Edited Collections

This list represents all edited collections currently indexed in CompPile. The list updates automatically, as new entries are added to the bibliography. If you know of collections that should be part of CompPile, please contact us.

There are currently 3724 edited collections listed in the CompPile database.

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1976. Klein-Braley, Christine; D. K. Stevenson (Eds.). (1981). Practical problems in language testing. Duisburg, Germany: Verlag Peter D. Lang.
Keywords: ESL, testing, assessment
1977. Klein-Braley, Christine; D. K. Stevenson (Eds.). (1979). Practice and problems in language testing, I. Duisburg, Germany: Verlag Peter D. Lang.
Keywords: ESL, testing, assessment
1978. Kleinman, Sharon (Ed.). (2007). Displacing place: Mobile communication in the twenty-first century. New York: Peter Lang.
Keywords: communication, technology, mobility, wireless, change, displacement
1979. Klevgard, Laurie; Irene M. Diamond; Nancy S. Haugen; John M. Kean (Eds.). (1980). Interdisciplinary writing: A guide to writing across the curriculum. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Writing Project, University of Wisconsin.
Keywords: WAC, survey, program
1980. Kline, F. Gerald; Philip J. Tichenor (Eds.). (1972). Current perspectives in mass communication research. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Keywords: mass-communication, research-method
1981. Kline, Nancy E. (Ed.). (1992). How writers teach writing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Keywords: teacher-as-writer
1982. Klineberg, Otto; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Eds.). (1974). Race as news. Paris: Unesco Press.
Keywords: news-writing, racism
1983. Kluge, David; Steve McGuide; David Johnson (Eds.); Japan Association for Language Teaching. (1999). Cooperative learning: JALT applied materials. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 437 839.
Keywords: ESL, Japanese-English, materials, cooperative, pedagogy, materials, applied
1984. Klumpp, James F. (Ed.). (1997). Argument in a time of change: Definitions, frameworks, and critiques: Proceedings of the tenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation [in Alta, Utah, 1997]. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association.
Keywords: argumentation, critique, relativist, framework
1985. Knapp, Mark L.; John Augustine Daly (Eds.). (2002). Handbook of interpersonal communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Keywords: communication, interpersonal, handbook
1986. Knapper, Christopher (Ed.). (1982). Expanding learning through new communications technologies (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 9). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Keywords: communication, technology, learning-theory, CAI, programmed, computer
1987. Kneupper, Charles W. (Ed.). (1985). Oldspeak/Newspeak: Rhetorical transformations. Arlington, TX: Rhetoric Society of America.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, language-study, political, Newspeak, transformative
1988. Kneupper, Charles W. (Ed.). (1989). Rhetoric and ideology: Compositions and criticisms of power. Arlington, TX: Rhetoric Society of America.
Keywords: rhetorical, ideology, power, critique
1989. Kneupper, Charles W. (Ed.). (1987). Visions of rhetoric: History, theory, and criticism. Arlington, TX: Rhetoric Society of America.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, theory, rhet-crit
1990. Kobler, Turner S.; William Edward Tanner; J. Dean Bishop (Eds.). (1978). Retrospectives and perspectives: A symposium in rhetoric. [Papers from the Symposium in Rhetoric, Texas Woman's University, 1976; Dallas, 1977]. Denton, TX: Federation of North Texas Area Universities.
Keywords: rhetoric, history, future, retrospective
1991. Koch, Walter A. (Ed.). (1982). Semiogenesis: Essays on the analysis of the genesis of language, art, and literature (First Bochum seminar on the evolution of Culture). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Lang.
Keywords: semiogenesis, genesis
1992. Kochman, Thomas (Ed.). (1972). Rappin' and stylin' out: Communication in urban black America. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Keywords: AAVE, urban
1993. Kockelmans, Joseph (Ed.). (1979). Interdisciplinarity and higher education. University Park, PA: Pensylvania State University.
Keywords: interdisciplinarity
1994. Koenig, Jean-Pierre (Ed.). (1998). Discourse and cognition: Bridging the gap. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, cognitive
1995. Koerner, James D. (Ed.); Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. (1977). The teaching of expository writing: An exchange of views (an occasional paper from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 159 730.
Keywords: decline, basic-skills, dialogue, expository
1996. Kogen, Myra (Ed.). (1989). Writing in the business professions. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English; Association for Business Communication [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 303 816].
Keywords: workplace, technical-communication, business
1997. Kohl de Oliveira, Marta; Valsiner, Jaan (Eds.). (1998). Literacy in human development. Stamford, CT: Ablex Pub..
Keywords: literacy, developing, development
1998. Kohonen, Viljo; Nils Erik Enkvist (Eds.). (1978). Text linguistics, cognitive learning and language teaching. Turku, Finland: Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics.
Keywords: text-analysis, text linguistics, cognitive, ESL
1999. Kolers, Paul A.; Merald Ernest Wrolstad; Herman Bouma (Eds.). (1980). Processing of visible language 2 [revised papers presented at the 2nd Conference on Processing of Visible Language, Niagra-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, 1979]. New York: Plenum.
Keywords: graphic, language
2000. Kornrich, Milton (Ed.). (1965). Underachievement [reprinted pieces]. Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas.
Keywords: basic, motivation, under-achievement, psychological

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