Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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1751. Horner, Winifred Bryan; Michael C. Leff (Eds.). (1995). Rhetoric and pedagogy: Its history, philosophy, and practice: Essays in honor of James J. Murphy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, pedagogy, classical-rhetoric, pedagogy, philosophy
1752. Hornero Corsico, Ana Maria; Maria Jose Luzon; Silvia Murillo Ornat (Eds.). (2006). Corpus linguistics: Applications for the study of English. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: corpus-analysis, applied
1753. Horning, Alice S., Gollnitz, Deborah-Lee, & Haller, Cynthia R. (Eds.).. (2017). What Is College Reading?. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/ATD-B.2017.0001
1754. Horning, Alice S.; Anne Becker (Eds.). (2006). Revision: History, theory, and practice (Reference guides to rhetoric and composition). Fort Collins, CO: WAC Clearinghouse; Anderson, SC: Parlor PressColorado Springs, CO: WAC Clearinghouse; West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press. https://wac.colostate.edu/books/referenceguides/horning-revision/
Keywords: revising, history, theory, pedagogy, rhetorical-theory
1755. Horning, Alice; Ronald A. Sudol (Eds.). (1997). Understanding literacy: Personality preference in rhetorical and psycholinguistic contexts. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press,.
Keywords: literacy, psycholinguistic, contextualism, personality-type, psychology, linguistic, rhetorical, contextual
1756. Horowitz, Rosalind; S. Jay Samuels (Eds.). (1987). Comprehending oral and written language. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Keywords: comprehension, cognitive, speak-write, reading, listening
1757. Horton, Robin; Ruth H. Finnega (Eds.). (1973). Modes of thought: Essays on thinking in western and non-western societies. London: Faber.
Keywords: epistemological, western, nonWestern, orality
1758. House, Ernest R. (Ed.). (1986). New directions in educational evaluation. London; Philadelphia, PA: Falmer Press.
Keywords: assessment, evaluation
1759. Housen, Alex; Michel Pierrard (Eds.). (2005). Investigations in instructed second language acquisition. Housen, Alex; Michel Pierrard (Eds.); Investigations in instructed second language acquisition; Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: L2, ESL, pedagogy, acquisition, language acquisition
1760. Houston, Marsha; Olga Idriss Davis (Eds.). (2002). Centering ourselves: African American feminist and womanist studies of discourse. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: African-Am, feminist, womanist, discourse-analysis, communication-studies, difference, AAVE
1761. Houston, Stephen D. (Ed.). (2004). The first writing: Script invention as history and process. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: writing-system, script, genesis, history, process
1762. Howard, Tharon W.; Chris Benson (Eds.). (1999). Electronic networks: Crosing boundaries/creating communities. Portsmouth, NH : Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: networked, community, computer, classroom
1763. Howard-Malverde, Rosaleen (Ed.). (1997). Creating context in Andean cultures. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: Andes, South America, Andean, cultural, literacy, contextual
1764. Howes, Raymond F. (Ed.). (1961). Historical studies of rhetoric and rhetoricians. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, rhetorician, history, rhetorician
1765. Hubbard, Ruth Shagoury; Karen Ernst (Eds.). (1996). New entries: Learning by writing and drawing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Keywords: elementary-school, graphic, drawing, visual arts, write-to-learn, draw-to-learn, mapping, pedagogy
1766. Hudelson, Sarah; Judith Wells Lindfors (Eds.). (1993). Delicate balances: Collaborative research in language education. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: collaborative, research-method, teacher-student
1767. Hudson, Joyce; Noreen Pym (Eds.); Summer Institute of Linguistics [Darwin, Australia], Australian Aborigines Branch. (1984). Language survey (Working papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Vol. 11). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 282 436.
Keywords: literacy, aboriginal, native-Australian, survey, data, summer institute, faculty-workshop
1768. Hughes, A.; Don Porter; Cyril J. Weir (Eds.). (1988). ELTS validation project report (ELTS Research Reports 1 , ii). London: The British Council/UCLES.
Keywords: testing, validation, research-report
1769. Hughes, Alan; Don Porter (Eds.). (1983). Current developments in language testing. London: Academic Press.
Keywords: ESL, testing
1770. Huhta, Ari; Kari Sajavaara; Sauli Takala (Eds.); Jyvaskyla University [Finland], Institute for Educational Research. (1993). Language testing: New openings. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 363 096.
Keywords: testing, ESL, assessment
1771. Hull, Helen R. (Ed.). (1950). The writer's book [some reprinted pieces]. New York: Harper's and Brothers.
Keywords: authorship, guidelines, author story
1772. Hull, Helen R. (Ed.). (1956). The writer's book [some reprinted pieces]. New York: Barnes and Noble; The Authors' Guild.
Keywords: authorship, guidelines, author story
1773. Hulme, Charles; Joshi, R. Malatesha (Eds.). (1998). Reading and spelling: Development and disorders. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: spelling, reading, disability, disorder, development, school
1774. Hult, Christine A. (Ed.). (1994). Evaluating teachers of writing. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 363 893].
Keywords: teacher-evaluation
1775. Humes, Ann (Ed.). (1981). Moving between practice and research in writing: Proceedings of the NIE-FIPSE Grantee Workshop. Los Alamitos CA: SWRL Educational Research and Development.
Keywords: practice-research, grant, composition-studies, pedagogy

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