WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Category: WAC and Writing Centers/Learning Centers

Your search found 263 citations.

1. [various]. (1990). [synopses of conference talks, Seventh National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Montreal, Canada, April, 1989]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 09, 2-48.
Keywords: testing, computer, process, large-scale, standards, WPA, international, contrastive, African-Am, NAEP, ESL, literacy, competency, holistic, University of Minnesota, validity, construct-validity, topic, assessment, Scotland, classroom, portfolio assessment, program, self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, self-validation, professional-school, veterinary, WAC, rater-training, program-validation, empowerment, rising-junior [East Texas State University], wcenter, transfer-student, James Britton, Peter Elbow, campus-wide, universal, computer, individual-differences, ESL, community, contrastive, City University of New York, disciplinary, rising-junior [University of Missouri-St. Louis], rising-junior [University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee], prompt, argumentation, validity, primary-trait, physics-department, feminist, pedagogy, placement, minimum competency, scale, score stability, response, local assessment, feature
2. Aarons, Victoria; Willis A. Salomon. (1989). The writing center and writing across the curriculum: Some observations on theory and practice. Focuses: A Journal Linking Composition Programs and Writing-Center Practice 02.2, 91-102.
Keywords: wcenter, WAC, theory, pedagogy
3. Adams, Katherine H. (1991). Satellite writing centers: A successful model for writing across the curriculum. In Wallace, Ray; Jeanne Simpson (Eds.), The writing center: New directions; New York: Garland Press (pp. 73-81).
Keywords: wcenter, satellite, program, WAC
4. Andrews, Roy & Donahue, Katherine. (2000). Spotlight Interviews on Writing Assignments for 'Into Thin Air': David Zehr, Kim Smith and Shane Cutler, and Susan Noel Share Their Approaches. Plymouth State College Journal on Writing Across the Curriculum, 11(1), 37-45. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.2000.11.1.04
Keywords: WAC, sharing, assignment, tutor-opinion
5. Andrews, Roy & Miller, Robert. (1993). Robert and Roy's Excellent Adventure. Plymouth State College Journal on Writing Across the Curriculum, 4(1), 109-128. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.1993.4.1.11
Keywords: WAC, psychology-course, faculty-workshop, response, wcenter, tutor-conferencing
6. Andrews, Roy, Johnson, Bruce, Puiia, Mike, Pemberton, Pat, & Hill, Nancy. (1994). A Model of Collaboration: One Teacher's Composition Class and the Reading/Writing Center. Plymouth State College Journal on Writing Across the Curriculum, 5(1), 81-95. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.1994.5.1.09
Keywords: WAC, collaboration, wcenter, read-write, teacher-tutor
7. Anonymous. (1956). Workshop Reports of the 1956 Conference On College Composition and Communication. College Composition and Communication 07.3, 120-172.
Keywords: English-profession, ESL, WPA, honors, testing, placement, comskills, media, training, gen-ed, wcenter, articulation, two-year, in-service, grading, spelling, linguistics, WAC, textbooks, listening, class-size
8. Anonymous. (1955). Workshop and Panel-Discussion Reports of the 1955 Conference On College Composition and Communication. College Composition and Communication 06.3, 123-179.
Keywords: FYC, newspaper, pedagogy, wcenter, read-write, training, honors, basic, ESL, reading, citation, advanced, deterioration, WAC, articulation, listening, creativity, examination, techcom, WPA, comskills, spelling, program, grammar, major,
9. Archer, Arlene. (2011). Dealing with multimodal assignments in writing centers. Writing Lab Newsletter 35.9-10, 10-13.
Keywords: wcenter, multimodality, multimedia, multi-media, multi-modal, mixed genre, multiliteracy, multilateral, graphics, graphic elements, visuals, picture, eye-based, optical, pictorial, graph, chart, illustration, table, drawing, imagery, image, tutor-training, tutor training, training of tutors, writing center training, consultant training, communication across the curriculum, WAC/CAC, CAC/WAC, ECAC, disciplinary writing, writing in the disciplines, WID, writing across the curriculum, cross-campus, university wide, campus wide, writing-across-the-curriculum
10. Arp, Lori; Kathleen Kenny. (1990). Vital connections: Composition and bibliographic instruction theory in the lRC [instructional resource center]. In Holleman, Margaret (Ed.), The role of the learning resources center in instruction (New directions for community colleges, No. 71); San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (pp. 13-22).
Keywords: wcenter, learning-center, pedagogy, history, trend, two-year, critical-thinking, WAC, bibliographic, sources, bibliographic-search, resource-center
11. Arzt, Judy; Kristine E. Barnett; Jessyka Scoppetta. (2009). Online tutoring: A symbiotic relationship with writing across the curriculum initiatives. Across the Disciplines 06. https://wac.colostate.edu/atd/technologies/arztetal.cfm
Keywords: WAC, online, computer, digital, technology, survey, data, student-opinion, initiative, symbiotic, tutoring
12. Asselin, Bonnie; N.L. Schultz. (1988). Optimizing the writing center for an interdisciplinary course. Writing Lab Newsletter 12.9, 5-6. https://writinglabnewsletter.org/archives.php
Keywords: wcenter, WAC
13. Auslander, Bonnie; Lucie Lepine. (1989). 'What does the professor want and why': A view from the reading/writing center on WAC teachers' assignments. Plymouth State College Journal on Writing Across the Curriculum 01, 82-87. https://wac.colostate.edu/journal/
Keywords: WAC, wcenter, teacher-tutor, read-write, assignment
14. Babb, Jacob. (2014). [book review]. Journal of Teaching Writing 29.1, 107-114.
Keywords: A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators, by Rita Malenczyk (Ed.); WPA, Wcenter, FYC, WAC
15. Balajthy, Ernest. (1989). Computers in curricula program for networked college level writing process instruction: A first year report. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 309 455.
Keywords: computer, ESL, mathematics-course, basic, WAC, tutorial, email, in-service, faculty-workshop, Curricula Network Project [New Jersey], two-year, process
16. Barnes, Marjorie. (1999). Writing-across-the-curriculum at Union County College. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 437 110.
Keywords: two-year, WAC, Union County College, program history, survey, faculty-opinion, English-not-English, faculty-workshop, wcenter, program-program-validation newsletter, data
17. Barnett, Robert W.; Jacob S. Blumner (Eds.). (1999). Writing centers and writing across the curriculum programs: Building interdisciplinary partnerships. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Annotation: A collection of essays on the changing relationship between Writing Centers and WAC programs. The essays raise many issues: The expanding role of Writing Centers on campuses. The ""housing"" question - should WAC run the Writing Center? Or be run by it? The Writing Center as a site for uniting disciplinary writing projects. Writing Centers as ambassdors for WAC. Writing Centers and WAC research. 'Taking WAC away' from the English Department and housing it in the Writing Center. English faculty's concept of Writing Centers. A Center's role in a school without WAC. High-school Writing Centers. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: wcenter, WAC, interdisciplinary, program-design
18. Barnett, Robert W.; Jacob S. Blummer. (1999). Selected Bibliography. In Barnett, Robert W.; Jacob S. Blummer; Writing centers and writing across the curriculum programs; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (pp. 201-212).
Keywords: WAC, wcenter, organizational
19. Barnett, Robert W.; Lois M. Rosen. (1999). The WAC/writing center partnership: Creating a campus-wide writing environment. In Barnett, Robert W.; Jacob S. Blumner (Eds.), Writing centers and writing across the curriculum programs: Building interdisciplinary partnerships; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (pp. 1-12).
Keywords: WAC, wcenter, interdisciplinary, ecological, campus-environment, implementation
20. Barnett, Robert W.; Lois M. Rosen. (1999). The WAC/writing center partnership: Creating a campus-wide writing environment. In Barnett, Robert W.; Jacob S. Blummer; Writing centers and writing across the curriculum programs; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (pp. 1-12).
Keywords: WAC, wcenter, organizational
21. Batsche, Catherine; American Association of State Colleges and Universities; Illinois State University. (1989). Undergraduate writing program: Illinois State University. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 306 841.
Keywords: program-validation, Illinois State University, WAC, computer, placement, ancillary, tutoring, objective, undergraduate
22. Bergmann, Linda S. (2008). Writing centers and cross-curricular literacy programs as models for faculty development [review essay]. Pedagogy 08.3, 523-536.
Keywords: wcenter, cross-curricular, literacy, WAC, teacher-growth, literacy program
23. Bevis, Herbert A.; Ronald H. Carpenter; John Faricy; Daniel L. Kelly; Chris Morris; Kathleen Ritch; Jeanine Webb; War Hellstrom. (1978). Report of the Taskforce on Composition. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 177 570.
Keywords: school-college, preparation, in-service, teacher-training, assessment, CLEP, advance-credit, equivalency, placement, rising-junior, WAC, wcenter, funding, survey, program, data
24. Bird, Barbara. (2012). Rethinking our view of learning. Writing Lab Newsletter 36.5-6, 1-5.
Keywords: wcenter, theory-practice, evidence-based, deep learning, impressionistic thinking, self-efficacy, self-regulatory, assessment
25. Bizzaro, Patrick. (1986). Writing center assistance to writing across the curriculum. Writing Lab Newsletter 10.8, 3-5. https://writinglabnewsletter.org/archives.php
Keywords: wcenter, WAC
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