Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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2101. Levinson, Sanford; Steven Mailloux (Eds.). (1988). Interpreting law and literature: A hermeneutic reader. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Keywords: law, literature, interpretation, hermeneutics
2102. Levy, C. Michael; Sarah E. Ransdell(Eds.). (1996). The science of writing: Theories, methods, individual differences, and applications. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum.
Keywords: composing, process, individual-differences, data, individual-differences, applied
2103. Lewiecki-Wilson, Cynthia; Brenda Jo Brueggemann (Eds.). (2007). Disability and the teaching of writing: A critical sourcebook. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.
Annotation: This edited collection offers instructors of writing an abundance of ways to better understand and incorporate disability through pedagogical suggestions such asdisability as content and disability as identity (of both teacher and student). In suggesting disability as content in composition classrooms, the editors provide excerpts from benchmark DS scholars as Simi Linton, Lennard Davis, and Nancy Mairs. Following the excerpts, the authors provide suggestions for incorporating this DS content into writing classrooms, offering assignments, writing prompts, and lines of inquiry. In suggesting pedagogical approaches attuned to disability identity, the editors dedicate an entire section to perspectives from teachers with who identify as disabled, and there are several pieces throughout the collection that investigate the classroom experiences of students who identify (or are identified) as disabled. In addition to the many standout selections compiled, one of the most appealing and useful aspects of this collection is the heavy emphasis on practice. The book offers teacher resources such as 'suggestions for student activities' following most selections, annotated bibliography for Universal Design for Learning, as well as a bibliography of composition and rhetoric and disability studies sources. [Tara Wood, Margaret Price, & Chelsea Johnson, Disability studies, WPA-CompPile Bibliographies, No. 19]
Keywords: disability, pedagogy, identity, multiple literacies, embodied, learning-theory, sourcebook
2104. Lewis, Karron G. (Ed.). (1993). The TA experience: Preparing for multiple roles. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.
Keywords: teaching-assistant, training
2105. Lewis, Karron G. (Ed.). (1993). The TA experience: Preparing for multiple roles: Selected readings from the 3rd National Conference on the Training and Employment of Graduate Teaching Assistants, November 6-7, 1991, Austin, Texas. Stillwater, OK: New Forums.
Keywords: TA-training, role, administering, jWPA, readings
2106. Lewis, Marilyn (Ed.). (1997). New ways in teaching adults. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Keywords: ESL, adult-ed, pedagogy
2107. Li, Charles N. (Ed.). (1976). Subject and topic. New York: Academic Press.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, cohesion, coherence, given-new, topicality
2108. Li, Charles N. (Ed.). (1976). Subject and topic (Symposium on Subject and Topic, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1975). New York: Academic Press.
Keywords: linguistics, topicality, subject, cohesion, theme
2109. Li, David Chor-shing S.; Dino Mahoney; Jack C. Richards (Eds.). (1994). Exploring second language teacher development. Hong Kong, China: City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, Department of English.
Keywords: ESL, training, retraining
2110. Library of Congress (Ed.). (1985). George Orwell and 'Nineteen Eighty-Four': The man and the book. A conference at the Library of Congress, April 30 and May 1, 1984. Washington, D. C.: Library of Congress [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 268 549].
Keywords: George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, England, reception, influence
2111. Lieblich, Amia; Ruthellen Josselson (Eds.). (1994). Exploring identity and gender: The narrative study of lives (The narrative study of lives, Vol. 2). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Keywords: life-narrative, identity, gender, identity, narrative
2112. Lieblich, Amia; Ruthellen Josselson (Eds.). (1997). The narrative study of lives (The narrative study of lives, Vol. 5). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Keywords: life-narrative, narrative-analysis
2113. Lightfoot, Martin; Nancy Martin (Eds.). (1988). The word of teaching is learning: Language and learning today: Essays for James Britton. London: Heinemann Education Books; Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: language, acquisition, learning-theory, student-centered, James Britton
2114. Lillis, Theresa, Harrington, Kathy, Lea, Mary, & Mitchell, Sally (Eds.).. (2015). Working With Academic Literacies: Case Studies Towards Transformative Practice. The WAC Clearinghouse; Parlor Press. https://doi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2015.0674
2115. Lin, Carolyn A.; David J. Atkin (Eds.). (2002). Communication technology and society: Audience adoption and uses. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: communication-studies, technology, social, computer, digital, audience, usability
2116. Linda Adler-Kassner, Linda; Howard Tinberg; Jeff Andelora; Juanita Comfort; Brian Huot; Asao Inoue; Peggy O'Neill; Duane Roen; Kathleen Sheerin DeVore; Freddy Thomas (Eds.). (2008). Assessment gallery and resources: Assessment models and communication strategies. NCTE-WPA Task Force [Registration may be required to see all materials]. http://wpacouncil.org/assessment-gallery
Keywords: assessment, WPA, NCTE, policy, pedagogy, academy-public, academy-community, placement, resources
2117. Linda Adler-Kassner, Linda; Howard Tinberg; Jeff Andelora; Juanita Comfort; Brian Huot; Asao Inoue; Peggy O'Neill; Duane Roen; Kathleen Sheerin DeVore; Freddy Thomas (Eds.). (2008). Assessment gallery and resources: Communication strategies. NCTE-WPA Task Force: Assessment Gallery: Communication Strategies [link] [Registration may be required]. http://wpacouncil.org/communication-strategies/
Keywords: assessment, WPA, pedagogy, NCTE, academy-public, academy-community, placement, resources
2118. Linda Adler-Kassner, Linda; Howard Tinberg; Jeff Andelora; Juanita Comfort; Brian Huot; Asao Inoue; Peggy O'Neill; Duane Roen; Kathleen Sheerin DeVore; Freddy Thomas (Eds.). (2008). Assessment gallery and resources: Communication strategies. NCTE-WPA Task Force: Assessment Gallery: Communication Strategies [fulltext] [Registration may be required]. http://wpacouncil.org/CommunicationStrategies.pdf
Keywords: assessment, WPA, pedagogy, NCTE, academy-public, academy-community, placement, resources
2119. Linda Adler-Kassner, Linda; Howard Tinberg; Jeff Andelora; Juanita Comfort; Brian Huot; Asao Inoue; Peggy O'Neill; Duane Roen; Kathleen Sheerin DeVore; Freddy Thomas (Eds.). (2008). NCTE-WPA White paper on writing assessment in colleges and universities. NCTE-WPA Task Force: White Paper [Registration may be required]. http://wpacouncil.org/whitepaper
Keywords: assessment, policy, pedagogy, WPA, NCTE, placement, white paper
2120. Linda Adler-Kassner, Linda; Howard Tinberg; Jeff Andelora; Juanita Comfort; Brian Huot; Asao Inoue; Peggy O'Neill; Duane Roen; Kathleen Sheerin DeVore; Freddy Thomas (Eds.). (2008). WPA assessment gallery: Assessment models. NCTE-WPA Task Force: Assessment Gallery [Registration may be required]. http://wpacouncil.org/assessment-models/
Keywords: assessment, pedagogy, data, WPA, NCTE
2121. Lindeberg, Ann-Charlotte; Nils Erik Enkvist (Eds.). (1992). Nordic research on text and discourse: NORDTEXT Symposium 1990. Abo, Sweden: Abo Akademis Forlag.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, text-analysis
2122. Lindemann, Erika (Ed.). (1991). CCCC bibliography of composition and rhetoric, 1989 [Vol. 5]. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: bibliography, English-profession, annotqted, rhetoric, 1991
2123. Lindemann, Erika (Ed.). (1992). CCCC bibliography of composition and rhetoric, 1990 [Vol. 6]. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: English-profession, bibliography, 1990, annotated
2124. Lindemann, Erika (Ed.). (1991). CCCC bibliography of composition and rhetoric, 1988 [Vol. 4]. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: bibliography, composition-studies, English-profession
2125. Lindemann, Erika (Ed.). (1988). Longman bibliography of composition and rhetoric, 1986 [Vol. 2]. New York: Longman.
Keywords: bibliography, annotated, composition-studies, rhetoric

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