There are currently 3727 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.
1651. Heisey, D. Ray (Ed.). (2000). Chinese perspectives in rhetoric and communication. Westport, CT: Ablex.
Keywords: Chinese, rhetoric, communication, East-West
1652. Helbo, Andre (Ed.). (1992). Evaluation and language teaching: Essays in honor of Frans van Passel. Bern, Switzerland; New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: pedagogy, evaluation
1653. Heller, Monica (Ed.). (1988). Codeswitching: Anthropological and sociolinguistic perspectives. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: code-switching, anthropological, sociolinguistics, sociolinguistic
1654. Heller, Monica; Marilyn Martin-Jones (Eds.). (2001). Voices of authority: Education and linguistic difference. Westport, CT: Ablex.
Annotation: This collection explores the workings of linguistic domination in various educational and historical sites in a multiplicity of multilingual settings. Research documented provides a basis for in-depth explorations of the role of education in the 'production and reproduction of cultural identity and social inequality' (26). [Bruce Horner, Nancy Bou Ayash, Carrie Kilfoil, Samantha NeCamp, Brice Nordquist; Vanessa Kraemer Sohan; Global Englishes and Language Difference; WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 17]
Keywords: multilingualism, language difference, pedagogy, language dominance
1655. Hellinger, Marlis (Ed.). (1983). Sprachwandel und feministische Sprachpolitik: Internationale Perspektiven [Language change and feminist language politics: International perspectives]. Opladen, Germany: Westdeutscher Verlag.
Keywords: language change, gender, patriarchal, feminist, political, language change
1656. Hellinger, Marlis; Ulrich Ammon (Eds.). (1996). Contrastive sociolinguistics. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Keywords: sociolinguistics, contrastive
1657. Helmers, Marguerite H. (Ed.). (2003). Intertexts: Reading pedagogy in college writing classrooms. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Keywords: read-write, pedagogy, classroom, nexus, intertextuality, pedagogy
1658. Hemphill, Roderick J. (Ed.). (1957). Background readings in language teaching. Rev. ed. [reprinted pieces]. Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix Publishing.
Keywords: ESL, L2, pedagogy, background readings
1659. Hendricks, Glenn L.; Bruce T. Downing; Amos S. Deinard (Eds.); Center for Migration Studies of New York, Incorporated [Staten Island, NY]; University of Minnesota, Southeast Asian Refugee Studies. (1986). The Hmong in transition. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 270 509.
Keywords: Hmong, immigration, refugee, literacy
1660. Hendrix, Jerry Allen; Jerome Bernard Polisky (Eds.). (1968). Rhetorical criticism, methods and models. Dubuque, IA: W. C. Brown.
Keywords: rhet-crit, research-method, theory, model
1661. Henricks, Christina; Kelly Oliver (Eds.). (1996). Language and liberation: Feminism, philosophy, and language. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Keywords: feminism, liberatory, language, philosophy
1662. Henricksen, Bruce; Thais E. Morgan (Eds.). (1990). Reorientations: Critical theories and pedagogies. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Keywords: cultural, critique, feminist, essentialism, classroom, reorientation, pedagogy
1663. Henry, Gary T.; George Julnes; Melvin M. Mark (Eds.). (1998). Realist evaluation: An emerging theory in support of practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: authentic assessment, evaluation, theory, praxis, realism
1664. Henry, Mabel Wright (Ed.). (1967). Creative experiences in oral language: A symposium. Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: oral, speech, pedagogy, creative
1665. Henry, Nelson B. (Ed.). (1961). Development in and through reading. Chicago, IL: National Society for the Study of Education.
Keywords: reading
1666. Henry, Nelson B. (Ed.). (1942). The forty-first yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education: Part I, philosophies of education. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Keywords: education, philosophy
1667. Hensen, Flemming (Ed.). (1985). Studies of communication effects: Methodical and theoretical papers on left/right brain specialization. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Keywords: communication, brain,, hemispheric, specialization
1668. Hepp, Andreas (Ed.). (2008). Connectivity, networks and flows: Conceptualizing contemporary communications. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: communication-studies, theory, connectivity, network, internet, digital, flow
1669. Heredia, Roberto R.; Jeanette Altarriba (Eds.). (2002). Bilingual sentence processing. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Keywords: bilingual, comprehension, sentence, process, cognitive-processing
1670. Herman, David; Manfred Jahn; Marie-Laure Ryan (Eds.). (2005). Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory. London: Routledge.
Keywords: narrative, rhetorical-theory, encyclopedia, narrative
1671. Hermsen, Terry; Robert Fox (Eds.). (1998). Teaching writing from a writer's point of view. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: teacher-as-writer, Ohio Arts Council, Artists in Education, creative, school
1672. Hernadi, Paul (Ed.). (1989). The rhetoric of interpretation and the interpretation of rhetoric. Durham: Duke University Press. Poetics Today, 09.2.
Keywords: interpretive, hermeneutical, rhetoric
1673. Hernandez-Chavez, Eduardo; Andrew D. Cohen; Anthony F. Beltramo (Eds.). (1975). El Lenguaje de los Chicanos: Regional and social characteristics used by Mexican Americans. Arlington, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Keywords: Chicano, speech, Mexican-Am, hispanic, code-switching, regional, social, social
1674. Herndl, Carl G.; Stuart C. Brown (Eds.). (1996). Green culture: Environmental rhetoric in contemporary America. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Keywords: science-writing, ecology, environmental, political, USA
1675. Herndon, Sandra L.; Gary L. Kreps (Eds.). (2001). Qualitative research: Applications in organizational life. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Keywords: research-method, qualitative, ethnographic, organizational, workplace, communication-studies, applied, qualitative
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