There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
1751. Horner, Winifred Bryan; Michael C. Leff (Eds.). (1995). Rhetoric and pedagogy: Its history, philosophy, and practice: Essays in honor of James J. Murphy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, pedagogy, classical-rhetoric, pedagogy, philosophy
1752. Hornero Corsico, Ana Maria; Maria Jose Luzon; Silvia Murillo Ornat (Eds.). (2006). Corpus linguistics: Applications for the study of English. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: corpus-analysis, applied
1753. Horning, Alice S., Gollnitz, Deborah-Lee, & Haller, Cynthia R. (Eds.).. (2017).
What Is College Reading?. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
1754. Horning, Alice S.; Anne Becker (Eds.). (2006).
Revision: History, theory, and practice (Reference guides to rhetoric and composition). Fort Collins, CO: WAC Clearinghouse; Anderson, SC: Parlor PressColorado Springs, CO: WAC Clearinghouse; West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: revising, history, theory, pedagogy, rhetorical-theory
1755. Horning, Alice; Ronald A. Sudol (Eds.). (1997). Understanding literacy: Personality preference in rhetorical and psycholinguistic contexts. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press,.
Keywords: literacy, psycholinguistic, contextualism, personality-type, psychology, linguistic, rhetorical, contextual
1756. Horowitz, Rosalind; S. Jay Samuels (Eds.). (1987). Comprehending oral and written language. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Keywords: comprehension, cognitive, speak-write, reading, listening
1757. Horton, Robin; Ruth H. Finnega (Eds.). (1973). Modes of thought: Essays on thinking in western and non-western societies. London: Faber.
Keywords: epistemological, western, nonWestern, orality
1758. House, Ernest R. (Ed.). (1986). New directions in educational evaluation. London; Philadelphia, PA: Falmer Press.
Keywords: assessment, evaluation
1759. Housen, Alex; Michel Pierrard (Eds.). (2005). Investigations in instructed second language acquisition. Housen, Alex; Michel Pierrard (Eds.); Investigations in instructed second language acquisition; Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: L2, ESL, pedagogy, acquisition, language acquisition
1760. Houston, Marsha; Olga Idriss Davis (Eds.). (2002). Centering ourselves: African American feminist and womanist studies of discourse. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: African-Am, feminist, womanist, discourse-analysis, communication-studies, difference, AAVE
1761. Houston, Stephen D. (Ed.). (2004). The first writing: Script invention as history and process. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: writing-system, script, genesis, history, process
1762. Howard, Tharon W.; Chris Benson (Eds.). (1999). Electronic networks: Crosing boundaries/creating communities. Portsmouth, NH : Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: networked, community, computer, classroom
1763. Howard-Malverde, Rosaleen (Ed.). (1997). Creating context in Andean cultures. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: Andes, South America, Andean, cultural, literacy, contextual
1764. Howes, Raymond F. (Ed.). (1961). Historical studies of rhetoric and rhetoricians. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, rhetorician, history, rhetorician
1765. Hubbard, Ruth Shagoury; Karen Ernst (Eds.). (1996). New entries: Learning by writing and drawing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Keywords: elementary-school, graphic, drawing, visual arts, write-to-learn, draw-to-learn, mapping, pedagogy
1766. Hudelson, Sarah; Judith Wells Lindfors (Eds.). (1993). Delicate balances: Collaborative research in language education. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: collaborative, research-method, teacher-student
1767. Hudson, Joyce; Noreen Pym (Eds.); Summer Institute of Linguistics [Darwin, Australia], Australian Aborigines Branch. (1984). Language survey (Working papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Vol. 11). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 282 436.
Keywords: literacy, aboriginal, native-Australian, survey, data, summer institute, faculty-workshop
1768. Hughes, A.; Don Porter; Cyril J. Weir (Eds.). (1988). ELTS validation project report (ELTS Research Reports 1 , ii). London: The British Council/UCLES.
Keywords: testing, validation, research-report
1769. Hughes, Alan; Don Porter (Eds.). (1983). Current developments in language testing. London: Academic Press.
Keywords: ESL, testing
1770. Huhta, Ari; Kari Sajavaara; Sauli Takala (Eds.); Jyvaskyla University [Finland], Institute for Educational Research. (1993). Language testing: New openings. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 363 096.
Keywords: testing, ESL, assessment
1771. Hull, Helen R. (Ed.). (1950). The writer's book [some reprinted pieces]. New York: Harper's and Brothers.
Keywords: authorship, guidelines, author story
1772. Hull, Helen R. (Ed.). (1956). The writer's book [some reprinted pieces]. New York: Barnes and Noble; The Authors' Guild.
Keywords: authorship, guidelines, author story
1773. Hulme, Charles; Joshi, R. Malatesha (Eds.). (1998). Reading and spelling: Development and disorders. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: spelling, reading, disability, disorder, development, school
1774. Hult, Christine A. (Ed.). (1994). Evaluating teachers of writing. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 363 893].
Keywords: teacher-evaluation
1775. Humes, Ann (Ed.). (1981). Moving between practice and research in writing: Proceedings of the NIE-FIPSE Grantee Workshop. Los Alamitos CA: SWRL Educational Research and Development.
Keywords: practice-research, grant, composition-studies, pedagogy
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