There are currently 3729 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
2701. Philbin, Alice I (Ed.). (1994). 1993 ATTW bibliography. Technical Communication Quarterly 03.4, 435-464.
Keywords: techcom, communications, bibliography
2702. Philbin, Alice I (Ed.). (1996). 1995 ATTW bibliography. Technical Communication Quarterly 05.4, 439-474.
Keywords: techcom, communications, bibliography
2703. Philbin, Alice I. (Ed.). (1993). 1992 ATTW bibliography. Technical Communication Quarterly 02.4, 447-475.
Keywords: techcom, communications, bibliography
2704. Philbin, Alice I. (Ed.). (1995). 1994 ATTW bibliography. Technical Communication Quarterly 04.4, 435-468.
Keywords: techcom, communications, bibliography
2705. Philbin, Alice I. (Ed.). (1997). 1996 ATTW bibliography. Technical Communication Quarterly 06.4, 447-478.
Keywords: techcom, communications, bibliography
2706. Philbin, Alice I. (Ed.). (1999). 1997 ATTW bibliography. Technical Communication Quarterly 08.1, 91-118.
Keywords: techcom, communications, bibliography
2707. Philips, Susan U.; Susan Steele; Christine Tanz (Eds.). (1987). Language, gender, and sex in comparative perspective (Studies in the social and cultural foundations of language, No. 4). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: gender-difference, language, social
2708. Philler, Theresa Ammannito; Ruth K. Hersch; Helen V. Carlson (Eds.). (1966). An annotated bibliography on technical writing, editing, graphics, and publishing, 1950-1965. Washington, D.C.: The Society of Technical Writers and Publishers.
Keywords: techcom, graphic, editing, bibliography, annotated, editing
2709. Phillips, Gary W. (Ed.). (1996). Technical issues in large-scale performance assessment. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
Keywords: performative assessment, large-scale
2710. Pierson, G. W. (Ed.); Conference on Computers for the Humanities. (1965). Computers for the humanities: A record of the conference sponsored by Yale University on a grant from IBM, January 22-23, 1965. New Haven, CT: Conference on Computers for the Humanities.
Keywords: computer, humanities, grant, research-method, English-studies
2711. Pikulski, John J.; Timothy Shanahan (Eds.). (1982). Approaches to the informal evaluation of reading. Newark, DE: International Reading Association [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 215 328].
Keywords: evaluation, reading, oral-presentation, measurement, pedagogy, informal
2712. Pilfold, David (Ed.). (1982). Proceedings: 1982 Canadian regional business and technical communication conference: Your brand of communication. Ontario, Canada: Queen's University at Kingston.
Keywords: bizcom, techcom, Canada, regional
2713. Pinto, Vivian de Sola (Ed.). (1946). The teaching of English in schools: A symposium. London: Macmillan.
Keywords: school, curriculum, objective, teacher-preparation
2714. Pinxten, Rik (Ed.). (1976). Universalism versus relativism in language and thought: Proceedings of a colloquium on the Sapir-Whorf hypotheses. The Hague: Mouton.
Keywords: Sapir-Whorf, universalism, relativism, language, thinking
2715. Plane, Syliva, Charles, Bazerman, Rondelli, Fabienne, Donahue, Christiane, Applebee, Arthur N., & Boré, Catherine (Eds.).. (2017).
Research on Writing: Multiple Perspectives. The WAC Clearinghouse; CREM.
2716. Plett, Heinrich F. (Ed.). (1991). Intertextuality. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Keywords: intertextuality
2717. Podis, Leonard A.; JoAnne M. Podis (Eds.). (1999). Working with student writers: essays on tutoring and teaching. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: tutoring, pedagogy, tutoring
2718. Poe, Mya, & Inoue, Asao B. & Elliot, Norbert (Eds.).. (2018).
Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and the Advancement of Opportunity. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
Keywords: writing assessment, social justice, advancement of opportunity, history, historiography, theory, methodology, outcomes, classroom research, writing center research, institutional research, purchased assessments, policies, next generation research
2719. Pogner, Karl-Heinz (Ed.); Odense University [Denmark], Institute of Language and Communication. (1997). Writing: Text and interaction (Odense working papers in language and communication, No. 14). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 414 583.
Keywords: ESL, process, dynamic
2720. Pogner, Karl-Heinz (Ed.); Odense University, Institute of Language and Communication. (1994). More about writing (Odense working papers in language and communication). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 381 811.
Keywords: pedagogy, process, cognitive, computer
2721. Polanyi, Michael; Marjorie Grene (Ed.). (1969). Knowing and being. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Keywords: epistemological, tacit
2722. Polking, Kirk; Joan Bloss; Colleen Cannon (Eds.). (1983). Writer's encyclopedia. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books.
Keywords: authorship, audience, commercial, encyclopedia
2723. Polking, Kirk; Joan Bloss; Colleen Cannon (Eds.). (1990). Writing A to Z: The terms, procedures, and facts of the writing business defined, explained, and put within reach [encyclopedia] [rev ed. of Writer's encyclopedia, 1983]. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books.
Keywords: authorship, work-conditions, encyclopedia
2724. Pontecorvo, Clotilde (Ed.). (1997). Writing development: An interdisciplinary view (Studies in written language and literacy, Vol. 6). Amsterdam; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing.
Keywords: development, interdisciplinary
2725. Pooley, Robert C. (Ed.). (1960). Perspectives on English: Essays to honor W. Wilbur Hatfield. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Keywords: English-studies
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