There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
651. Chegin, Rita Kasch (Ed.). (1991). Survivors: Women of the southwest. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press.
Keywords: women, USA, Southwest, native-Am, Mexican-Am, survivor-story
653. Chen, Chen, Purzycki, Kristopher, & Wilkes, Lydia (Eds.).. (2019).
Proceedings of the Computers and Writing Annual Conference, 2018. The WAC Clearinghouse.
654. Cheney, George; George Barnett A. (Eds.). (2005). International and multicultural organizational communication. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: communication-studies, organizational, multicultural, international
655. Cheng, Liying; Yoshinori J. Watanabe; Andy Curtis (Eds.). (2004). Washback in language testing: Research contexts and methods. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: testing, assessment, washback, research-method
656. Chernaik, Warren; Caroline Davis; Marilyn Deegan (Eds.). (1993). The politics of the electronic text (Office for Humanities Communication Publications, No. 3). Oxford, England: Oxford University Computing Services; University of London, Centre for English Studies.
Keywords: computer, text-editing, humanities, scholarship, political
657. Cherny, Lynn; Elizabeth Reba Weise (Eds.). (1996). Wired women: Gender and new realities in cyberspace. Seattle, WA: Seal Press.
Keywords: women, gender, internet, computer, cyberspace
658. Cherwitz, Richard A. (Ed.). (1990). Rhetoric and philosophy. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: rhetoric-philosophy, philosophy
659. Chesebro, James W. (Ed.). (1981). Gayspeak: Gay male and lesbian communication. New York: Pilgrim Press.
Keywords: gay, gayspeak, language-analysis, communication, lesbian, homosexuality, social, homophobia, definition, liberatory, rhetorical, gay-rights
660. Cheshire, Jenny (Ed.). (1991). English around the world: Sociolinguistic perspectives. Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keywords: world-Englishes, sociolinguistics, bilingualism
661. Cheshire, Jenny; Peter Trudgill (Eds.). (1998). Gender and discourse [reprinted pieces]. London; New York: Edward Arnold.
Keywords: gender, discourse-analysis, gender-difference
662. Chesters, Graham; Nigel Gardner (Eds.). (1987). The use of computers in the teaching of language and languages: The proceedings of a conference. Avon, England: Computers in Teaching Initiative Support Service, University of Bath.
Keywords: computer, word-processing, CAI, L2, ESL
663. Chevalier, Tracy (Ed.). (1997). Encyclopedia of the essay. London: Fitzroy Dearborn.
Keywords: essay, encyclopedia, history, genre
664. Chew, Charles R. (Ed.). (1984). Computers in the English program: Promises and pitfalls (New York State English Council monographs). Liverpool, NY: New York State English Council [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 257 083].
Keywords: computer, school
665. Chew, Charles R. (Ed.). (1985). English programs for gifted students (New York State English Council monographs). Liverpool, NY: New York State English Council.
Keywords: tracking, honors, school, gifted
666. Chew, Charles R. (Ed.). (1987). Reflections by teachers who write. Liverpool, NY: New York State English Council.
Keywords: teacher-as-writer, school
667. Chew, Charles R.; Rosanne DeFabio; Patricia Honsbury (Eds.). (1986). Reader response in the classrom (New York State English Council monographs). [Liverpool, NY?]: New York English Council.
Keywords: reader-response, school
668. Chew, Charles R.; Sheila A. Schlawin (Eds.). (1983). Written composition: Process, product, program (New York State English Council monographs). [Buffalo, NY?]: New York English Council.
Keywords: process-product, program, school
669. Chew, Phyllis; Anneliese Kramer-Dahl (Eds.). (1999). Reading culture: Textual practices in Singapore. Singapore: Times Academic Press.
Keywords: ESL, Singapore, multilingual, cultural, praxis, praxis, textuality
670. Chickering, Arthur W. (Ed.). (1981). The modern American college. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: academy, USA, needs-analysis, data, development, contemporary
671. Childers, Pamela B.; Eric H. Hobson; Joan A. Mullin (eds.). (2013).
ARTiculating: Teaching writing in a visual world. In Childers, Pamela B.; Eric H. Hobson; Joan A. Mullin (eds.), ARTiculating: Teaching writing in a visual world; Fort Collins, CO: WAC Clearinghouse; Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, visual, graphic, digital
672. Chilton, Paul A.; Mikhail Mikhailovich Il'inskii; Jacob Mey (Eds.). (1998). Political discourse in transition in Europe, 1989-1991. Amsterdam: Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, political, Europe, 20th-century, contemporary, change
673. Choate, Joyce S. (Ed.). (1987). Assessing and programming basic curriculum skills. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Keywords: assessment, computer, basic-skills, curriculum
674. Chorny, Merron (Ed.). (1988). Teacher as researcher. Calgary, Canada: The University of Calgary, Language in the Classroom Project.
Keywords: teacher-research, teaching-assistant
675. Chouliaraki, Lilie (Ed.). (2007). The soft power of war. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keywords: war, military, rhetoric, Iraq invasion, discourse-analysis, political
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