or assessed by a computer. Furthermore, learning to write well requires engaged readers who encourage and challenge us to revise our muddled first drafts and craft more distinctive and informed points of view. Indeed, a new generation of web-based tools for authoring, annotating, editing, and publishing can dramatically enrich the writing process, but doing so requires liberal arts educators to rethink why and how we teach this skill, and to question those who blindly call for embracing or rejecting technology. (from the back cover)
Keywords: web writing, liberal arts, WAC, digital humanities, media studies, digital publishing, media-study
882. David Reinking (Ed.). (1998). Handbook of literacy and technology: Transformations in a post-typographic world. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: literacy, technology, change, computer, post-typographic, handbook, transformative
883. David, Carol; Anne R. Richards (Eds.). (2008). Writing the visual: A practical guide for teachers of composition and communication. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: visual, graphic, visual literacy, pedagogy, assignment, WAC
884. David, Maya Khemlani (Ed.). (2004). Teaching of English in second and foreign language settings: Focus on Malaysia. Frankfurt am Maim, Germany: Peter Lang.
Keywords: ESL, Malaysia, pedagogy
885. Davidson, Jane L. (Ed.). (1988). Counterpoint and beyond: A response to Becoming a Nation of Readers. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: literacy, USA, decline, conflict, future, Becoming a Nation of Readers
886. Davies, Alan (Ed.). (1968). Language testing symposium. A psycholinguistic approach. London: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: ESL, testing, psycholinguistic
887. Davies, Alan (Ed.). (1975). Problems in language and learning. London: Heinemann.
Keywords: school, language-study, curriculum
888. Davies, Alan; Clive Criper; Anthony P. R. Howatt (Eds.). (1984). Interlanguage [papers from a seminar honoring S. Pit Corder, Edinburgh, April, 1984. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Keywords: ESL, interlanguage
889. Davis, A[lva] L. (Ed.). (1969). language resource information for teachers of the culturally disadvantaged. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Office of Education, Bureau of Research.
Keywords: language, dialect, social-class, disadvantaged, cultural
890. Davis, Alva L. (Ed.). (1969). American dialects for English teachers. Urbana, IL: Illinois State-wide Curriculum Study Center in the Preparation of Secondary School English Teachers (pp. 1969).
Keywords: dialect, English-ed
891. Davis, Alva L. (Ed.). (1972). Culture, class, and language variety; A resource book for teachers. Revised ed. [American dialects for English teachers]; Urbana, IL: Illinois State-wide Curriculum Study Center in the Preparation of Secondary School English Teachers, 1969]. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English Edition.
Keywords: social-class, language, variety, cultural, dialect, pedagogy
892. Davis, Barbara Gross (Ed.). (1986). Teaching of evaluation across the disciplines. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: evaluation, WAC, response, guidelines
893. Davis, Frances R. A.; Robert P. Parker, Jr. (Eds.). (1978). Teaching for literacy: Reflections on the Bullock Report. London: Ward Lock Educational.
Keywords: literacy, Bullock Report
894. Davis, Howard H.; Paul Walton (Eds.). (1983). Language, image, media. Oxford, England: Blackwell; New York: St. Martin's Press.
Keywords: media, graphic, imagery, text-pictore, language-study
895. Davis, James E. (Ed.). (1979). Dealing with censorship. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: censorship, school, administration, pedagogy, political, public
896. Davis, James S.; James D. Marshall (Eds.). (1988). Ways of knowing: Research and practice in the teaching of writing. Iowa City, IA: Iowa Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: English-ed, school, pedagogy, review-of-scholarship, pedagogy, epistemic, knowledge-making
897. Davis, Kathryn A. (Ed.). (1999). Foreign language teaching and minority language education (SLTCC technical report No. 19). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press; Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Keywords: ESL, bilingual, L2, program, bilingualism, technical-report
898. Davis, Ken (Ed.). (1987). Literacy and locality [special issue of Kentucky English Bulletin 36.1, 1987]. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky.
Keywords: dialect, regional, Kentucky
899. Davis, Ken (Ed.). (1984). Writing by imitation [special issue]. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 264 579. Kentucky English Bulletin 34.1.
Keywords: imitation, pedagogy
900. Davis, Ken; Frances L. Helphinstine (Eds.). (1984). Writing by imitation [Kentucky English Bulletin, 34.1, 1984]. Elizabethtown, KY: Kentucky Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: imitation, pedagogy

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