Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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601. Carliner, Saul; Jan Piet Verkens; Cathy de Waele (Eds.). (2006). Information and document design: Varieties on recent research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: document-design, informational, research-method, data
602. Carlson, Dale Bick (Ed.). (1981). Testing in the states: Beyond accountability. New directions for testing and measurement, no. 10. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: accountability, state-mandated, assessment, testing
603. Carlson, Helen V. (Ed.). (1983). An Annotated bibliography on technical writing, editing, graphics, and publishing, 1966-1980. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, editing, graphic, publishing, bibliography, annotated, editing
604. Carpentier, Nico; Erik Spinoy (Eds.). (2008). Discourse theory and cultural analysis: Media, arts and literature. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: discourse-theory, cultural-analysis, cultural-studies, media, arts, lterature
605. Carrasquillo, Angela; Richard E. Baecher (Eds.). (1990). Teaching the bilingual special education student. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: special-ed, disability, bilingual, pedagogy
606. Carretero, Mario; James F. Voss (Eds.). (1994). Cognitive and instructional processes in history and the social sciences. Hove, England: Erlbaum.
Keywords: historiography, history-course, cognitive, discourse-analysis, social-science, social
607. Carriuolo, Nancy (Ed.). (1996). School-college collaboration: A way of redesigning the educational pipeline. Columbia, SC: National Resource Center for the Freshman Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina.
Keywords: articulation, school-college, change, teacher-cooperation
608. Carroll, John Bissell; Jeanne S. Chall (Eds.). (1975). Toward a literate society: The report of the Committee on Reading of the National Academy of Education, with a series of papers commissioned by the committee. New York; London: McGraw-Hill.
Keywords: literacy
609. Carroll, John M. (Ed.). (1998). Minimalism beyond the Nurnberg funnel. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Keywords: communications, techcom, minimalist
610. Carroll, Shireen (Ed.). (1998). Travels with the Midwest Writing Centers Association: 1996 and 1997 conference proceedings. Davidson, NC: Midwest Writing Centers Association.
Keywords: wcenter, Midwest Writing Centers Association, discipline-metaphor, traveling
611. Carson, David L. (Ed.); Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. (1978). Proceedings of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication, April 19-21, 1978, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 252 866.
Keywords: techcom, program, institute
612. Carson, Joan; Leki, Ilona (Eds.). (1993). Reading in the composition classroom: Second language perspectives. Boston, MA: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.
Keywords: ESL
613. Carter, Candy (Ed.). (1985). Literature--news that stays news: Fresh approaches to the classics (Classroom practices in the teaching of English, Vol. 21). Urbana, Ill. : National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: best-practices, activity, exercise, writing-about-lit, assignment
614. Carter, Candy (Ed.). (1982). Non-native and nonstandard dialect students: Classroom practices in teaching English, 1982-1983 [Classroom practices in teaching English, Vol. 20]. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: best-practices, dialect, native-nonnative, ESL, nonstandard
615. Carter, Candy (Ed.). (1982). Structuring for success in the English classroom: Classroom practices in teaching English, 1981-1982 [Classroom practices in teaching English, Vol. 19]. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 215 364].
Keywords: pedagogy
616. Carter, Genese M., & Matzke, Aurora (Eds.).. (2023). Systems Shift: Creating and Navigating Change in Rhetoric and Composition Administration. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2023.1848
617. Carter, Locke (Ed.). (2005). Market matters: Applied rhetoric studies and free market competition. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: applied, rhetoric, free market, capitalism, English-profession, pedagogy, applied
618. Carter, Ronald (Ed.). (1990). Knowledge about language and the curriculum: The LINC reader. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Keywords: curriculum, language-awareness
619. Carter, Ronald; David Nunan (Eds.). (2001). The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: ESL, guidelines, world-Englishes
620. Carter, Ronald; Deirdre Burton (Eds.). (1982). Literary text and language study. London: Edward Arnold.
Keywords: literary-analysis, lit-crit, text-analysis, language-analysis
621. Carter, Ronald; Paul Simpson (Eds.). (1989). Language, discourse and literature: An introductory reader in discourse stylistics [reprinted pieces]. London: Unwin Hyman.
Keywords: style-analysis, discourse-analysis, stylistics, literature, introductory
622. Carter, Shirley G. (Ed.). (1981). Word processing and automated publication systems. Washington, D. C.: Society for Technical Communication.
Keywords: techcom, communications. word-processing, publishing, desktop, word-processing
623. Carton, Evan; Alan Warren Friedman (Eds.). (1996). Situating college English: Lessons from an American university. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
Keywords: USA, FYC, pedagogy, pedagogy
624. Carver, Terrell; Jernej Pikalo (Eds.). (2007). Politics, language and metaphor. London: Routledge.
Keywords: political, language, metaphoric, discourse-analysis, trope, metaphoric
625. Casanave, Christine Pearson (Ed.); Keio University [Fujisawa, Japan], Institute of Languages and Communication. (1993). Journal writing: Pedagogical perspectives (Shonan Fujisawa Campus monograph #3). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 423 682.
Keywords: journal-writing, pedagogy

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