There are currently 3728 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
701. Clegg, John (Ed.). (1996). Mainstreaming ESL: Case studies in integraitng ESL students into the mainstream curriculum. Clevedon, England; Philadelphia, PA: Multilingual Matters.
Keywords: ESL, mainstreaming, school, community, personal, academic, ecological, case-study
702. Clewell, Suzanne (Ed.). (1991). Literacy: Issues and practices (Journal of the State of Maryland International Reading Association Council, Vol. 8). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 339 007.
Keywords: literacy, school
703. Clifford, James L. (Ed.). (1962). Biography as an art: Selected criticism 1560-1960 [reprinted pieces]. New York: Oxford University Press.
Keywords: biography, genre, as-an-artartistic
704. Clifford, James; George E. Marcus (Eds.). (1986). Writing culture: The poetics and politics of ethnography: A School of American Research advanced seminar. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Keywords: ethnographic, research-method, poetics, political, cultural, poetics, seminar
705. Clifford, John (Ed.). (1991). The experience of reading: Louise Rosenblatt and reader-response theory. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: Rosenblatt, reader-response
706. Clifford, John; John Schilb (Eds.). (1994). Writing theory and critical theory (Research and scholarship in composition, Vol. 3). New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Keywords: theory, composition-studies, literary-studies, comp-lit
707. Clyne, Michael G. (Ed.). (1992). Pluricentric languages: Differing norms in different nations. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: language, pluralism, standards, cross-national, normative, norms
708. Clyne, Michael G. (Ed.). (1997). Undoing and redoing corpus planning. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: corpus-analysis, research-design, corpus planning
709. Coates, Jennifer (Ed.). (1998). Language and gender: A reader [mostly reprinted pieces]. Oxford, England: Blackwell.
Keywords: gender-difference, women, language
710. Coates, Jennifer; Deborah Cameron (Eds.). (1989). Women in their speech communities. New York: Longman.
Keywords: gender, women, bias, prejudice, speech community, linguistic, gender-difference, speech-community
711. Cobarrubias, Juan; Joshua A. Fishman (Eds.). (1983). Progress in language planning: International perspectives. Berlin; New York: Mouton.
Keywords: language planning, international
712. Cobley, Paul (Ed.). (2006). Communication theories. London: Routledge.
Keywords: theory, communication, media
713. Cochran-Smith, Marilyn; Susan L. Lytle (Eds.). (1993). Inside/outside: Teacher research and knowledge. New York; London: Teachers College Press.
Keywords: teacher-research, epistemological, classroom, insider, participant-observer
714. Coe, Richard M.; Lorelei Lingard; Tatiana Teslenko (Eds.). (2002). The rhetoric and ideology of genre: Strategies for stability and change. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: genre, rhetoric, ideology, action, activity-theory, activity-systems, stability, change
715. Coffin, Caroline (Ed.). (2003). Teaching academic writing: A toolkit for higher education. London: Routledge.
Keywords: academic, pedagogy, kit, guidelines
716. Cognitive Science Society (Ed.). (1981). Third Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society [Berkeley, California, August 19-21, 1981]. Hillsdale, NJ: The Cognitive Science Society.
Keywords: cognitive, technical
717. Coirier, Pierre; Jerry Andriesse (Eds.). (2000). Foundations of argumentative text processing (Studies in writing, Vol. 5). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Keywords: argumentation, process, text-analysis, text-processing
718. Cole, Mike (Ed.). (1988). Bowles and Gintis revisited: Correspondence and contradiction in educational theory. London; New York: Falmer Press.
Keywords: Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, correspondence-theory, school-workplace, contradiction, Marxist, social
719. Cole, Robert A. (Ed.). (2000). Issues in Web-based pedagogy: A critical primer. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Keywords: internet, digital, networked, computer, pedagogy
720. Coleman, Hywel (Ed.). (1996). Society and the language classroom. Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: ESL, L2, social, cultural
721. Coleman, Hywel (Ed.). (1989). Working with language: A multidisciplinary consideration of language use in work contexts. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: workplace, contextual, language-use, language-use, multidisciplinary
722. Coles, William E., Jr.; James Vopat (Eds.). (1985). What makes writing good: A multiperspective. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath.
Keywords: evaluation, assignment
723. College Entrance Examination Board (Ed.). (1991). Computerized placement tests: Background readings. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 339 728.
Keywords: machine-scoring, computer, CEEB, assessment, Computerized Placement Test (CPT), placement, predictive, background readings
724. Collinge, N. E. (Ed.). (1990). An encyclopaedia of language [encyclopedia]. London; New York: Routledge.
Keywords: language, encyclopedia
725. Collins, James L. (Ed.). (1992). Restructuring the English currciculum (Vital signs, vol. 3). Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Keywords: pedagogy, classroom, restructuring
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