WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Category: Community

Your search found 132 citations.

1. Adler-Kassner, Linda; Robert Crooks; Ann Watters (Eds.). (1997). Writing the community: Concepts and models for service-learning in composition. Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 449 729.
Annotation: '[T]he first collection of essays explicitly connecting service learning and Composition studies' (Deans, Writing Partnerships, 2000, p.13). Adler-Kassner et al. highlight the benefits of combining service learning and composition for academic and nonacademic communities; review institutional barriers to implementing and sustaining effective service learning initiatives; and underscore the need to continue theorizing service learning. Contributors consider the implications of service learning for composition theory and pedagogy, university-community relations, higher education, and civic engagement. They also report on implementation of institution-specific programs, and they invite critical reflection and experimentation with service learning in Composition. The collection includes an annotated bibliography on community service and Composition. [David Stock]. [Rebecca Lorimer & David Stock, Service Learning Initiatives: Implementation and Administration; WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 13].
Keywords: community, service-learning, pragmatic, civic literacy, WAC
2. Alaimo, Peter J., Bean, John C., Langenhan, Joseph M., & Nichols, Larry. (2009). Eliminating Lab Reports: A Rhetorical Approach for Teaching the Scientific Paper in Sophomore Organic Chemisty. The WAC Journal, 20(1), 17-32. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.02
Annotation: Considers how an interdisciplinary team of faculty is striving to improve student performance on senior chemistry theses at Seattle University through an alternative approach to teaching the discourse of the scientific community within the year-long sophomore chemistry lab course. Drops the notion of teaching new students in formulaic, academic-specific ways, through utilization of rudimentary lab reports. Stresses the need to make students immediately aware of the inquiry-based, persuasive context of actual professional work and writing through collaborative-based experimentation that stresses multiple replications and use of evidence for conclusions. Suggests teaching the scientific paper over a year early in students' science careers and prioritizing students' 'writing process knowledge' through explicit instruction in writing within science courses. [Jaclyn Rossi]
Keywords: Seattle University, WAC, science-writing, sophomore, organic chemistry-course, laboratory-report, assignment, grading, inquiry, rubric, evaluation, response, data, process,
3. Ambron, Joanna. (1991). History of WAC and its role in community colleges. In Stanley, Linda C.; Joanna Ambron (Eds.), Writing across the curriculum in community colleges (New directions for community colleges, No. 73); San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass [ERIC Documentation Reproduction Services, ED 330 420] (pp. 3-8).
Keywords: WAC, history, two-year, London Schools Project
4. Anandam, Kamala. (1989). Miami-Dade Community College: Pragmatism and futurism. In Graves, William H. (Ed.), Computing across the curriculum: Academic perspectives; McKinney, TX: Academic Computing Publications (pp. 293-326).
Keywords: WAC, computer, Miami-Dade, two-year, computer-analysis, pragmatism, futuristic, future, pragmatic
5. Angelo, Thomas A. (1997). Seven Promising Shifts and Seven Powerful Levers: Developing More Productive Learning (and Writing) Communities Across the Curriculum. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 2(2), 56-75. https://doi.org/10.37514/LLD-J.1997.2.2.07
Annotation: This article has three aims: one, to highlight connections between the learning communities movement of the 1990s and the WAC movement; two, to discuss why the timing and circumstances may now be right for learning communities to overcome persistent barriers to instructional and curricular reform; and three, to promote conversation and collaboration between WAC and learning communities activists. The author suggests modest steps campus change agents might take to advance the shared reform agenda of both movements. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, learning-community, change, power, curriculum, reformist activism, guidelines, program-change, productive
6. Ashworth, Thomas Edward. (1992). Using writing-to-learn strategies in community college associate degree nursing programs [doctoral thesis]. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Keywords: nursing, write-to-learn, two-year, WAC, critical-thinking, improvement, data
7. Back, Lillian; Susan Carlton; Merla Wolk; Robin Schulze. (1991). Training TAs to teach writing: Four perspectives on creating a community for composition instruction. In Nyquist, Jody (Ed.), Preparing the professoriate to teach: Selected readings in TA training; Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt (pp. 198-204).
Keywords: TA-training, WAC, faculty-community
8. Bannon, Jessica Lyn. (March 2019). We Are Your Neighbors: Making Public Space for Personal Stories in Immigration Advocacy. Spark: A Journal of Activism in Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Studies, 1.1. https://sparkactivism.com/journal-issues/we-are-your-neighbors-making-public-space-for-personal-stories-in-immigration-advocacy/
Annotation: Jessica Lyn Bannon's "We Are Your Neighbors: Making Public Space for Personal Stories in Immigration Advocacy" details a community writing partnership between activist-scholars at the University of Indianapolis and members of Indianapolis' Latinx community; the partnership led to the publication of an anthology of stories describing what it is like to be an immigrant in the United States in today's political climate.
Keywords: immigration advocacy, immigration activism, civic engagement, community writing, immigration, activist, undocumented youth, Latinx immigration, activist-scholars, Indianapolis Latinx community
9. Bazerman, Charles; Anne Herrington. (2006). Circles of interest: The growth of research communities in WAC and WID/WIP [writing in the disciplines / writing in professions]. In McLeod, Susan H.; Margot Soven (Eds.), Composing a community: A history of writing across the curriculum; West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: WAC, history, WID, research-community
10. Bean, John C. (2006). Montana, Mina Shaughnessy, and microthemes: Reflections on WAC as a community. In McLeod, Susan H.; Margot Soven (Eds.), Composing a community: A history of writing across the curriculum; West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: WAC, history, Montana State University, basic, Shaughnessy, microtheme
11. Beauchamp, Fay. (2001). Brambles and jade: Metaphor, narrative, and the community college student. ADE Bulletin, No. 127, 44-47.
Keywords: two-year, discipline-metaphor, bramble, jade, metaphoric, narrative, learning-theory, WAC, course-design, collaborative, teacher-student
12. Bell, James; Howard Community College [Columbia, MD]. (1988). Written assignments for abnormal psychology at Howard Community College, fall 1988. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 295 705.
Keywords: Howard Community College [Maryland], psychology-course, assignment, WAC, sequence, pedagogy
13. Bertch, Julie. (1985). Writing for learning in the community college. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 256 458.
Keywords: WAC, program, two-year, South Mountain Community College [Phoenix, Arizona], implementation, faculty-workshop
14. Bertch, Julie. (1985). Writing for learning: Starting a writing across the curriculum program in the community college. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 256 387.
Keywords: two-year, implementation, program, WAC, write-to-learn
15. Blaauw-Hara, Mark; Carrie Strand Tebeau; Dominic Borowiak; Jami Blaauw-Hara. (2020). Is a Writing-about-Writing Approach Appropriate for Community College Developmental Writers in a Corequisite Class?. Composition Studies 48.2, 54-73. https://compositionstudiesjournal.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/blaauw-hara-tebeau-borowiak-blaauw-hara.pdf
Annotation: Current trends in developmental writing have focused on corequisite support courses that developmental writers take in conjunction with college-level courses. Much recent scholarship has focused on the design of the corequisite course, but a corequisite model also raises the stakes of the curricular design of the college-level course, since it now features developmental writers. In this article, we describe a qualitative research project designed to explore whether a writing-about-writing college-level curriculum is appropriate for community-college developmental writers in an ALP corequisite model. [John Whicker and Doug Downs, Writing-About-Writing Curricula: Research on Effectiveness and Applications, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 12 (2nd ed.)]
Keywords: basic, two-year, corequisite, writing-about-writing, WAW, state-mandated, FYC, basic writing, developmental writing, reading, self-efficacy
16. Blalock, Glenn, Cardenas, Diana, Hawthorne, Joyce, & Loudermilk, Susan. (2003). Using 'Community' Needs to Promote and Expand WAC. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 6(3), 54-60. https://doi.org/10.37514/LLD-J.2003.6.3.08
Annotation: This article explores WAC efforts at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Specifically, the article addresses efforts to extend WAC efforts to consider the needs of the larger community as well as the university community.
Keywords: WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, community, community service, service-learning, techcomm, FYC, learning-community
17. Blau, Sheridan. (2010). Academic writing as participation: Writing your way in. In Sullivan, Patrick; Tinberg, Howard; Blau, Sheridan (Eds.), What is “college-level” writing? Volume 2: Assignments, Readings and Student Writing Samples; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English (pp. 29-56).
Annotation: Blau describes and models his methodology and classroom practice of a genre-specific approach that purports to enable the transition of high school, community college and first-year college students into the university academic discourse community. Blau bases his claims of efficacy on anecdotal reports, observations done in New York City community colleges and high school classrooms as well as the application of research and theory. Blau suggests that students ought to write share and discuss literary commentary so they can concretely enact the formation of genuine academic discursive practices. These student commentaries are used for longer papers where students read, respond to and cite each other’s work. Blau contends that this 'genre-creating program' promotes the 'critical thinking' that is essential to the reading and writing involved in 'college-level discourse' because it lends students academic authority, in that they are originators and evaluators of a shared classroom disciplinary textual [Rachel E. H. Edwards, Alignments and Alliences: Smoothing Students' Transitions from High School English to First-Year College Writing, WPA-CompPile Bibliographies, No. 20]
Keywords: school-college, two-year, research-method, New York City, discourse-community, genre-specific, disciplinary, convention, WAC, critical-thinking, research-practice, theory-practice, discursive, praxis
18. Bogad, Lesley; Jennifer S. Cook; Monica G. Darcy; Janet Donnell Johnson; Susan K. Patterson; Mary Ellen Tillotson. (2007). Finding our way as WAC-y women: Writing practice and other collegial endeavors. Across the Disciplines 04. https://wac.colostate.edu/atd/articles/bogadetal2007.cfm
Annotation: This article describes our experiences as six faculty members at a mid-sized state college whose collaboration grew into a substantive endeavor to improve writing pedagogy and practice across our disciplines of English, Educational Studies, Instructional Technology, Educational Psychology and Counseling. Within our practice, we approach writing in a variety of ways, including: letter writing; writing as an advanced organizer; online journal writing; rhetorical writing; and writing for critical inquiry. Also embedded within our practice is our creation of and participation in a professional community of learners. In our conclusion, we consider both the personal lessons we have learned through this collaboration and the institutional policies and practices that can support and sustain this kind of work.
Keywords: WAC, women, interdisciplinary, genre, activity-analysis, English-studies, Education, Instructional Psychology, Counseling, psychology
19. Carson, J. Stanton., Wojahn, Patricia G., Hayes, John R., & Marshall, Thomas A. (2003). Design, Results, and Analysis of Assessment Components in a Nine-Course CAC Program. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 6(1), 30-61. https://doi.org/10.37514/LLD-J.2003.6.1.03
Annotation: Combining the interests of the various communities, a number of us at Robert Morris recently faced the question of how we could show our various stakeholders, including a faculty extraordinarily generous with its time, whether our one-of-a kind Communication Skills Program is effective in improving students' communications skills and worth a continuing investment. In this article, we argue that we have begun to find our answers in a uniquely tailored evaluation process made up of student portfolio reviews; course plan/syllabus evaluation; and a newly developed program evaluation involving pre, mid, and post-testing. To do so, we focus on the context surrounding the development of the latter, 'locally grown' program evaluation and on what we have learned from our initial study. We believe we can be very helpful in showing what a committed group with limited time and money can do to create effective evaluation for a comprehensive skills program. We also hope our experiences can serve as models for others interested in developing 'in-house' program evaluations.
Keywords: WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, assessment, CAC, communication across the curriculum, pedagogy, pedagogy, portfolio
20. Collins, Daniel F. (2004). Writing to Connect through Paired Courses. The WAC Journal, 15(1), 34-53. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.2004.15.1.03
Annotation: Collins describes the problem-based curriculum, writing assignments, and benefits of a 'thematic link' between a religious-studies course and a writing course at Manhattan College. 'One of [the students’] goals in both courses,' Collins writes, 'was to monitor and become familiar with particular positions as readers, to look at a text from multiple perspectives and become aware of their perspectives as readers' (p. 39). Drawing on the work of Bruce McComiskey, Kurt Spellmeyer, Joseph Harris, and Muriel Harris, Collins argues that 'writing provides a new lens of exploration [for students] into themselves as social beings and the discourses that make up their worlds, a kind of reflection that develops productive ways of knowing capable of helping them succeed in our classrooms' (p. 42). Paired courses, Collins notes, increase the likelihood that student writers will come to understand their own involvement in the construction of knowledge and to see the ways that knowledge is shaped by its relationships to social processes. Collins lists four direct benefits from linked course offerings at Manhattan College: (1) '[S]tudents in both courses moved beyond the traditional scope of each course' (p. 46); (2) Students 'wrote more,' 'wrote for multiple audiences,' and 'wrote with greater sophistication.' (Collins describes this as greater 'intertextuality,' synthesis and methodological-awareness in the students’ texts); (3) /[T]he building of community among freshmen students'; (4) '[T]he building of community across faculty' (p. 47). [Michelle LaFrance, Linked Writing Courses; WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 14]
Keywords: linked, assignment, WAC, religion-studies-course, pedagogy, constructivist, construction of knowledge, curriculum, problem-solving, religion-studies, thematic, intertextuality, data, metaconsciousness, ancillary
21. Comprone, Joseph J. (1987). The new rhetoric: A way of connecting community and discourse conventions in writing across the disciplines courses. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 279 019.
Keywords: Toulmin, Perelman, Olbrechts-Tyteca, new rhetorical-theory-practice, disciplinary, universal audience, argumentation, WAC
22. Comprone, Joseph J. (1985). Literary theory and composition: Creating communities of readers and writers. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 254 855.
Keywords: lit-crit, interpretive, hermeneutic, WAC, deconstruction, text-analysis, discovery, bridging, theory, writer-reader, discourse-community
23. Condon, Bill, Culp, Lynn, Day, Michael, Edminster , Jude, Fitch, Kathy, Glaros, Michelle, Hochman, Will, Holt, Dan, Jonna, Hether, McIntire-Strasburg, Janice, Mayo, Lori, McLeod, Susan, Moran, Charles , Moore, Michael, Reiss, Donna, Rice, Rich, Rickly, Rebecca, Rosenberg, Martin E., Winans, Sherri, Selfe, Dickie, Whithaus, Carl, Yancey, Kathleen Blake, Young, Art , & Palmquist, Mike. (2001). Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum: A Community Discussion Drawn from Computers and Writing Online 2001. Academic.Writing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Communication Across the Curriculum, 2(1), 1-1. https://doi.org/10.37514/AWR-J.2001.2.1.04
Keywords: CAC, WAC, digital, computer, networked
24. Condon, William. (1997). Building bridges, closing gaps: Using portfolios to reconstruct the academic community. In Yancey, Kathleen Blake; Irwin Weiser (Eds.), Situating portfolios: Four perspectives; Logan, UT: Utah State University Press (pp. 196-213).
Keywords: portfolio, WAC, academy, community, change
25. Contributors to C&W Online 2001. (2001). FORUM: Special forum: Electronic communication across the curriculum: A community discussion drawn from Computers & Writing Online 2001. Academic.Writing 2. https://wac.colostate.edu/aw/forums/spring2001/index.htm
Annotation: This Forum provides access to an edited version of a discussion of electronic communication across the curriculum (ECAC) that took place between April 19 and 30, 2001, on the 2001 Computers & Writing Online Conference (http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/cwonline2001/). The ECAC Strand was hosted by several members of the editorial board of Academic.Writing and included participants [http://wac.colostate.edu/aw/forums/spring2001/participants.htm] from inside and outside the writing-across-the-curriculum community. Participants communicated with each other via the C&W Online electronic mail list and during a MOO session in the Connections MOO [http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/cwonline2001/archives/ecac-0425.html]. Their discussion is represented here using links among and beyond the texts that they produced. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: ECAC, WAC, WID, digital, technology, computer, new media
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