There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
2726. Portanova, Patricia, Rifenburg, J. Michael, & Roen, Duane (Eds.).. (2017).
Contemporary Perspectives on Cognition and Writing. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
2727. Porter, Dan; Alan Hughes; Cyril Weir (Eds.). (1988). Validating the ELTS test: A critical review. Cambridge, England: British Council; UCLES.
Keywords: testing, ESL, ELTS, validation, critical review
2728. Porter, David (Ed.). (1997). Internet culture. London: Routledge.
Keywords: cultural, computer, internet
2729. Porter, Stanley E.; Dennis L. Stamps; Thomas H. Olbricht (Eds.). (2002). Rhetorical criticism and the Bible. London: Sheffield Academic Press.
Keywords: rhet-crit, Bible, religion, discourse-analysis
2730. Portes, Alejandro (Ed.). (1996). The new second generation. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Keywords: bilingualism, generational, family, language loss, second-generation
2731. Post, Joanna Castner; James A. Inman (Eds.). (2009). Composition(s) in the new liberal arts. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: liberal arts, change, composition-studies
2732. Poster, Carol; Linda C. Mitchell (Eds.). (2007). Letter-writing manuals and instruction from antiquity to the present: Historical and bibliographic studies. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Keywords: letter-writing, manual-writing, history, rhetoric, manual
2733. Poster, Carol; Richard Utz (Eds.). (1999). Discourses of power: Grammar and rhetoric in the Middle Ages. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Keywords: grammar, power, discourse, history, medieval
2734. Poster, Carol; Richard Utz (Eds.). (1996). The late medieval epistle (Vol. 1 of Disputatio: An international transdisciplinary journal of the late Middle Ages). Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Keywords: history, medieval, letter-writing, epistle-writing
2735. Postman, Neil; Charles Weingartner; Terence P. Moran (Eds.). (1969). Laguage in America. Indianapolis: Pegasus.
Keywords: language, USA, discourse-analysis, critique
2736. Potter, David; Gordon L. Thomas (Eds.). (1970). The colonial idiom [anthology]. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: USA, 18th-century, Revolutionary period, oratory, essay, idiom
2737. Potter, Rosanne G. (Ed.). (1989). Literary computing and literary criticism: Theoretical and practical essays on theme and rhetoric. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Keywords: style, computor, lit-crit
2738. Poulakos, Takis (Ed.). (1993). Rethinking the history of rhetoric: Multidisciplinary essays on the rhetorical tradition. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, historiography, change, tradition, multidisciplinary, rhetorical tradition, tradition
2739. Povey, John (Ed.); University of California, Los Angeles, Department of English. (1977). Workpapers in teaching English as a second language, Vol. 11. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 142 058.
Keywords: ESL
2740. Powell, Bertie Jeffress (Ed.). (1980). Students can write wth guidance and practice: A booklet of themes written by students at Virginia State University. 2nd edition. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Keywords: sample, FYC, Virginia State University
2741. Powell, Douglas Reichert; John Paul Tassoni (Eds.). (2009). Composing other spaces. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: space, composing
2742. Powell, Katrina M.; Pamela Takayoshi (Eds.). (2012). Practicing research in writing studies: Reflexive and ethically responsible research. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: research-method, writing-studies, ethical, researcher responsibility, guidelines
2743. Power, Brenda Miller.; Jeffrey D. Wilhelm; Kelly Chandler (Eds.). (1997). Reading Stephen King: Issues of censorship, student choice, and popular literature. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: Stephen King, writing-about-lit, censorship, student-choice, popular, school
2744. Power, Brenda Miller; Ruth Hubbard (Eds.). (1996). Oops: What we learn when our teaching fails. York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
Keywords: pedagogy, teacher-training, transformative, best-practices
2745. Prete, Barbara; Gary E. Strong (Eds.). (1991). Literate America emerging: Seventeen new readers speak out. Sacramento CA: California State Library Foundation.
Keywords: literacy, illiteracy-narrative, life-narrative
2746. Prete, Barbara; Gary E. Strong (Eds.). (1991). Literate America emerging: Seventeen new readers speak out. Sacramento, CA: California State Library Foundation.
Keywords: literacy, illiteracy-narrative, life-narrative, student-opinion
2747. Pringle, Ian; Aviva Freedman (Eds.). (1981). Teaching, writing, learning. Ottawa: Canadian Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: pedagogy, composing, learning-theory
2748. Prinsloo, Mastin; Mignonne Breier (Eds.). (1996). The social uses of literacy: Theory and practice in contemporary South Africa. Philadelplhia, PA: John Benjamins.
Keywords: praxis, literacy, social-theory, South Africa, social
2749. Prinsloo, Mastin; Mignonne Breier (Eds.). (1996). The social uses of literacy: Theory and practice in contemporary South Africa (Studies in written language and literacy, Vol. 4). Amsterdam: Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Keywords: literacy, social, functional, theory, South Africa, social
2750. Probert, Walter (Ed.). (1958). The language of law, a symposium. Western Law Review 09 (March), 117-198.
Keywords: language, legal
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