Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2976. Saville-Troike, Muriel (Ed.). (1973). Classroom practices in ESL and bilingual education [some reprinted pieces]. Washington, D. C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, bilingual, pedagogy
2977. Sawyer, Thomas M. (Ed.). (1977). Technical and professional communication: Techniques for the two-year college, four-year college, professional school. Ann Arbor, MI: Professional Communication Press.
Keywords: techcom, bizcom, curriculum, pedagogy, technical-writing, two-year-four-year, professional-school
2978. Sawyer, Thomas Mitchell (Ed.). (1977). Technical and professional communication: Teaching in the two-year college, four-year college, professional school. Ann Arbor, MI: Professional Communications Press.
Keywords: techcom, communications, two-year-four-year, professional-school
2979. Scales, Alice M.; James D. Peebles (Eds.); Pittsburgh University, Division of Teacher Development. (1979). Reading and writing: Concepts for teaching and learning: Proceedings of the 30th and 31st Language Communications Conferences, July 13-15, 1977 and June 19-21, 1978 [Pittsburgh, PA]. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, School of Education [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 229 765].
Keywords: read-write
2980. Scarcella, Robin C.; Stephen D. Krashen (Eds.). (1980). Research in second language acquisition: Selected papers of the Los Angeles Second Language Acquisition Research Forum. Rowley, MA: Newbury house.
Keywords: ESL, acquisition, research, language acquisition
2981. Schachter, Jacquelyn; Susan Gass (Eds.). (1996). Second language classroom research. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: ESL, L2, teacher-research, research-method, acquisition
2982. Schell, Eileen E.; Kelly Jacob Rawson (Eds.). (2010). Rhetorica in motion: Feminist rhetorical methods and methodologies. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Keywords: research-method, feminism, rhetorical-studies, historiology
2983. Schell, Eileen E.; Patricia L. Stock (Eds.). (2000). Moving a mountain: Transforming the role of contingent faculty in composition studies and higher education. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: part-time, contingent faculty, change, transformative
2984. Scheu, Dagmar; Jose Saura Sanchez (Ed.). (2007). Discourse and international relations. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: discourse, international relations, political
2985. Schiappa, Edward (Ed.). (1994). Landmark essays on classical Greek rhetoric (Landmark essays, Vol. 3) [reprinted pieces]. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press.
Keywords: classical-rhetoric, Greek, scholarship
2986. Schiappa, Edward (Ed.). (1995). Warranting assent: Case studies in argument evaluation. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: argumentation, case-study, warrant, assent, persuasive, discourse-analysis
2987. Schildgen, Brenda Deen (Ed.). (1997). The rhetoric canon. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, canon, pedagogy
2988. Schildgen, Brenda Deen (Ed.). (1997). The rhetorical canon. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.
Keywords: classical, rhetorical, canon
2989. Schmeck, Ronald R. (Ed.). (1988). Learning strategies and learning styles (Perspectives on individual differences). New York: Plenum Press.
Keywords: individual-differences, learning-style, individual-differences, learner-strategy, style
2990. Schmidt, Jan Zlotnik (Ed.). (1998). Women/writing/teaching. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: English-studies, women, composing, pedagogy, pedagogy, teacher-story, teacher-as-writer
2991. Schmidt, Richard (Ed.). (1995). Attention and awareness in foreign language learning (SLTCC technical report No. 9). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press; Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Keywords: ESL, L2, attention, awareness, pedagogy, acquisition, language-learning, technical-report
2992. Schneller, Beverly E. (Ed.). (1995). Writing about business and industry [anthology of reprinted pieces]. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: technical-communication, business-communication, workplace, history
2993. Schoem, David Louis (Ed.). (1993). Multicultural teaching in the university. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Keywords: multicultural, pedagogy, academy
2994. Scholes, Robert J. (Ed.). (1993). Literacy and language analysis. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Annotation: This volume investigates the interconnections between language and literacy in terms of the structures of language as well as the linguistic contexts of literacy. The work for this book was generated in order to focus on studies of the acquisition and impact of literacy on traditional assertions of linguistic analysts. The contributors show that claims regarding descriptions of the linguistic competence of native speakers contain phonemic, morphemic, and sentential constructs applicable only to literate language users. They also suggest that syntactic formalities -- elements lacking extensional reference -- are unlikely in the absence of literacy, and that the notions of 'sentencehood' and syntactic well-formedness are functions of literacy. Finally, the book reviews the basic notions of literary relativity and the role of literacy in communication and civilization. [publisher's blurb]
Keywords: literacy, language-analysis, linguistic, research-method, competence, syntax, sentence, well-formedness, social
2995. Schoonmaker, Frances; Judith McConnell Falk (Eds.). (1987). Teacher renewal: Professional issues, professional issues, personal choices. New York: Teacher's College Press.
Keywords: school, English-ed, retraining
2996. Schrader, William Benton (Ed.). (1981). Admissions testing and the public interest: Proceedings of the 1980 ETS Invitational Conference. New directions for testing and measurement, no. 9. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: admissions, testing, assessment, public interest
2997. Schrader, William Benton (Ed.). (1979). Measurement and educational policy: Proceedings of the 1978 ETS Invitational Conference (New directions for testing and measurement, no. 1). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: education, policy, school, testing, assessment, measurement, policy
2998. Schrader, William Benton (Ed.). (1980). Measuring achievement: Progress over a decade: Proceedings of the 1979 ETS Invitational Conference (New directions for testing and measurement, no. 5). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: testing, assessment, proficiency, measurement
2999. Schramm, Wilbur Lang (Ed.). (1963). The science of communication: New directions and new findings in communication research. New York: Basic Books.
Keywords: communication-studies, research
3000. Schreiber, Joanna, & Melonçon, Lisa (Eds.).. (2022). Assembling Critical Components: A Framework for Sustaining Technical and Professional Communication. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/TPC-B.2022.1381

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