WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Your search found 3618 citations.

1. [Law, Richard; Richard Hume; Thomas Barton; Richard Haswell]. (1985). The Humanities Core Curriculum Project [National Endowment for the Humanities grant application]. Pullman, WA: Washington State University.
Keywords: gen-ed, curriculum, humanities; rising-junior, WAC, requirement
2. [various]. (1990). [synopses of conference talks, Seventh National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Montreal, Canada, April, 1989]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 09, 2-48.
Keywords: testing, computer, process, large-scale, standards, WPA, international, contrastive, African-Am, NAEP, ESL, literacy, competency, holistic, University of Minnesota, validity, construct-validity, topic, assessment, Scotland, classroom, portfolio assessment, program, self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, self-validation, professional-school, veterinary, WAC, rater-training, program-validation, empowerment, rising-junior [East Texas State University], wcenter, transfer-student, James Britton, Peter Elbow, campus-wide, universal, computer, individual-differences, ESL, community, contrastive, City University of New York, disciplinary, rising-junior [University of Missouri-St. Louis], rising-junior [University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee], prompt, argumentation, validity, primary-trait, physics-department, feminist, pedagogy, placement, minimum competency, scale, score stability, response, local assessment, feature
3. [various]. (1988). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Sixth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April, 1988]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 08, 4-33.
Keywords: testing, K-12, mode, portfolio, WAC, rising-junior [Governors State University], revamping, exit-exam [Ball State University], proficiency, rising-junior [University of Massachusetts], WAC, program, campus-wide, universal, literacy, validity, direct, reliability, scale stability, rater-training, holistic, discrepant-essay, primary-trait, placement, rhetorical, rater-training, video, program-program-validation, longitudinal, growth, regression, mode, rhetorical-task, pedagogy, reader-response, holistic, self-assessment, computer, style-checker, legal, national, international, Written Composition Study [International Association for Educational Achievement], criteria, contrastive, topic, classroom-research, computer-analysis, feature
4. [various]. (1987). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Fifth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1987]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 07, 3-20.
Keywords: testing, Writing Proficiency Examination [University of Massachusetts-Boston], rising-junior, standards, K-12, pedagogy, prompt, topic, assessment, holistic, rater-training, New Jersey College Basic Skills Placement Test, ESL, analytic, assessment profile, profiling, British Council Proficiency Test of the English Language, portfolio, computer, teacher-training, ESL, contrastive, African-Am, NAEP, New Jersey High School Proficiency Test, WAC, content-area, basic, program-validation, nonacademic, cultural, China, large-scale, college-span [Temple University], cross-sectional, longitudinal, error, regression, gender-difference, national, NAEPgender-difference, high-school
5. [various]. (1986). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Fourth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April, 1986]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 06, 3-25.
Keywords: testing, measurement, portfolio, reading, language-proficiency, placement, assessment, instrument, purpose, topic, holistic, revising, drafting, validity, administering, cost, data-analysis, minimum competency, competency, WAC, curriculum, peer-evaluation, self-assessment, K-12, CBest [teacher-certification, Oregon], school, computer, pre-writing software, WANDAH [Writer's Aid and Author's Helper], style-checker, EECAP [Early English Composition Assessment Program, Ohio], computer-analysis
6. [various]. (1985). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Third National Testing Network in Writing Conference, San Francisco, California, March 1985]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 05, 2-26.
Keywords: testing, assessment, K-12, portfolio, proficiency, procedure, teacher-certification, holistic, rating, rater-training, primary-trait, research-method, research, WAC [at Stanford University], Research in the Effective Teaching of Writing Project, discourse-feature, gain, classroom-research, longitudinal, development, regression, analytic, funding, program, ESL, teacher-training minority, curriculum, G5, response, administering, cost, data-analysis, peer-evaluation, topic, large-scale, Canada, placement, feature
7. Aarons, Victoria; Willis A. Salomon. (1989). The writing center and writing across the curriculum: Some observations on theory and practice. Focuses: A Journal Linking Composition Programs and Writing-Center Practice 02.2, 91-102.
Keywords: wcenter, WAC, theory, pedagogy
8. Abasi, Ali R.; Nahal Akbari; Barbara Graves. (2006). Discourse appropriation, construction of identities, and the complex issue of plagiarism: ESL students writing in graduate school. Journal of Second Language Writing 15.2, 102-117.
Annotation: Drawing on case studies of five L2 graduate students – two MA students in a Second Language Education program, a PhD student in Counseling, a PhD student in Educational Administration, and a PhD student in Education – the authors examine how L2 graduate students make choices about appropriating discourse when writing, how they identify their voices in source-based writing, and how choices of appropriation and voice relate to a student’s identities. They found that the less experienced graduate students were less likely to be aware of textual choices as rhetorical and as creating identity in writing in contrast to the more experienced graduate student writers. After analyzing participants’ writing, the authors discovered that the less experienced graduate students also plagiarized more and tied this practice to their educational histories and assumptions about their roles as writers. [Michelle Cox, WAC/WID and Second Language Writers (Part 3: Studies that Look at L2 Writer across Disciplines), WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 8]
Keywords: WAC, ESL, plagiarism, identity, constructivist, graduate, appropriation, case-study
9. Abbott, Michael M.; Pearl W. Bartelt; Stephen M. Fishman; Charlotte Honda. (1992). Interchange: A conversation among the disciplines. In Herrington, Anne; Charles Moran (Eds.), Writing, teaching and learning in the disciplines; New York, NY: Modern Language Associates (pp. 103-118).
Keywords: WAC, cross-disciplinary, faculty-dialogue
10. Abdalla, Adil E. A. (1993). A country report project for an international economics class. Journal of Economic Education 24.3, 231-236.
Keywords: economics-course, report-writing, assignment, sample, WAC
11. Abel, Jean P.; Frederick J. Abel. (1988). Writing in the mathematics classroom. Clearing House 62.4, 155-158.
Keywords: WAC, mathematics-course, pedagogy, microtheme, letter-writing, journal-writing, interviewing
12. Abels, Kimberly Town. (1994). Reconsidering writing across the curriculum: Language as a contested site in the discipline of dance [doctoral thesis]. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University.
Keywords: WAC, contested, literacy, disciplinary, metaphor, dancing, kinesthetic, body
13. Abraham, Gladys W. (1983). Writing: An institutionwide approach. In Sparrow, W. Keats; Nell Ann Pickett (Eds.), Technical and business communication in two-year programs; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English (pp. 69-75).
Keywords: two-year, techcom, WAC
14. Abrams, Lowell. (2017). Seeing the forest and the trees when writing a mathematical proof. Prompt 1.1, 19-28. http://thepromptjournal.com/index.php/prompt/article/view/11/7
Annotation: Abstract: One of the typical challenges facing a mathematics student when writing a proof is the need to understand the interplay of details and broader concepts. I describe a multi-step proof-writing assignment used in a mid-level course for mathematics majors that is designed to help with this challenge by forcing students to incrementally increase their engagement with the various conceptual levels of the material at hand.
Keywords: mathematics, proof-writing, WID, WAC, assignment-writing, assignment, pedagogy, reflective practice
15. Abrams, Nancy & Feiler, Nadine. (2003). Greater than the Sum of Parts: a Poetry/Science Collaboration. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 6(2), 129-140. https://doi.org/10.37514/LLD-J.2003.6.2.07
Annotation: Collaborations between disciplines in middle school usually occur between language arts and social studies, or between math and science; however, we found a collaboration between language arts and science to be a fruitful experience for our students in their learning both disciplines and in improving our own teaching. Understanding poetry and science requires many of the same skills: close observation, description, and metaphorical thinking. To that end, we developed a curriculum that focused on those skills as our students studied barrier islands in sixth grade science and poetry in sixth grade language arts.
Keywords: WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, poetry, science, poetry
16. Abt-Perkins, Dawn; Gian Pagnucci. (1993). From tourist to storyteller: Reading and writing science. In Tchudi, Stephen (Ed.), The astonishing curriculum: Integrating science and humanities through language; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 359 538] (pp. 99-111).
Keywords: WAC, pedagogy, science, humanities, reading, narrative, tourism, story-telling
17. Ackerman, John Martin. (1989). Reading and writing in the academy: A comparison of two disciplines [doctoral thesis]. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie-Mellon University.
Keywords: read-write, academic, WAC, disciplinarity, correlation
18. Adams, Barbara; Angela Bodino; Olivia Bissell; Myrna Smith. (1985). Writing for learning: How to achieve a total college commitment. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 258 666.
Keywords: student-commitment, write-to-learn, WAC
19. Adams, Dennis M.; Mary Hamm. (1996). Cooperative learning: Critical thinking and collaboration across the curriculum. 2nd edition. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Keywords: critical-thinking, WAC, cooperative, pedagogy
20. Adams, Dennis M.; Mary Hamm. (1990). Cooperative learning: Critical thinking and collaboration across the curriculum. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Keywords: critical-thinking, WAC, cooperative, pedagogy
21. Adams, Katherine H. (1991). Satellite writing centers: A successful model for writing across the curriculum. In Wallace, Ray; Jeanne Simpson (Eds.), The writing center: New directions; New York: Garland Press (pp. 73-81).
Keywords: wcenter, satellite, program, WAC
22. Adams, Pauline Gordon; Emma Shore Thornton. (1986). An inquiry into the process of collaboration. Language Arts of Michigan 02, 25-28.
Keywords: collaboration, questionnaire, teacher-opinion, WAC, data, discipline, gender, age, inquiry
23. Adamson, Harley Kirk. (1963). Competence demonstrated by English majors and majors in other areas in selected factors of written communication [doctoral thesis]. Denver, CO: University of Denver.
Keywords: WAC, competence, factor-analysis, English-major
24. Addams, H. L. (1981). Should the Big 8 teach communication skills. Management Accounting 62.11, 37-40.
Keywords: WAC, workplace, survey, needs-analysis, CPA, certified public accountant, accounting-course
25. Addison, Joanne; Sharon James McGee. (2010). Writing in high school/writing in college: Research trends and future directions. College Composition and Communication 62.1, 147-179.
Annotation: Outlines major large-scale writing research projects done within the ten years preceding article publication. Using student responses to the National Survey of Student Engagement’s (NSSE) 'writing-specific' questions, Addison and McGee identified five scales that 'describe the quality of undergraduate writing and establish that certain types of writing are substantially related to NSSE’s deep learning subscales, especially higherorder thinking and integrative learning,' through investigating: pre-writing activities, instructor articulation of clear expectations, the assignment of higher-order writing tasks, good instructor practices such as student collaboration, sample review and opportunities for writing practice, and evidence of student use of integrated media like the inclusion of visual content in their writing. Upon comparison of the aggregate data from the studies referenced above using these five scales, Addison and McGee found that college and high school faculty across the curriculum only diverged in their practices in terms of assigning higher-order writing tasks and using integrated media . Yet, college faculty tended to provide fewer opportunities for peer review and 'informal, exploratory' writing. Alternately, student and teacher as well as instructor-workplace perceptions and expectations about writing were far less congruent. In response, calls for the following future actions: the creation of 'WAC-centered vertical curriculum' between high schools and colleges that concretely emphasizes the transfer of skills related to not only essay but also narrative and critical research-based writing , including interdisciplinary rhetorical analysis and workplace genres; the establishment of future research partnerships between large organizations like NSSE and WPA jointly guided by the Committee on Research and Committee on Professional Visibility and Databases within CCCC; and the formation of an online repository by NCTE/CCCC to archive the raw data and tools used in writing studies as a resource for upcoming research and advocacy efforts [Rachel E. H. Edwards, Alignments and Alliences: Smoothing Students' Transitions from High School English to First-Year College Writing, WPA-CompPile Bibliographies, No. 20]
Keywords: writing-studies, school-college, articulation, literacy, WAC, scale, deep learning, curriculum, workplace, genre, best-practices, academic, research-method, future, trend, National Survey of Student Engagement’s (NSSE), WPA Committee on Research and Committee on Professional Visibility and Databases, CCCC, data repository, digital, rhetorical-analysis, interdisciplinary, trend

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