Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.
Category: Writing in the Disciplines
Your search found 50 citations.
1. Archer, Arlene. (2011). Dealing with multimodal assignments in writing centers. Writing Lab Newsletter 35.9-10, 10-13.
Keywords: wcenter, multimodality, multimedia, multi-media, multi-modal, mixed genre, multiliteracy, multilateral, graphics, graphic elements, visuals, picture, eye-based, optical, pictorial, graph, chart, illustration, table, drawing, imagery, image, tutor-training, tutor training, training of tutors, writing center training, consultant training, communication across the curriculum, WAC/CAC, CAC/WAC, ECAC, disciplinary writing, writing in the disciplines, WID, writing across the curriculum, cross-campus, university wide, campus wide, writing-across-the-curriculum
Keywords: academic writing, argument, explanatory writing, alternative discourse, writing in the disciplines (WID), writing across the curriculum (WAC)
3. Ballentine, Brian D. (2009). Writing in the Disciplines versus Corporate Workplaces: On the Importance of Conflicting Disciplinary Discourses in the Open Source Movemement and the Value of Intellectual Property.
Across the Disciplines, 6(2), 1-13.
Keywords: WAC, WID, open-source, professional movement, social movement, ideology, conflict, academy-workplace, intellectual property, value, legal, digital, disciplinary-discourse
Annotation: Bamberg discusses the theoretical dichotomy created by writing-to-learn and writing in the disciplines philosophies. She argues that viewing these philosophies as dichotomous oversimplifies a complex relationship.
Keywords: history, WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, writing to learn
5. Basgier, Christopher & Simpson, Amber. (2020). Reflecting on the past, reconstructing the future: Faculty members’ threshold concepts for teaching writing in the disciplines.
Across the Disciplines, 17(1-2), 6-25.
Annotation: Besgier and Simpson’s qualitative study brings phenomenological research methodologies (i.e., categorizing the phenomenon of varying experiences) to the study of cross-disciplinary, process-based thinking about threshold concepts for the teaching of writing specific to--not generalizable across--disciplines and experiences (e.g., disposition, prior knowledge, novice/expert, self-identification, training). Primary findings are listed below; however, the purpose for this work, as articulated in the article, is to provide a reproducible method for mapping faculty thinking about writing instruction. The authors take as their corpus reflective narratives (oral and written) from 95 participants located in thirteen colleges across Auburn University, from which they categorize, code, and interpret participants’ individual and epistemic thinking about threshold concepts for writing instruction into narrative types. Though preliminary, Besgier and Simpson’s findings provide two significant interpretations for consideration in WAC/WID scholarship: 1) local and disciplinary dimensions are critical to understanding cross-disciplinary perceptions of threshold concepts for teaching writing, but those dimensions are incomplete if variation in experience is not also incorporated into research studies; and, 2) cross-disciplinary conceptions of writing instruction are not always in direct alignment with threshold concepts for the study of writing. (annotation by Julie Cook, UNCC)
Keywords: phenomenology, WAC/WID, threshold concepts, writing instruction
6. Bazerman, Charles; Anne Herrington. (2006). Circles of interest: The growth of research communities in WAC and WID/WIP [writing in the disciplines / writing in professions]. In McLeod, Susan H.; Margot Soven (Eds.), Composing a community: A history of writing across the curriculum; West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: WAC, history, WID, research-community
7. Bazerman, Charles; David R. Russell (Eds.). (1994). Landmark essays on writing across the curriculum (Landmark essays, Vol. 6) [reprinted pieces]. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press.
Annotation: Essays concerning the history of WAC, WAC principles, research on students and classrooms, research on writing in the disciplines. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, scholarship
8. Burnham, Christopher C. (1986). The consequences of collaboration: Discovering expressive writing in the disciplines. The Writing Instructor 06.1, 17-24.
Keywords: collaboration, expressivist, WAC, pedagogy, consequence
9. Carter, Michael. (2007). Ways of knowing, doing, and writing in the disciplines. College Composition and Communication 58.3, 385-418.
Annotation: Drawing on the North American genre theories of Carolyn Miller, David Russell, and Charles Bazerman, as well as eight years’ work with outcomes descriptions and assessments, Carter proposes that disciplines define themselves by the genres or intellectual actions central to their work. This definition has several implications: (a) it defies the late 19th century notion of university disciplines as static bodies of declarative knowledge; (b) it forwards the more recent sense of disciplines as collaborations of scholars engaged in ongoing work; (c) it draws attention to the act of writing as the means by which the essential work of all disciplines is realized; (d) it makes it inevitable that all faculty are teachers of writing; and (e) it suggests fruitful areas of cooperation among disciplines. After describing the many genres through which intellectual work is realized, Carter describes four metagenres (Problem Solving, Empirical Inquiry, Research from Sources, Performance) that name intellectual actions common to many disciplines. He suggests that by concentrating on these metagenres, university specialists in WID can help all faculty better understand and teach the genres in which they are engaged and for which they are responsible. The article closes with an appendix listing program outcomes from three academic departments at NCSU, Carter’s home institution. [A. Patricia Burnes, Supporting Undergraduate Writers Beyond the First Year, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 6]
Keywords: WID, discipline, genre, meta, multidisciplinary, cross-discipline, Dave R. Russell, Carolyn R. Miller, Charles Bazerman, WAC, epistemological, write-to-learn, outcomes
10. Colomb, Gregory G. (1988). Where should students start writing in the disciplines?. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 297 341.
Keywords: academic, skill-transfer, WAC, disciplinary, learning-theory, contextual, discipline-metaphor, outsider, growth, social
11. Durkin, Diana Bennett. (1987). Writing in the disciplines. New York: Random House.
Keywords: WAC, disciplinary
12. Ellner, Carolyn L.; Carol P. Barnes. (1982). Writing in the disciplines: An external evaluation. San Luis Obispo, CA: California Polytechnic State University.
Keywords: WID, WAC, California Polytechnic State University, faculty-workshop, student-opinion, teacher-opinion, program-validation, data, questionnaire, Likert
13. Ezell, Jeanne Ragland. (1999). Writing in the disciplines: Five qualitative case studies of college professors using writing in their teaching [doctoral thesis]. Indiana, PA: Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Keywords: WAC, case-study, disciplinary, qualitative
Keywords: George Jardine, 18th-19th-century, history, WAC, WID, tecchnical-communication, peer-evaluation, Scottish, influence, Scotland-USA, Alexander Campbell, James McCosh, pedagogy
15. Gottschalk, Katherine K. (2011). Writing from Experience: The Evolving Roles of Personal Writing in a Writing in the Disciplines Program.
Across the Disciplines, 8(1), 1-11.
Annotation: Gottschalk, a professor in the English department at Cornell, traces the history of the English 135 course offered at that university. Initially called Writing from Experience, the course began in the sixties as a way for students to eliminate the inherent limitations of writing in a particular genre. Gottschalk discusses the pedagogical evolution of the course, focusing on the politics of the academy since the sixties. She details each stage of the course’s development, as the English department transitioned into a genre-specific Writing in the Disciplines program. The course is no longer offered as a separate entity, but instead has been incorporated into the WID program, and the latter half of her article is devoted to analyzing the intersection of WID courses and expressivist writing. She advocates for keeping the essence of the English 135 course in current introductory writing courses, and she defines this essence as a balance of the personal and the professional in academic writing. By presenting anecdotal examples of courses offered at Cornell that blend the personal and the academic, she demonstrates how professors can incorporate both aspects of writing in their classes.
Keywords: WAC, WID, Cornell University, history, 20th-century, 'Writing from Experience', first-year seminar, personal experience
16. Harding, Lindsey; Robby Nadler; Paula Rawlins; Elizabeth Day; Kristen Miller; Kimberly Martin. (2020). Revising a Scientific Writing Curriculum: Wayfinding Successful Collaborations with Interdisciplinary Expertise. College Composition and Communication 72.2, 333-368.
Annotation: Interdisciplinary collaborations to help students compose for discipline-specific contexts draw on multiple expertise. Science, technology, education, and mathematics (STEM) programs particularly rely on their writing colleagues because 1) their academic expertise is often not writing and 2) teaching writing often necessitates a redesigning of existing instructional materials. While many writing studies scholars have the expertise to assist their STEM colleagues with such tasks, how to do so—and, more fundamentally, how to begin such efforts—is not commonly focused on in the literature stemming from these collaborations. Our article addresses this gap by detailing an interdisciplinary Writing in the Disciplines (WID) collaboration at a large, public R1 university between STEM and writing experts to redesign the university's introductory biology writing curriculum. The collaborative curriculum design process detailed here is presented through the lens of wayfinding, which concerns orientation, trailblazing, and moving through uncertain landscapes according to cues. Within this account, a critical focus on language—what we talk about when we talk about writing—emerges, driving both the collaboration itself and resultant curricular revisions. Our work reveals how collaborators can wayfind through interdisciplinary partnerships and writing curriculum development by transforming differences in discipline-specific expertise into a new path forward.
Keywords: science-writing, interdisciplinary, WID, WAC, STEM, collaboration, curriculum design
17. Hembroff, Larry. (1983). On writing in the disciplines. In Writing Across the Curriculum Program (Ed.), Working papers on writing and learning; Radford, VA: Radford University (pp. 8-22).
Keywords: WAC, WID, interdisciplinary
18. Herrington, Anne; Charles Moran. (1992). Writing in the disciplines: A prospect. In Herrington, Anne; Charles Moran (Eds.), Writing, teaching and learning in the disciplines; New York, NY: Modern Language Associates (pp. 231-244).
Keywords: WAC, change
19. Holder, Carol; Susan McLeod. (2006). The start of writing in the disciplines/writing across the curriculum in the California State University system. In McLeod, Susan H.; Margot Soven (Eds.), Composing a community: A history of writing across the curriculum; West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
Keywords: WAC, WID, history, California State University
20. Howard, Rebecca Moore. (1995). The Bedford guide to teaching writing in the disciplines: An instructor's desk reference. Boston, MA: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press.
Keywords: pedagogy, bibliography, WAC, disciplinary
21. Johnson, J. Paul; Ethan Krase. (2013). Affect, experience, and accomplishment: A case study of two writers, from first-year composition to writing in the disciplines. Journal of Teaching Writing 27.2, 1-26.
Keywords: skill-transfer, FYC, WID, disciplinary, case-study, writer-growth, WAC, longitudinal, first-year-senior, student-opinion, metalinguistic, individuallism, emotion, improvement
22. Jones, Gary L. (1992). Playing across the curriculum: Freshman writing as an introduction to writing in the disciplines. Issues in Writing 05.1, 54-76.
Keywords: WAC, FYC, curriculum
23. Jones, Robert W. (1997). The Harcourt Brace guide to writing in the disciplines. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Keywords: WAC, WID, disciplinary, academic
24. Kinney, Marjory Ann. (1991). Writing in the disciplines: The use of writing in the undergraduate sociology curriculum at Bowling Green State University [doctoral thesis]. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University.
Keywords: Bowling Green State University, curriculum, sociology, academic, WAC, undergraduate
25. Kirszner, Laurie G; Stephen R. Mandell; Virginia G. Polanski. (1999). The Harcourt Brace guide to documentation and writing in the disciplines. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Keywords: WAC, WID, disciplinary, academic, documentation