WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Category: Technology

Your search found 136 citations.

1. Anonymous. (1959). The basic issues in the teaching of English, being definitions and clarifications presented by members of the American Sstudies Association, College English Association, Modern Language Association, and National Council of Teachers of English. Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Keywords: English-profession, aim, competency, proficiency, basic, pedagogy, read-write, national standards, speech, class-size, work-load, technology, audiovisual, WAC, graduate, certification, English-ed, training, rhetoric, linguistics, lit-crit, articulation, DA-degree, contemporary
2. Archer, Arlene. (2011). Dealing with multimodal assignments in writing centers. Writing Lab Newsletter 35.9-10, 10-13.
Keywords: wcenter, multimodality, multimedia, multi-media, multi-modal, mixed genre, multiliteracy, multilateral, graphics, graphic elements, visuals, picture, eye-based, optical, pictorial, graph, chart, illustration, table, drawing, imagery, image, tutor-training, tutor training, training of tutors, writing center training, consultant training, communication across the curriculum, WAC/CAC, CAC/WAC, ECAC, disciplinary writing, writing in the disciplines, WID, writing across the curriculum, cross-campus, university wide, campus wide, writing-across-the-curriculum
3. Arzt, Judy; Kristine E. Barnett; Jessyka Scoppetta. (2009). Online tutoring: A symbiotic relationship with writing across the curriculum initiatives. Across the Disciplines 06. https://wac.colostate.edu/atd/technologies/arztetal.cfm
Keywords: WAC, online, computer, digital, technology, survey, data, student-opinion, initiative, symbiotic, tutoring
4. Balajthy, Ernest. (1989). Computers in curricula program for networked college level writing process instruction: A first year report. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 309 455.
Keywords: computer, ESL, mathematics-course, basic, WAC, tutorial, email, in-service, faculty-workshop, Curricula Network Project [New Jersey], two-year, process
5. Balestri, Diane; Harold Cochrane; Donald Thursh. (1984). High tech, low tech, no tech: Three case studies of computers in the classroom. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 254 129 (pp. 11-14). American Association for Higher Education Bulletin (December), 11-14.
Keywords: University of Illinois, computer, case-study, computerized textbook, spreadsheet, WAC, FYC, problem-solving, computer-programming, high-tech
6. Barber, John F. (2000). All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: Promoting Cybernetic Ecology in Writing Classrooms. Academic.Writing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Communication Across the Curriculum, 1(4), 1-1. https://doi.org/10.37514/AWR-J.2000.1.4.11
Annotation: Howard Rheingold envisions 'cybernetic architectures' or worlds and ways to be in them (88). John Markoff writes about the creation of 'post-textual literacy' based on digital audio-visual rather than textual thinking that will offer us the opportunity to manipulate intertextuality in ways never before possible using only words and traditional face-to-face educational contexts (5). Building on these images, it is not a stretch to posit that computers and fiction and / or poetry classrooms can sustain each other in a 'cybernetic ecology' that might transcend the time, space, and place boundaries of the traditional classroom, provide access to far-flung resources, promote broader collaborative opportunities among colleagues, and orient such collaboration toward a broad spectrum of humanistic endeavor. The implications are not only interesting and challenging but necessary to address. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: cybernetic ecology, digital, new media, intertestuality, computer, literature, poetry, 'post-textual literacy', wac, wid, print-digital
7. Bass, Randy; Bret Eynon. (1998). Teaching culture, learning culture, and new media: An introduction and framework. Works and Days 16.1-2, 11-96.
Keywords: technology, history-course, American-culture, pedagogy, cultural-studies, discourse, internet, media, dialogue, collaboration, WAC, framework
8. Baton, Judy; Judy Williamson. (2000). The Epiphany Project. http://www.has.vcu.edu/epiphany/
Annotation: Form the website: “(1994-96) The Epiphany Project was a two-year national grant project funded by an Annenberg/CPB grant. The grant supported the project as it provided strategies and support to assist mainstream writing faculty with integrating technology into their classroom. Epiphany provided materials and workshops for over 40 institutions across the United States.” The Field Guide to 21st Century Writing offers articles on a variety of topics related to using computers in writing and teaching the use of technology in writing, including instructions in the use of MOOs, creating websites, and rhetorical considerations related to writing and teaching with technology. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: technology, pedagogy, WAC, MOO, website, rhetorical
9. Bazerman, Charles. (2007). WAC for cyborgs: Discursive thought in information rich environments. In Takayoshi, Pamela; Patricia Sullivan (Eds.), Labor, writing technologies, and the shaping of composition in the academy; Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press (pp. 97-109).
Keywords: work, work-conditions, labor, technology, pedagogy, computer literacy, digital, WAC, cyborg
10. Birken, Marcia. (1992). Writing assessment in the department of mathematics at Rochester Institute of Technology. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 346 487.
Keywords: mathematics-course, mathematics-major, assessment, college-span, WAC, exit-exam, Rochester Institute of Technology, institute
11. Borthick, A. Faye; Ronald L. Clark. (1986). The role of productive thinking in affecting student learning with microcomputers in accounting education. Accounting Review 61.1, 143-157.
Keywords: WAC, accounting-course, computer, critical-thinking, improvement, productive
12. Braytenbah, Bruce. (1977). A student looks at a technical writing course. Improving College and University Teaching 25.3, 190-191.
Keywords: civil-engineering, WAC, engineering-course, New Jersey Institute of Technology, assignment, techcom, syllabus, improvement
13. Bridwell-Bowles, Lillian; Karen E. Powell; Tiffany Walter. (2009). Not just words any more: Multimodal communication across the curriculum. Across the Disciplines 06. https://wac.colostate.edu/atd/technologies/bridwellbowlesetal.cfm
Keywords: WAC, WID, CXC, multimodal, faculty-workshop, visual, Louisiana State University, technology, change
14. Broadhead, Glenn J. (1997). Using computers in technical communication courses. ACE Journal: The Journal of the NCTE Assembly on Computers in English 01.1, 53-64.
Keywords: techcom, WAC, computer, pedagogy
15. Brown, Paula M.; Jack Slutzky. (1986). Communication: The missing link in the delivery of technical education. Teaching English to Deaf and Second-Language Students 04.3, 25-28.
Keywords: techcom, WAC, hearing-impaired, Rochester Institute of Technology, delivery
16. Bures, Eva Mary; Philip C. Abrami; Cheryl Amundsen. (2000). Student motivation to learn via computer conferencing. Research in Higher Education 41.3, 593-621.
Keywords: teleconferencing, student-motivation, self-efficacy, graduate, data, teleconference
17. Caldwell, William B., IV; interviewed by Mike Edwards; Alexis Hart. (2010). A soldier interacting, without mediation. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 14.3. http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/14.3/interviews/edwards-hart/index.html
Annotation: Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell IV has served as the military's media spokesperson for the Multi-National Force--Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom and as commander of the Army's Combined Arms Center (CAC) and Command and General Staff College (CGSC). These roles, as well as this three-star general's promotion of the Army's rhetorical concept of strategic communications and public advocacy for soldiers' use of digital media and online social networking tools, suggested a combination of interests in education, rhetoric, and technology uniquely appropriate to Kairos and to this special issue in particular. [authors]
Keywords: interview, military, social networking, technology, social, education, rhetoric, strategic communication, digital media, advocacy, agency
18. Click, Benjamin A., III. (1996). Educating students to write effectively. In Jones, Elizabeth A. (Ed.), Preparing competent college students: Setting new and higher expectations for student learning (New directions for higher education, No. 96); San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (pp. 31-44).
Keywords: pedagogy, taxonomy, expressive, cognitive, social, college-workplace, skill-level, institutional, wcenter, curriculum, WAC, resources, technology, retraining, change
19. Codespoti, Daniel J. (1994). The capstone of the C.S. major [computer science]. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 396 671.
Keywords: computer-science-course, capstone, write-to-learn, WAC
20. Coleman, Eve B. (1992). Writing to learn, writing to think in a computer course for preservice teachers. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education 08.3, 4-9.
Keywords: WAC, review-of-scholarship, computer, pre-service, syllabus, English-ed, assignment, examination, computer-course
21. Committee on Basic Issues. (1959). The basic issues in the teaching of English. A conference report. Publications of the Modern Language Association 74.4 (pt. 2), 1-12.
Keywords: English-profession, aim, competency, proficiency,basic, pedagogy, read-write, national standards, speech, class-size, work-load, drudgery, technology, audiovisual, WAC, graduate, certification, English-ed, training, rhetoric, linguistics, lit-crit, articulation, DA-degree
22. Condon, Bill, Culp, Lynn, Day, Michael, Edminster , Jude, Fitch, Kathy, Glaros, Michelle, Hochman, Will, Holt, Dan, Jonna, Hether, McIntire-Strasburg, Janice, Mayo, Lori, McLeod, Susan, Moran, Charles , Moore, Michael, Reiss, Donna, Rice, Rich, Rickly, Rebecca, Rosenberg, Martin E., Winans, Sherri, Selfe, Dickie, Whithaus, Carl, Yancey, Kathleen Blake, Young, Art , & Palmquist, Mike. (2001). Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum: A Community Discussion Drawn from Computers and Writing Online 2001. Academic.Writing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Communication Across the Curriculum, 2(1), 1-1. https://doi.org/10.37514/AWR-J.2001.2.1.04
Keywords: CAC, WAC, digital, computer, networked
23. Contributors to C&W Online 2001. (2001). FORUM: Special forum: Electronic communication across the curriculum: A community discussion drawn from Computers & Writing Online 2001. Academic.Writing 2. https://wac.colostate.edu/aw/forums/spring2001/index.htm
Annotation: This Forum provides access to an edited version of a discussion of electronic communication across the curriculum (ECAC) that took place between April 19 and 30, 2001, on the 2001 Computers & Writing Online Conference (http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/cwonline2001/). The ECAC Strand was hosted by several members of the editorial board of Academic.Writing and included participants [http://wac.colostate.edu/aw/forums/spring2001/participants.htm] from inside and outside the writing-across-the-curriculum community. Participants communicated with each other via the C&W Online electronic mail list and during a MOO session in the Connections MOO [http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/cwonline2001/archives/ecac-0425.html]. Their discussion is represented here using links among and beyond the texts that they produced. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: ECAC, WAC, WID, digital, technology, computer, new media
24. Cremona, J. (1971). Tensions of television course-writing. In Perren, G. E.; John L. M. Trim (Eds), Applications of linguistics: Selected papers of the second international congress of applied linguistics, Cambridge 1969; Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press (pp. 173-176).
Keywords: television, technology, pedagogy, tension, student-writing, WAC
25. D’Angelo, Barbara J.; Barry M. Maid. (2004). Moving beyond definitions: Implementing information literacy across the curriculum. Journal of Academic Librarianship 30.3, 212-217.
Annotation: Describes the integration of information literacy in courses in the Multimedia Writing and Technical Communication program at Arizona State East. Argues for developing library instruction modeled after writing across the curriculum programs. [Ruth Mirtz]
Keywords: program, WAC, library, information literacy, Arizona State, pedagogy, multimedia, technical-communication
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