Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2526. Newkirk, Thomas; Nancie Atwell (Eds.). (1986). Understanding writing: Ways of observing, learning & teaching. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Keywords: school, K-G8, development
2527. Newkirk, Thomas; Patricia A. Sullivan (Eds.). (1993). Nuts and bolts: A practical guide to teaching college composition. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: FYC, pedagogy, best-practices
2528. Newman, Stanley S.; Mary Ritchie Key; Henry M. Hoenigswald (Eds.). (1989). General and Amerindian ethnolinguistics: In remembrance of Stanley Newman. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: linguistics, ethnicity, ethnolinguistics, research-method, native-Am
2529. Newmark, Maxim (Ed.). (1948). Twentieth century modern language teaching: Sources and readings [reprinted pieces]. New York: Philosophical Library.
Keywords: ESL, pedagogy, contemporary, readings
2530. Newquist, Roy (Ed.). (1967). Conversations [interviews with writers]. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
Keywords: authorship, interview
2531. Nicholls, Sandra; Elizabeth Hoadley-Maidment (Eds.). (1988). Current issues in teaching English as a second language to adults. London; New York: Edward Arnold.
Keywords: ESL, adult-ed, needs-analysis, pedagogy, conflict
2532. Niedermeyer, Fred C. (Ed.); Southwest Regional Laboratory for Educational Research and Development [Los Alamitos, CA]. (1972). Prototype testing in instructional development: SWRL working papers, 1972. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 133 337.
Keywords: school, materials, teacher-evaluation, pedagogy, testing prototype, curriculum-design, validation
2533. Niemeier, Susanne; Charles P.Campbell; Rene Dirven (Eds.). (1998). The cultural context in business communication. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Pa.: John Benjamins Publishing.
Keywords: business-communication, intercultural, contextual, global, international, cross-cultural
2534. Niles, Jerome A.; Rosary V. Lalik (Eds.). (1986). Solving problems in literacy: Learners, teachers, and researchers (35th yearbook of the National Reading Conference). Rochester, NY: National Reading Conference [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 298 459].
Keywords: literacy, research, pedagogy
2535. Niles, Jerome A.; Rosary V. Lalik (Eds.); National Reading Conference. (1986). Solving problems in literacy: Learners, teachers, and researchers: Yearbook of the 35th National Reading Conference (San Diego, California, December 3-7, 1985). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 298 459.
Keywords: literacy, problem-solving
2536. Nilsen, Thomas R. (Ed.). (1968). Essays on rhetorical criticism [reprinted pieces]. New York: Random House.
Keywords: rhetoric, critiqueresearch-method, theory, contemporary, rhet-crit
2537. Nilson, Linda Burzotta; Barbara E. Weaver (Eds.). (2005). Enhancing learning with laptops in the classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: laptop, computer, classroom, pedagogy
2538. Nimmo, Dan (Ed.). (1979). Communication yearbook (Vol. 3). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.
Keywords: communication, theory, pedagogy
2539. Nims, Julia K. (Ed.). (2003). Integrating information literacy into the college experience: Papers presented at the thirtieth LOEX library instruction conference, held at Ypsilanti, Michigan, 10 to 11 May, 2002. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Keywords: information retrieval, information literacy, literacy, academic, integrated
2540. Nims, Julia K.; Eric Owens (Eds.). (2003). Managing library instruction programs in academic libraries (selected papers presented at the twenty-ninth National LOEX library instruction conference, held in Ypsilanti, Michigan, 4 to 6 May, 2001. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Keywords: information retrieval, library, literacy, academic, program
2541. Nippold, Marilyn A. (Ed.). (1988). Later language development: Ages 9 through 19. Boston, MA: Little, Brown.
Keywords: development, language
2542. Nippold, Marilyn A. (Ed.). (1998). Later language development: The school-age and adolescent years. 2nd ed. [Later language development: Ages 9 through 19; Little, Brown, 1988]. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
Keywords: development, language
2543. Noblit, George W.; Susana Y. Flores; Enrique G. Murillo, Jr. (Eds.). (2004). Postcritical ethnography: Reinscribing critique. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: ethnography, research-method, postcritical, critique, change, pedagogy, postmodernism, reinscription
2544. Noonan, John F. (Ed.). (1980). Learning about teaching (New directions for teaching and learning, Vol. 4). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: pedagogy, pedagogy, faculty, change, facutly-mentor, self-evaluation
2545. Norris, Linda ; James Brozick; Jane Zachary Gargaro (Eds.); Center for the Study of Writing [Pittsburgh, PA]. (1992). Discoveries and dialogues: The making thinking visible casebook. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 348 670.
Keywords: visual, collaboration, planning, Making Thinking Visible Project
2546. Norton, Bonny; Kelleen Toohey (Eds.). (2003). Critical pedagogies and language learning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: critical pedagogy, ESL, L2, acquisition, language-learning, pedagogy
2547. Nossek, Hillel; Annabelle Sreberny; Prasun Sonwalkar (Eds.). (2007). Media and political violence: Theoretical perspectives. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: violence, mass-media, media-studies, political, theory, communication-studies
2548. Nothstine, William L.; Carole Blair; Gary Copeland (Eds.). (1994). Critical questions: Invention, creativity, and the criticism of discourse and media. New York: St. Martin's.
Keywords: criticism, critique, metacriticism, invention, creativity, media, crucial
2549. Nowak, Anita; Sue Abel; Karen Ross (Eds.). (2007). Rethinking media education: Critical pedagogy and identity politics. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: education, pedagogy, media-awareness, critical pedagogy, identity, communication-studies, pedagogy
2550. Nugent, Susan Monroe (Ed.); New England Association of Teachers of English. (1985). Developing audience awareness. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 265 551.
Keywords: audience-awareness, pedagogy

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