There are currently 3728 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
2676. Perl, Sondra (Ed.). (1994). Landmark essays on writing process (Landmark essays, Vol. 7) [reprinted pieces]. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press.
Keywords: process, composing, scholarship, process
2677. Perren, G. E. (Ed.). (1968). Teachers of English as a second language: Their training and preparation. London; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: ESL, teacher-training
2678. Perren, G. E.; John L. M. Trim (Eds.). (1971). Applications of linguistics: Selected papers of the Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: linguistics, applied, ESL, applied linguistics
2679. Perrone, Vito (Ed.). (1991). Expanding student assessment. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 337 489].
Keywords: assessment, evaluation
2680. Perry, Raymond P.; John C. Smart (Eds.). (1997). Effective teaching in higher education: Research and practice. New York: Agathon Press.
Keywords: teacher-evaluation, pedagogy, best-practices
2681. Perry, Theresa; James W. Fraser (Eds.). (1993). Freedom's plow: Teaching in the multicultural classroom. London: Routledge.
Keywords: multicultural, pedagogy, freedom
2682. Personal Narratives Group (Ed.). (1989). Interpreting women's lives. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Keywords: life-narrative, women, gender, interpretation, autobiography-writing
2683. Peters, Michael; Colin Lankshear; Mark Olssen (Eds.). (2003). Critical theory and the human condition: Founders and praxis. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: critical consciousness, critique, theory, history, influence, social, reformist praxis, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, Marcuse, Arendt, Marx, Wittgenstein, Habermas, Maxine Greene, Freire, body, feminist, cultural-studies
2684. Petersen, Bruce T. (Ed.). (1986). Convergences: Transactions in reading and writing. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 265 568].
Keywords: read-write, convergence
2685. Petofi, Janos S. (Ed.). (1987). Text and discourse constitution: Empirical aspects, theoretical approaches. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Keywords: text-analysis, discourse--analysis, empirical, theory
2686. Petraglia, Joseph (Ed.). (1995). Reconceiving writing, rethinking writing instruction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Annotation: Petraglia’s collection had its roots in three years of sessions at annual meetings of the CCCC on abolishing the first-year writing requirement. Its contributors argue that the traditional first-year course in composition does not and cannot prepare students for the writing that will be expected of them throughout their university careers, arguing instead for first-year writing courses that can serve as disciplinary apprenticeships or as introductions to rhetoric or writing studies. [A. Patricia Burnes, Supporting Undergraduate Writers Beyond the First Year, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 6]
Keywords: curriculum, English-profession, abolition, interest, WID, WAC, skill-transfer, situational
2687. Petraglia, Joseph; Deepika Bahri (Eds.). (2003). The realms of rhetoric: The prospects for rhetoric education. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: rhetoric, pedagogy
2688. Petrescu, Doina (Ed.). (2007). Altering practices: Feminist politics and poetics of space. London: Routledge.
Keywords: architecture-writing, science-writing, academic, space, urban, feminist, political, praxis, change, critique, poetics, poetics
2689. Petrie, Ann (Ed.). (1972). Basic writing anthology 1 [anthology of student writing]. New York: City College, City University of New York.
Keywords: basic, sample, student publishing, student anthology, student-writing
2690. Petrosky, Tony; Bartholomae, David (Eds.). (1986). The teaching of writing: Eighty-fifth yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II. Chicago, Ill.: National Society for the Study of Education, distributed by the University of Chicago Press [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 284 260].
Keywords: pedagogy
2691. Pettit, Michael (Ed.). (1996). The Writing Path 2: Poetry and prose from writers' conferences [anthology]. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press.
Keywords: creative-writing, sample, workshopping, poetry
2692. Petty, Walter Thomas; Patrick J. Finn (Eds.). (1975). The writing processes of students. Report of the first Annual Conference on Language Arts. Buffalo, NY: State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Elementary and Remedial Education.
Keywords: process, school, language-arts, process
2693. Peyton, Joy Kreeft (Ed.). (2000). Language in action: New studies of language in society (essays in honor of Roger W. Shuy). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: language-analysis, discourse-analysis, social, action, activity
2694. Peyton, Joy Kreeft; Jana Staton (Eds.). (1993). Dialogue journals in the multilingual classroom: Building language fluency and writing skills through written interaction. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: ESL, multilingual, dialogue journal, interactive
2695. Peyton, Joy Kreeft; Jana Staton (Eds.). (1991). Writing our lives: Reflections on dialogue journal writing with adults learning English (Language in education series, No. 77). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents; National Clearinghouse on Literacy Education [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 333 763].
Keywords: dialogue journal, journal-writing, ESL, program, tutoring
2696. Phelan, Patricia (Ed.). (1990). Literature and life: Making connections in the classroom (Classroom practices for English, Vol. 25). Urbana, IL : National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: real-world, best-practices, pedagogy, classroom
2697. Phelan, Patricia (Ed.). (1989). Talking to learn [Classroom practices in teaching English, Vol. 24]. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: best-practices, talk-write, pedagogy, exercise
2698. Phelps, Louise Wetherbee; Janet Emig (Eds.). (1995). Feminine principles and women's experience in American composition and rhetoric. Pittsburgh: .University of Pittsburgh Press.
Keywords: feminist, women, English-profession, rhetorical-theory, 'feminine principle', composition-studies, rhetorical-studies, principle
2699. Phelps, Louise Wetherbee; Patricia Lambert Stock; James Comas (Eds.). (1992). Windows on the writing program: The Syracuse self-study portfolio. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University, The Writing Program.
Keywords: Syracuse University, program-validation, self-validation, portfolio
2700. Philbin, Alice I (Ed.). (1994). 1993 ATTW bibliography. Technical Communication Quarterly 03.4, 435-464.
Keywords: techcom, communications, bibliography
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