
The WAC Clearinghouse provides access to the following scholarly journals. All articles in the journals are available in open-access formats. You do not need to subscribe to our journals to view them. To learn more about individual journals, including their submission and review processes, please view their main pages or view the Clearinghouse Invitation to Contribute Scholarly Work. The editors and reviewers associated with the Clearinghouse subscribe to the guidelines on Anti-Racist Scholarly Reviewing Practices, which can be found at

active journals
archived journals

Statement on Open-Access Scholarly Publishing

Principles for Open-Access Scholarly Publishing has been released by the WAC Clearinghouse. The statement was developed with contributions from 17 scholars in the writing studies community and is endorsed by more than 60 individuals, publications, and organizations. The statement web page provides options for endorsing or making further contributions to the document.


Across the Disciplines

A refereed journal devoted to language, learning, and academic writing, Across the Disciplines publishes articles relevant to writing and writing pedagogy in all their intellectual, political, social, and technological complexity.  Across the Disciplines is the official journal of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC).

Academic Labor: Research and Artistry

Academic Labor: Research and Artistry is a peer-reviewed open-access academic journal launched in 2016 by the Center for the Study of Academic Labor (CSAL) at Colorado State University. ALRA seeks to motivate ongoing research on matters relating to tenure and contingency in the academy. In particular, it serves as a venue for scholars working in areas broadly defined as tenure studies and contingency studies.

Double Helix: A Journal of Critical Thinking and Writing

Double Helix is an international, peer-reviewed journal of pedagogy. It publishes work addressing linkages between critical thinking and writing, in and across the disciplines.

The Journal of Basic Writing

The Journal of Basic Writing houses its archives on the Clearinghouse. JBW publishes articles on theory, research, and teaching practices related to basic writing. 

The Journal of Writing Analytics

The Journal of Writing Analytics publishes peer-reviewed articles and reports that broadly address work in writing analytics—the study of writing processes and written texts through the use of a wide range of analytical tools, including those drawn from writing studies, corpus linguistics, cognitive psychology, and learning analytics. 

Open Words: Access and English Studies

Established in 2007, Open Words is dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed articles focusing on political, professional, and pedagogical issues related to teaching composition, rhetoric, reading, creative writing, ESL, and literature to open-admissions and “nonmainstream” student populations. 

Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric

Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric is published quarterly. A peer-reviewed journal, Peitho seeks to encourage, advance, and publish original research in the history of rhetoric and composition.

Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments

Prompt is a biannual, refereed online journal that publishes academic writing assignments accompanied by reflective essays. We publish assignments directed at both undergraduate and graduate students from all academic disciplines.

Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de la Escritura

Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de la Escritura (RLEE) is an international, semi-annual, open-access, peer-reviewed, multilingual journal. RLEE publishes original empirical research articles on writing in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. Its aims and scope cover writing at different stages of the lifespan, both within and outside educational institutions, and with diverse research methods.

The WAC Journal

A peer-reviewed journal on writing across the curriculum published by Clemson University, Parlor Press, and the WAC Clearinghouse, The WAC Journal offers articles by educators about their WAC ideas and WAC experiences, focusing on both practical ideas and pertinent theory. 

WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship

Across four issues per year and through numerous online resources WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship promotes exchanges on challenges in tutoring theory and methodology, handling ESL issues, directing a writing center, training tutors, designing and expanding centers, and using tutorial theory and pedagogy.

Academic.Writing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Communication Across the Curriculum

Published from 2000 to 2003, Academic.Writing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Communication Across the Curriculum provided a peer-reviewed forum for scholars interested in communication across the curriculum.

CBW Archives

The Council on Basic Writing archive contains The CBWS/CBW Newsletter from 1982-1998, as well as additional historical materials related to the Council. Newsletters in the archive contain reports, surveys, book reviews, literature reviews, history, argument, and personal essays about teaching as well as information on CBW Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings, the 4th National Basic Writing Conference in 1992, day-long workshops begun in 1996, and CCCC sessions on basic writing.


Correspondences, published between 1985 and 1988, was "a broadsheet of continuing dialogue on the concerns of writing teachers seen in a philosophical perspective." It was edited by Anne E. Berthoff.


fforum: A Newsletter of the English Composition Board, University of Michigan was published for four years in ten issues beginning in fall 1979. The length of each volume, which eventually ran to more than 100 pages in its last two volumes, bely the standard conception of a newsletter. Contributors to fforum include William E. Coles, Peter Elbow, Toby Fulwiler, Cy Knoblauch, Janice Lauer, Ken Macrorie, Donald Murray, Jay Robinson, Patty Stock, and John Warnock, among many others.


Language and Learning Across the Disciplines

Published from 1994 to 2003, Language and Learning Across the Disciplines provided a forum for debates concerning interdisciplinarity, situated discourse communities, and writing across the curriculum programs.

Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing

A project of The City University of New York and the U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education, Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing focused on writing assessment. Published from 1982 to 1990, it included articles by scholars such as Kenneth Bruffee, Marcia Farr, Liz Hamp-Lyons, Anne Herrington, Richard Lloyd-Jones, Lee Odell, Alan C. Purves, and Anne Ruggles Gere, among many others.

Research in Word Processing Newsletter

Research in Word Processing Newsletter, published from 1983 to 1989, included work from a number of well-known composition scholars and teachers, including Christine Hult, Gordon Thomas, Eric Johnson, Joel Nydahl, Bill McCleary, William Kemp, and Bryan Pfaffenberger, among many others. Its bibliographies on computers and the teaching of writing are unmatched in accuracy and coverage during the 1980s.


The first online journal published in rhetoric and composition, RhetNet was a concerted effort to see what publishing on the net might be in its "natural" form.

Special Issue: SIGET V

Clearinghouse offers access to special issues of three journals—Revista Brasileira de Linguistica AplicadaLinguagem em (Dis)Curso, and Revista Signos—that published articles emerging from the 2009 International Symposium on Text Genre Studies - SIGET V.

Teaching Writing: Methods, Materials, and Measurement

Teaching Writing: Methods, Materials, and Measurement was published by the Department of English at the University of Delaware from 1978 to 1987. It included articles from scholars such as Frank D'Angelo, Diane Balestri, James Berlin, Jeanne Fahnestock, Stephen North, and Margo Soven, among many others. 

WLA Newsletter: Writing as a Liberating Activity

Writing as a Liberating Activity Newsletter, first published in October 1973, was edited by Richard C. Gebhardt (Findlay College) and Barbara Genelle Smith (University of Kentucky). The final issue, number 24, appeared in the fall of 1986.

Writing Across the Curriculum Newsletter

Beginning in 1983 and continuing through 1988, the WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICUM newsletter (WAC) was publishe twice during the academic year. It was edited byRobert C. Wess.